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Adaptive Smart Areas and Intelligent Agents

Authors: Marin Lujak; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; SARA RODRIGUEZ. Journal: Computer Science and Information Systems.Vol. 21pp. iii-iv. (2024).

Towards sustainable practices: bibliometric exploration of AI on business intelligence and data analytics

Authors: Nesreen Malkawi; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Technology Analysis and Strategic Management.pp. 1-17. (2024).

Uncovering Research Trends on Artificial Intelligence Risk Assessment in Businesses: A State-of-the-Art Perspective Using Bibliometric Analysis

Authors: MURIA-TARAZON, JUAN-CARLOS; Oltra Gutiérrez, Juan Vicente; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Escobar Román, Santiago. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 15(2025).

Leveraging Transformers-based models and linked data for deep phenotyping in radiology

Authors: Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Marco Ruiz, Luis; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Bustos-Moreno, Aurelia; de la Iglesia-Vayá, Maria ; Vallalta-Rueda, Juan Francisco. Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.Vol. 260(2025).

The Delfos Platform: A Conceptual Model-Based Solution for the Enhancement of Precision Medicine

Authors: León-Palacio, Ana; García-Simón, Alberto; Reyes-Román, José Fabián; Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.Vol. 21pp. 1242-1253. (2024). [View Publication]

An introduction to computational argumentation research from a human argumentation perspective

Authors: Ramon Ruiz-Dolz; Heras, Stella; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.(2025).

Personalized Cognitive Support via Social Robots

Authors: Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés; Marco-Detchart, Cédric; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 25pp. 1-20. (2025).

Boosting bug localization in software models of video games with simulations and component-specific genetic operations

Authors: Casamayor, Rodrigo; Arcega, Lorena; Pérez, Francisca; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.(2025).

Learning Conceptual Modeling Design Through the Classutopia Serious Game

Authors: Marín, Beatriz; Felipe Larenas; Giachetti, Giovanni. Journal: International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 28pp. 1679-1699. (2018).

Testing of model-driven development applications

Authors: Marín, Beatriz; Gallardo, Carlos; Quiroga, Diego; Giachetti, Giovanni; Serral, Estefanía. Journal: Software Quality Journal.Vol. 25(2016).

A crossover operator for objective functions defined over graph neighborhoods with interdependent and related variables

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Julian, Vicente. Journal: COMPLEX & INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.Vol. 11pp. 1-23. (2025).

Bus Ridership Prediction and Scenario Analysis through ML and Multi-Agent Simulations

Authors: Martí, Pasqual; Ibáñez-Peña, Alejandro; Julian, Vicente; Novais, Paulo; Jordán, Jaume. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.Vol. 13(2024).

Formalization and analysis of the post-quantum signature scheme FALCON with Maude

Authors: García-Valero, Víctor; Escobar Román, Santiago; Ogata, Kazuhiro. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 143(2024).

Digital Twins of Business Processes: A Research Manifesto

Authors: Fornari, Fabrizio; Ivan Compagnucci; Massimo Callisto De Donato; Yannis Bertrand; Harry H. Beyel; Carrión-Peñalba, Emilio; Marco Franceschetti; Wolfgang Groher; Joscha Grüger; Emre Kilic; Agnes Koschmider; Francesco Leotta; Chiao-Yun Li ; Giovani Lugaresi; Lukas Malburg; Juergen Mangler; Massimo Mecella; Pastor López, Oscar; Uwe Riss; Ronny Seiger; Serral Asensio, Estefanía; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Valderas, Pedro. Journal: Internet of Things.Vol. 30(2025).

Analysis of artificial intelligence models for predicting vicat temperature of various compounds based on biohdpe comparing different machine learning techniques

Authors: Llorca Alcón, Manuel; Garcia-Sanoguera, David; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Molina Picó, Antonio. Journal: DYNA Ingeniería e Industria (Online).Vol. 100pp. 90-96. (2025).

Utilizing Automatic Query Reformulations as Genetic Operations to Improve Feature Location in Software Models

Authors: Pérez, Francisca; Ziadi, Tewfik; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Vol. 48pp. 713-731. (2022). [View Publication]

Empowering the Human as the Fitness Function in Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering

Authors: Pérez, Francisca; Font, Jaime; Arcega, Lorena; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Vol. 48pp. 4553-4568. (2022). [View Publication]

How the Quality of Maintenance Tasks is Affected by Criteria for Selecting Engineers for Collaboration

Authors: Pérez, Francisca; Lapeña, Raúl; Marcén, Ana; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology.Vol. 32(2023). [View Publication]

Collaborative feature location in models through automatic query expansion

Authors: Pérez Pérez, María Francisca; Font, Jaime ; Arcega, Lorena; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Automated Software Engineering.Vol. 26pp. 161-202. (2019). [View Publication]

Topic modeling for feature location in software models: Studying both code generation and interpreted models

Authors: Pérez Pérez, María Francisca; Lapeña, Raúl; Marcén, Ana C.; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 140(2021). [View Publication]

Boosting fault localization of statements by combining topic modeling and Ochiai

Authors: Vacheret, Romain; Pérez Pérez, María Francisca; Ziadi, Tewfik; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 173(2024). [View Publication]

Uplifting edges in higher-order networks: Spectral centralities for non-uniform hypergraphs

Authors: Contreras-Aso, Gonzalo; Pérez-Corral, Cristian; Romance, Miguel . Journal: AIMS Mathematics.Vol. 9pp. 32045-32075. (2024). [View Publication]

Practical Design and Implementation of Virtual Chatbot Assistants for Bioinformatics Based on a NLU Open Framework

Authors: Elsayed, Aya Allah Ali Abedelhamed; Ahmed Ibrahem Hafez; Raquel Ceprian; Genis Martínez; Alejandro; Beatriz Soriano; Llorens, Carlos; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Big Data and Cognitive Computing.Vol. 8(2024).

Semantic Categories: Uncertainty and Similarity

Authors: Fabregat-Hernandez, Ares; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Botti, V.. Journal: Mathematical and Computational Applications (Online).Vol. 29(2024). [View Publication]

NLAS-multi: A multilingual corpus of automatically generated Natural Language Argumentation Schemes

Authors: Ruiz-Dolz, Ramon; Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José; John Lawrence; Chris Reed. Journal: Data in Brief.Vol. 57(2024).

VarClaMM: A reference meta-model to understand DNA variant classification

Authors: Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; García-Simón, Alberto; León-Palacio, Ana; A. Bernasconi; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.(2024).

CardioGraph: a platform to study variations associated with familiar cardiopathies

Authors: García-Simón, Alberto; Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; Pérez-Gómez, Ana María; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.Vol. 23(2024). [View Publication]

Automated feature extraction for planning state representation

Authors: Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Marzal Calatayud, Eliseo Jorge. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 27pp. 227-242. (2024). [View Publication]

Larger and more instructable language models become less reliable

Authors: Zhou, Lexin; Schellaert, Wout Willy M.; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Moros-Daval, Yael; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Nature.Vol. 634pp. 61-68. (2024). [View Publication]

The expression dependence graph

Authors: Galindo, Carlos; Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep. Journal: The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming.Vol. 142(2025).

Proving Confluence in the Confluence Framework with CONFident

Authors: Gutiérrez, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador; Vítores-Vicente, Miguel. Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae.Vol. 192pp. 167-217. (2024). [View Publication]

Segmentation-Free Streaming Machine Translation

Authors: Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier ; Iranzo-Sánchez, Jorge; Giménez, Adria; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Juan, Alfons. Journal: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics.Vol. 12pp. 1104-1121. (2024). [View Publication]

Artificial Punishment Signals for Guiding the Decision-Making Process of an Autonomous System

Authors: Cabrera-Paniagua, Daniel; Rubilar-Torrealba, Rolando; Castro, Nelson; Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 14(2024). [View Publication]

Journalists' Ethical Responsibility: Tackling Hate Speech Against Women Politicians in Social Media Through Natural Language Processing Techniques

Authors: Iranzo-Cabrera, M.; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Simon-Astudillo, I.; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Social Science Computer Review.(2024). [View Publication]

The impact of sociality regimes on heterogeneous cooperative-competitive multi-agent reinforcement learning: a study with the predator-prey game

Authors: Zhao, Yue; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.(2024). [View Publication]

Analysis and discovery of procrastination patterns in a language learning MOOC

Authors: Vázquez Mendoza, Jorge A. ; Ferri Ramírez, César; Monserrat, Carlos. Journal: Computers & Education.Vol. 223(2024).

Unveiling the robustness of machine learning families

Authors: Fabra-Boluda, Raúl; Ferri, C.; Ramírez Quintana, María José; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando. Journal: Machine Learning: Science and Technology.Vol. 5(2024). [View Publication]

A general supply-inspect cost framework to regulate the reliability-usability trade-offs for few-shot inference

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Jaimovitch-López, Gonzalo Eduardo; Ferri Ramírez, Cèsar; Ferri Ramírez, César; Ramírez Quintana, María José; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: COMPLEX & INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.Vol. 10pp. 8287-8317. (2024). [View Publication]

Delta GUI change detection using inferred models

Authors: Pastor-Ricós, Fernando; Marín-Campusano, Beatriz Mariela; Vos, Tanja Ernestina; Neeft, Rick ; Aho, Pekka. Journal: Computer Standards & Interfaces.Vol. 92(2025). [View Publication]

Exploring Federated Learning Tendencies Using a Semantic Keyword Clustering Approach

Authors: Enguix-Andrés, Francisco; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés. Journal: Information.Vol. 15(2024).

Combination of ESG scores and prediction-based returns using long short-term memory neural networks to generate responsible portfolios

Authors: Martínez-Barbero, Xavier; Cervelló Royo, Roberto Elías; Ribal, Javier; Jordán, Jaume. Journal: Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment.(2024).

FloBP: a model-driven approach for developing and executing IoT-enhanced business processes

Authors: Fedeli, Arianna; Fornari, Fabrizio; Polini, Andrea; Re, Barbara; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Valderas, Pedro. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.Vol. 23pp. 1217-1246. (2024). [View Publication]

A multinational study on artificial intelligence adoption: Clinical implementers' perspectives

Authors: MARCO RUIZ, LUIS; Tejedor Hernández, Miguel Angel ; Ngo, Phuong Dinh; Makhlysheva, Alexandra; Svenning, Therese Olsen; Dyb, Kari; Chomutare, Taridzo; Fernández Llatas, Carlos; Muñoz-Gama, Jorge ; Tayefi, Maryam. Journal: International Journal of Medical Informatics.Vol. 184(2024). [View Publication]

Solving the tourist trip design problem with time windows and variable profit using incremental local search

Authors: Marzal Calatayud, Eliseo Jorge; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura. Journal: Applied Soft Computing.Vol. 155(2024). [View Publication]

Generalized planning as heuristic search: A new planning search-space that leverages pointers over objects

Authors: Segovia-Aguas, Javier; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Jonsson, Anders. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 330(2024). [View Publication]

Toward the Prevention of Privacy Threats: How Can We Persuade Our Social Network Platform Users?

Authors: Ruiz-Dolz, Ramon; Alemany, José; Heras, Stella; García-Fornes, A.. Journal: Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences.Vol. 14(2024). [View Publication]

Extending the Framework for Developing Intelligent Virtual Environments (FIVE) with Artifacts for Modeling Internet of Things Devices and a New Decentralized Federated Learning Based on Consensus for Dynamic Networks

Authors: Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Rincon, Jaime Andres; Hérnandez López, Luís; Enguix, Francisco; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 24pp. 1-23. (2024). [View Publication]

Asynchronous consensus for multi-agent systems and its application to Federated Learning

Authors: Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Picó-Pascual, Aarón; M-M. Matagne; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 135pp. 1-13. (2024).

Understanding the landscape of software modelling assistants for MDSE tools: A systematic mapping

Authors: Mosquera-Tobón, Jose David; Ruiz Carmona, Luz Marcela; Pastor López, Oscar; Jürgen Spielberger. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 173pp. 107492-. (2024).

The Consolidation of Game Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review of Software Engineering for Industry-scale Computer Games

Authors: Chueca-Cerdan, Jorge; Veron-Merida, Javier; J. Font; Pérez Pérez, María Francisca; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 165(2024).

Search-based co-creation of software models: The case of particle systems for video games

Authors: Chueca, Jorge; Cetina, Carlos; Pastor, Oscar; Font, Jaime. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 171(2024).

Comparing MDD and CcD in the Bug Localization Context: An Empirical Evaluation in Video Games

Authors: Roca-Mainer, Isis; Domingo-Montes, África; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina Englada, Carlos; Lorena Arcega. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 14663pp. 581-595. (2024).

Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models

Authors: Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Transactions on Machine Learning Research.pp. 1-95. (2023).

A historical perspective of biomedical explainable AI research

Authors: Malinverno, Luca; Barros, Vesna; Ghisoni, Francesco; Visonà, Giovanni; Kern, Roman; Nickel, Philip J.; Ventura, Barbara Elvira; Simic, Ilija; Stryeck, Sarah; Manni, Francesca; Ferri Ramírez, César; Jean-Quartier, Claire; Genga, Laura; Schweikert, Gabriele; Lovric, Mario. Journal: Patterns.Vol. 4(2023). [View Publication]

Cracking black-box models: Revealing hidden machine learning techniques behind their predictions

Authors: Fabra-Boluda, Raúl; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José; Ramírez Quintana, María José; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando. Journal: Intelligent Data Analysis.(2024). [View Publication]

Model-driven gap analysis for the fulfillment of quality standards in software development processes

Authors: Giachetti Herrera, Giovanni Andrés; de la Vara González, José Luis; Marín, Beatriz. Journal: Software Quality Journal.Vol. 32pp. 255-282. (2024).

Reactivity of E-butenedial with the major atmospheric oxidants

Authors: Martín, P; Cabañas. B; Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Salgado, S; Villanueva, F; Tapia, A. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.(2013).

Atmospheric reactions between E,E-2,4-hexadienal and OH, NO3 radicals and Cl atoms

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Martín, P; Cabañas, B; Salgado,S; Martínez, E. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.(2014).

Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide Levels Monitored in an Urban Area (Ciudad Real) in Central-Southern Spain

Authors: Martín, P; Cabañas,B; Villanueva, F; Gallego, M.P; Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Salgado,S. Journal: Water Air & Soil Pollution.(2009).

Atmospheric fate of a series of furanaldehydes by their NO3 reactions

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Cabañas. B; Martínez, E; Salgado, M.S; Martín, P. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.(2012).

Field evaluation of the Analyst® passive sampler for the determination of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in indoor and outdoor ambient air

Authors: Villanueva, F; Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Mabilia, R; Scipioni, C; Cabañas, B. Journal: Analytical Methods.(2013).

UV absorption cross sections between 290 and 380 nm of a series of furanaldehydes: Estimation of their photolysis lifetimes

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; González, S; Jiménez, E; Martín, P; Salgado, S; Cabañas, B; Albaladejo, J. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.(2015).

Reaction products and mechanisms for the reaction of n-butyl vinyl ether with the oxidants OH and Cl: Atmospheric implications

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada;  Martín, P; Salgado, S; Cabañas, B; Tapia, A; Martínez, E. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.(2015).

Kinetic study of the OH, NO3 radicals and Cl atom initiated atmospheric photo-oxidation of iso-propenyl methyl ether

Authors: Taccone, R.A; Moreno, A; Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Salgado. S; Martín, M.P; Cabañas, B. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.pp. 80-89. (2016).

Analysis of reaction products formed in the gas phase reaction of E,E-2,4-hexadienal with atmospheric oxidants: Reaction mechanisms and atmospheric implications

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Martín, P; Cabañas, B; Salgado, S; Martínez, E. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.pp. 188-200. (2018).

CardioHotspots: a database of mutational hotspots for cardiac disorders

Authors: García-Simón, Alberto; Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; García-Zarzoso, Alba; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation.Vol. 2024(2024). [View Publication]

Tropospheric reactivity of 2-ethoxyethanol with OH and NO3 radicals and Cl atoms. Kinetic and mechanistic study

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Salgado S; Martín P; Aranda I; Tapia A; Cabañas B. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.Vol. 224(2020).

Evaluation of the SOA Formation in the Reaction of Furfural with Atmospheric Oxidants

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Martín P; Cabañas B; Salgado S; Villanueva F; Ballesteros B. Journal: Atmosphere.Vol. 11(2020).

Atmospheric fate of a series of saturated alcohols: kinetic and mechanistic study

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Martín P; Cabañas B; Salgado, S; Tapia A; Arada A. Journal: ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS .Vol. 12(2020).

Nanosafety Analysis of Graphene-Based Polyester Resin Composites on a Life Cycle Perspective

Authors: Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Aznar F; Heredia J.A;; Andreu O; Fito-lópez C. Journal: Nanomaterials.Vol. 12(2022).

Atmospheric degradation of two pesticides mixed with volatile organic compounds emitted by citrus trees. Ozone and secondary organic aerosol production

Authors: Muñoz, Amalia; Borrás, Esther; Vera, Teresa; Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Ródenas, Milagros; Gimeno, Cristina; Fuentes, Esther; Coscollá, Clara; Calvete-Sogo, Héctor. Journal: Atmospheric Environment.(2023). [View Publication]

Investigating the Legality of Bias Mitigation Methods in the United Kingdom

Authors: M. Jorgensen; M Waller; O Cocarascu; Criado Pacheco, Natalia; O Rodrigues; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; E. Black. Journal: IEEE Technology and Society Magazine.pp. 87-94. (2023).

SkillVet: Automated Traceability Analysis of Amazon Alexa Skills

Authors: J Edu; X. Ferrer-Aran; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; G Suarez-Tangil. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.Vol. 20pp. 161-175. (2023).

MalProtect: Stateful Defense Against Adversarial Query Attacks in ML-Based Malware Detection

Authors: Rashid, A; Such Aparicio, José Miguel. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.Vol. 18pp. 4361-4376. (2023).

Heuristic search of optimal machine teaching curricula

Authors: Manuel García-Piqueras; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Machine Learning.(2023).

Computational Affective Knowledge Representation for Agents Located in a Multicultural Environment

Authors: Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José; Brännström, Andreas; Durães, Dalila; Vivancos, Emilio; Novais, Paulo; Nieves, Juan Carlos; Botti V.. Journal: Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences.Vol. 14(2024). [View Publication]

The Delfos Platform: A Conceptual Model-Based Solution for the Enhancement of Precision Medicine

Authors: León-Palacio, Ana; García-Simón, Alberto; Reyes-Román, José Fabián; Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.(2024).

Análisis comparativo de redes neuronales profundas para la predicción del precio de mercado de Bitcoin

Authors: López-García, Aarón. Journal: Rect@. Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de ASEPUMA.Vol. 24pp. 1-16. (2023).

Research opportunities for argumentation in social networks

Authors: Heras, Stella; Botti V.; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Artificial Intelligence Review.Vol. 39pp. 39-62. (2013).

Can artificial neural networks help the experimentation in catalysis?

Authors: Serra Alfaro, José Manuel; Corma Canós, Avelino; Chica, Antonio; Argente, Estefanía; Botti, V.. Journal: Catalysis Today.Vol. 81pp. 393-403. (2003). [View Publication]

Application of artificial neural networks to high-throughput synthesis of zeolites

Authors: Moliner Marin, Manuel; Serra, J. M.; Corma Canós, Avelino; Argente, Estefanía; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Botti, V.. Journal: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials.Vol. 78pp. 73-81. (2005). [View Publication]

Recognition of Human Actions through Speech or Voice Using Machine Learning Techniques

Authors: Peña-Cáceres, O; Silva-Marchan, H; Albert Albiol, Manuela; Gil Pascual, Miriam. Journal: CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua.Vol. 77pp. 1873-1891. (2023).

Formal Analysis of Post-Quantum Hybrid Key Exchange SSH Transport Layer Protocol

Authors: Tran, Duong Dinh; Ogata, Kazuhiro; Escobar Román, Santiago; Akleylek, Sedat; Otmani, Ayoub. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 12pp. 1672-1687. (2024). [View Publication]

Local confluence of conditional and generalized term rewriting systems

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 136(2024). [View Publication]

An Academic Performance Indicator Using Flexible Multi-Criteria Methods

Authors: O. Blasco-Blasco; Liern-Garcia, Marina; López-García, Aarón; Sandra E. Parada-Rico. Journal: Mathematics .Vol. 9(2021).

Application of Machine Vision Techniques in Low-Cost Devices to Improve Efficiency in Precision Farming

Authors: Jaramillo-Hernández, Juan Felipe; Jaramillo-Hernández, Juan Felipe; Julian, Vicente; Marco-Detchart, Cédric; Rincón, Jaime Andrés. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 24(2024). [View Publication]

Determining the underlying role of corporate sustainability criteria in a ranking problem using UW-TOPSIS

Authors: López-García, Aarón; VICENTE LIERN CARRIÓN; BLANCA PÉREZ-GLADISH. Journal: Annals of Operations Research (Online).(2023).

Early detection of students' failure using Machine Learning techniques

Authors: López-García, Aarón; Liern-Garcia, Marina; O. Blasco-Blasco; Sandra E. Parada-Rico. Journal: Operations Research Perspectives.Vol. 11pp. 100292-. (2023).


Authors: Silva, Josep. Journal: Electronics .(2023).

Exposure Assessment and Risk Characterization of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials at Different Production Scales

Authors: Fito López, Carlos ; Colmenar-González, Inmaculada; Andreu Sánchez, Oscar ; Vela, Verónica ; Domat Rodríguez, Maidá . Journal: Sustainability.Vol. 15(2023). [View Publication]

Flexible Agent Architecture: Mixing Reactive and Deliberative Behaviors in SPADE

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian, Vicente; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 12(2023). [View Publication]

Strand Spaces with Choice via a Process Algebra Semantics

Authors: Yang, Fan; Escobar Román, Santiago; Catherine Meadows; José Meseguer; Santiago Pinazo, Sonia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .(2023).

Hybrid post-quantum Transport Layer Security formal analysis in Maude-NPA and its parallel version

Authors: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST); Canh Minh Do; Escobar Román, Santiago; Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). Journal: PeerJ Computer Science.(2023).

Training Data Scientists Through Project-Based Learning

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal .Vol. 18pp. 295-304. (2023). [View Publication]

Trends in AI inference energy consumption: Beyond the performance-vs-parameter laws of deep learning

Authors: Desislavov, Radosvet; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems.Vol. 38pp. 1-17. (2023). [View Publication]

Towards an Affective Intelligent Agent Model for Extrinsic Emotion Regulation

Authors: Picó-Pascual, Aarón; Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José; Vivancos, Emilio; Botti V.; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Systems.Vol. 12pp. 1-16. (2024).

An inter-specialty cancer training programme curriculum for Europe

Authors: Benstead, Kim; Brandl, Andreas; Brouwers, Ton; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Collen, Sarah; Csaba, Degi L.; De Munter, Johan; Dewitte, Marieke; Diez de los Rios, Celia; Dodlek, Nikolina; Eriksen, Jesper G.; Forget, Patrice; Gasparatto, Chiara; Geissler, Jan; Hall, Corinne; Juan, Alfons; Kalz, Marco; Kelly, Richard; Klis, Giorgos; Kulaksiz, Taibe; Lecoq, Carine; Marangoni, Francesca; McInally, Wendy; Oliver, Kathy; Popovics, Maria; Poulios, Christos; Price, Richard; Rollo, Irena; Romeo, Silvia; Steinbacher, Jana; Sulosaari, Virpi; O'Higgins, Niall. Journal: European Journal of Surgical Oncology.Vol. 49(2023). [View Publication]

Virtual Reality and Language Models, a New Frontier in Learning

Authors: Izquierdo-Domenech, Juan; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Ferri-Molla, Isabel. Journal: International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence .Vol. 8pp. 46-54. (2024). [View Publication]

On the Interaction between the Search Parameters and the Nature of the Search Problems in Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering

Authors: Roca-Mainer, Isis; J. Font; Lorena Arcega; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Software Practice and Experience.Vol. 54pp. 1312-1336. (2024).

Improving the identification of relevant variants in genome information systems: A methodological approach with a case study on early onset Alzheimer's disease

Authors: Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; León-Palacio, Ana; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 151(2024). [View Publication]

A flexible approach for Demand-Responsive Public Transport in rural areas

Authors: Pasqual Martí; Jordán, Jaume; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Computer Science and Information Systems.Vol. 21pp. 245-267. (2024).

Membrane computing simulation of sexually transmitted bacterial infections in hotspots of individuals with various risk behaviors.

Authors: Campos Frances, Marcelino; JC Galán; Mario Rodríguez-Domínguez; Sempere Luna, José María; Llorens, Carlos; Baquero, Fernando. Journal: Microbiology Spectrum.Vol. 12(2024).

A detailed analysis of the interpretability of CNNs for text classification

Authors: Maite Giménez; Fabregat-Hernandez, Ares; Raül Fabra-Boluda; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Botti V.. Journal: Logic Journal of IGPL.(2023).

Exploring explainable AI: category theory insights into machine learning algorithms

Authors: Fabregat-Hernandez, Ares; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Botti, V.. Journal: Machine Learning: Science and Technology.Vol. 4(2023). [View Publication]

Co-evolving scenarios and simulated players to locate bugs that arise from the interaction of software models of video games

Authors: Roca-Mainer, Isis; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina Englada, Carlos; Arcega, Lorena . Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 169(2024). [View Publication]

Field-sensitive program slicing

Authors: Galindo, Carlos; Jens Krinke; Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 210(2024).

Modelling and verification of post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms using Maude

Authors: García, Víctor; Escobar Román, Santiago; Ogata, Kazuhiro; Akleylek, Sedat; Otmani, Ayoub. Journal: PeerJ Computer Science.Vol. 9(2023). [View Publication]

Gender differences and trends in the use of wearables in marathons

Authors: Lluch Crespo, Javier; Abad Cerdá, Francisco José; Calduch-Losa, Ángeles; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Juan, M.-Carmen. Journal: Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship.Vol. 3pp. 1-7. (2024). [View Publication]

Towards Agrirobot Digital Twins: Agri-RO5—A Multi-Agent Architecture for Dynamic Fleet Simulation

Authors: Gutiérrez Cejudo, Jorge ; Enguix Andrés, Francisco; Lujak, Marin ; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Fernandez, Alberto; Hérnandez López, Luís. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 13(2024). [View Publication]

Studying the Influence and Distribution of the Human Effort in a Hybrid Fitness Function for Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering

Authors: Casamayor, Rodrigo; Cetina Englada, Carlos; Pastor López, Oscar; Pérez Pérez, María Francisca. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Vol. 49pp. 5189-5202. (2023). [View Publication]

Comparing software product lines and Clone and Own for game software engineering under two paradigms: Model-driven development and code-driven development

Authors: Chueca, Jorge; Trasobares, Jose Ignacio; Domingo, África; Lorena, Arcega; Cetina, Carlos; Jaime, Font. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 205(2023).

Abstractive Summarizers Become Emotional on News Summarization

Authors: Ahuir-Esteve, Vicent; González, José-Ángel ; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 14(2024). [View Publication]

Using Ecological Momentary Assessment and Machine Learning techniques to predict depressive symptoms in emerging adults

Authors: De la Barrera, Usue; Arrigoni, Flavia; Monserrat, C.; Montoya-Castilla, Inmaculada; Gil-Gómez, José-Antonio. Journal: Psychiatry Research.Vol. 332pp. 1-10. (2024). [View Publication]

A Methodological Framework for Designing Personalised Training Programs to Support Personnel Upskilling in Industry 5.0

Authors: Fraile Gil, Francisco; Psarommatis, Foivos; Alarcón Valero, Faustino; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi. Journal: Computers.Vol. 12pp. 1-26. (2023). [View Publication]

A hybrid approach for expressive numeric and temporal planning with control parameters

Authors: Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Marzal Calatayud, Eliseo Jorge. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 242(2024). [View Publication]

Optimization of Rural Demand-Responsive Transportation through Transfer Point Allocation

Authors: Martí, Pasqual; Jordán, Jaume; de la Prieta, Fernando ; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 12(2023). [View Publication]

The consequences of data dispersion in genomics: a comparative analysis of data sources for precision medicine

Authors: Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; García-Simón, Alberto; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.Vol. 23(2023). [View Publication]

Persuasion-enhanced computational argumentative reasoning through argumentation-based persuasive frameworks

Authors: Ruiz-Dolz, Ramon; Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José; Heras, Stella; García-Fornes, A.. Journal: User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction.Vol. 34pp. 229-258. (2023). [View Publication]

Environment awareness, multimodal interaction, and intelligent assistance in industrial augmented reality solutions with deep learning

Authors: Izquierdo-Domenech, Juan; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Ferri-Mollá, Isabel. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.Vol. 83pp. 49567-49594. (2023). [View Publication]

Including business strategy in model-driven methods: an experiment

Authors: Noel-Lopez, Rene; Panach, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Requirements Engineering.Vol. 28pp. 411-440. (2023). [View Publication]

An intelligent conversational agent for educating the general public about HIV

Authors: Moreno-Teodoro, Joan Ciprià; Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Julian, Vicente; Botti, V.. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 563pp. 1-20. (2023). [View Publication]

Large Language Models for in Situ Knowledge Documentation and Access With Augmented Reality

Authors: Izquierdo-Domenech, Juan; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Ferri-Molla, Isabel. Journal: International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence .(2023). [View Publication]

Computational approaches to Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Advances in theory, applications and trends

Authors: Julian, Vicente. Journal: Information Fusion.Vol. 100(2023).

A Family of Experiments to Compare Two Model-Driven Development Tools vs a Traditional Development Method

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar; JURISTO, NATALIA . Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Vol. 48pp. 4802-4817. (2022). [View Publication]

A Model to Support Collective Reasoning: Formalization, Analysis and Computational Assessment

Authors: J. Ganzer; Criado Pacheco, Natalia; M. Lopez-Sanchez; S. Parsons; J. A. Rodriguez-Aguilar. Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Vol. 77pp. 1021-1086. (2023).

Actigraphy Analysis of Sleep Associates with Salivary IL-6 Concentration in Institutionalized Older Individuals

Authors: Ibáñez-del Valle, Vanessa; Mafla-España, Mayra Alejandra; Silva, Josep; Cauli, Omar. Journal: Diseases.Vol. 11(2023). [View Publication]

Performance of Nursing Students with a Graphic Novel and a Collaborative Quiz Competition: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Authors: Navarro-Martínez, Olga; Silva, Josep; Ibáñez del Valle, Vanessa . Journal: Education Sciences.Vol. 13(2023). [View Publication]

Modeling Markov sources and hidden Markov models by P systems

Authors: Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Journal of Membrane Computing.Vol. 5pp. 161-169. (2023).

Towards understanding students' sensemaking of test case design

Authors: Doorn, Niels; Vos, Tanja Ernestina; Marín-Campusano, Beatriz Mariela. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 146(2023). [View Publication]

An empirical experiment of a usability requirements elicitation method to design GUIs based on interviews

Authors: Ormeño Ayala, Yeshica Isela; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 164(2023). [View Publication]

Comparing computational algorithms for team formation in the classroom: a classroom experience

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Palomares Chust, Alberto; Teruel Serrano, Mª Dolores. Journal: Applied Intelligence.Vol. 53pp. 23883-23904. (2023). [View Publication]

Consensus-Based Learning for MAS: Definition, Implementation and Integration in IVEs

Authors: Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Enguix Andrés, Francisco; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés. Journal: International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence .Vol. 8pp. 21-32. (2023).

A Survey on Demand-Responsive Transportation for Rural and Interurban Mobility

Authors: Pasqual Martí; Jordán, Jaume; Angelica Gonzalez Arrieta; Julian, Vicente. Journal: International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence .Vol. 8pp. 43-54. (2023).

Multilevel methodology applied to the study of housing supply in Barcelona: a comprehensive analysis

Authors: González Jiménez, Adrián; Llorca Ponce, Alicia; Valero Cubas, Soledad. Journal: Scientific Journal of Applied Social and Clinical Science.Vol. 3pp. 1-10. (2023). [View Publication]

A unified constraint-based approach for plan and goal recognition from unreliable observations

Authors: Garrido, Antonio. Journal: Knowledge-Based Systems.Vol. 278(2023). [View Publication]

Artificial Intelligence Solutions and Applications for Distributed Systems in Smart Spaces

Authors: Corchado, Juan M.; Rodriguez, Sara; de la Prieta, Fernando ; Sitek, Pawel ; Julian, Vicente; Mehmood, Rashid . Journal: Electronics .Vol. 12(2023). [View Publication]

An Efficient Canonical Narrowing Implementation with Irreducibility and SMT Constraints for Generic Symbolic Protocol Analysis

Authors: López-Rueda, Raúl; Escobar Román, Santiago; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 135(2023). [View Publication]

Detection and nudge-intervention on sensitive information in social networks

Authors: Alemany, J.; Botti-Cebriá, V.; Del Val Noguera, Elena; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Logic Journal of IGPL.Vol. 30pp. 942-953. (2022). [View Publication]

Model-to-Model Transformation: From UML Class Diagrams to Labeled Property Graphs

Authors: León-Palacio, Ana; Santos, Maribel ; García-Simón, Alberto; Casamayor Rodenas, Juan Carlos; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Business & Information Systems Engineering.Vol. 66pp. 85-110. (2023). [View Publication]

Systematic Review of Aggregation Functions Applied to Image Edge Detection

Authors: Amorim, Miqueias ; Dimuro, Graçaliz; Borges, Eduardo ; Dalmazo, Bruno L. ; Marco-Detchart, Cédric; Lucca, Giancarlo; Bustince, Humberto. Journal: Axioms.Vol. 12(2023). [View Publication]

PoliViews: A comprehensive and modular approach to the conceptual modeling of genomic data

Authors: Bernasconi, Anna; García-Simón, Alberto; Ceri, Stefano; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 147(2023). [View Publication]

Assessing the value of ontologically unpacking a conceptual model for human genomics

Authors: García-Simón, Alberto; Bernasconi, Anna; Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Pastor López, Oscar; Storey, Veda C.; Panach, Ignacio. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 118(2023). [View Publication]

Your Prompt is My Command: On Assessing the Human-Centred Generality of Multimodal Models

Authors: Schellaert, Wout Willy M.; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Karina Vold; John Burden; PAM Casares; Bao Sheng Loe; Roi Reichart; Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh; Anna Korhonen; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Vol. 77pp. 377-394. (2023).

Rethink reporting of evaluation results in AI

Authors: Burnell, Ryan; Schellaert, Wout Willy M.; Burden, John; Ullman, Tomer D.; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Tenenbaum, Joshua B.; Rutar, Danaja; Cheke, Lucy G.; Sohl-Dickstein, Jascha; Mitchell, Melanie; Kiela, Douwe; Shanahan, Murray; Voorhees, Ellen M.; Cohn, Anthony; Leibo, Joel Z.; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Science.Vol. 380pp. 136-138. (2023). [View Publication]

A model-driven approach to adopt good practices for agile process configuration and certification

Authors: Giachetti Herrera, Giovanni Andrés; de la Vara, José Luis; Marín-Campusano, Beatriz Mariela. Journal: Computer Standards & Interfaces.Vol. 86(2023). [View Publication]

Maximal and minimal dynamic Petri net slicing

Authors: Llorens Agost, María Luisa; Oliver Villarroya, Javier; Silva, Josep; Tamarit, S.. Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae.Vol. 188pp. 239-267. (2023). [View Publication]

Discovering and Interpreting Biased Concepts in Online Communities

Authors: X. Ferrer-Aran; T. van Nuenen; Criado Pacheco, Natalia; Such Aparicio, José Miguel. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.Vol. 35pp. 3672-3683 . (2023).

Gramian angular fields for leveraging pretrained computer vision models with anomalous diffusion trajectories

Authors: Garibo-i-Orts, Óscar; Firbas, Nicolás; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Conejero, J. Alberto. Journal: Physical Review E .Vol. 107pp. 1-16. (2023). [View Publication]

Best-response planning for urban fleet coordination

Authors: Martí, Pasqual; Jordán, Jaume; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Neural Computing and Applications.Vol. 35pp. 17599-17618. (2023). [View Publication]

13th Workshop on Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation (A-TEST 2022) co-located with ESEC/FSE conference

Authors: Akos Kiss; Marín, Beatriz; Mehrdad Saadatmand. Journal: Software Engineering Notes.(2023).

Scripted and scriptless GUI testing for web applications: An industrial case

Authors: Bons, Axel; Marín-Campusano, Beatriz Mariela; Aho, Pekka; Vos, Tanja Ernestina. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 158pp. 1-16. (2023). [View Publication]

Mastering Agile Practice Adoption through a Model-Driven Approach for the Combination of Development Methods

Authors: Giachetti Herrera, Giovanni Andrés; Vara González, José Luis de la ; Marín, Beatriz. Journal: Business & Information Systems Engineering.Vol. 65pp. 103-125. (2022). [View Publication]

Evaluating the benefits of empowering model-driven development with a machine learning classifier

Authors: Marcén, Ana C.; Pérez, Francisca; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: Software Practice and Experience.Vol. 52pp. 2439-2455. (2022). [View Publication]

System: A core conceptual modeling construct for capturing complexity

Authors: Lukyanenko, Roman; Storey, Veda C.; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 141pp. 1-29. (2022). [View Publication]

Teaching Modeling in the Time of Agile Development

Authors: Pastor López, Oscar; A. Pierantonio; GUSTAVO ROSSI. Journal: Computer.Vol. 55pp. 73-76. (2022).

Leveraging execution traces to enhance traceability links recovery in BPMN models

Authors: Lapeña, Raúl; Pérez, Francisca; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 146pp. 1-14. (2022). [View Publication]

Enhancing software model encoding for feature location approaches based on machine learning techniques

Authors: Marcen-Terraza, Ana Cristina; Pérez Pérez, María Francisca; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.(2021).

Mapping avocado in Michoacán with Sentinel-2 images and a mixed methodology

Authors: España Boquera, Maria Luisa; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; España Boquera, Salvador. Journal: Revista de Geografía Agrícola.Vol. 69pp. 61-80. (2022). [View Publication]

A Spanish dataset for reproducible benchmarked offline handwriting recognition

Authors: España Boquera, Salvador; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose. Journal: Language Resources and Evaluation.Vol. 56pp. 1009-1022. (2022). [View Publication]

Distributed state model inference for scriptless GUI testing

Authors: Pastor-Ricós, Fernando; Arend Slomp; Marín, Beatriz; Open Universiteit; Vos, Tanja Ernestina. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 200pp. 1-18. (2023). [View Publication]

Plan commitment: Replanning versus plan repair

Authors: Babli, Mohannad; Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 123(2023). [View Publication]

Can language models automate data wrangling?

Authors: Jaimovitch-López, Gonzalo; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Machine Learning.Vol. 112pp. 2053-2082. (2023). [View Publication]

Automating data science

Authors: De Bie, Tijl; De Raedt, Luc; Hernández-Orallo, José; Hoos, Holger H.; Smyth, Padhraic; Williams, Christopher K. I.. Journal: Communications of the ACM.Vol. 65pp. 76-87. (2022). [View Publication]

Direct Human-AI Comparison in the Animal-AI Environment

Authors: Voudouris, Konstantinos; Crosby, Matthew; Beyret, Benjamin; Hernández-Orallo, José; Shanahan, Murray; Halina, Marta; Cheke, Lucy G.. Journal: Frontiers in Psychology.Vol. 13pp. 1-22. (2022). [View Publication]

E-learning University Evaluation through Sentiment Analysis Centered on User Experience Dimensions

Authors: Sanchis-Font, Rosario; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Jorda-Albiñana, Begoña; López-Cuerva, Luis. Journal: DYNA Ingeniería e Industria (Online).Vol. 98pp. 147-153. (2023). [View Publication]

Evaluación del aprendizaje en línea universitario mediante análisis de sentimiento centrado en dimensiones de experiencia de usuario

Authors: Sanchis-Font, Rosario; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Jorda-Albiñana, Begoña; Luis López Cuerva. Journal: Dyna: Ingeniería e Industria.Vol. 98pp. 147-153. (2023).

COVID-19 outbreaks analysis in the Valencian Region of Spain in the prelude of the third wave

Authors: Fuente, David; Hervás-Marín, David; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Conejero, J. Alberto; Oliver, Nuria. Journal: Frontiers in Public Health.Vol. 10pp. 1-14. (2022). [View Publication]

Modeling and verification of the post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism KYBER using Maude

Authors: García, Víctor; Escobar Román, Santiago; Ogata, Kazuhiro. Journal: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.Vol. 3280pp. 32-49. (2022). [View Publication]

A CBR for integrating sentiment and stress analysis for guiding users on social network sites

Authors: Aguado, Guillem; Julian, Vicente; García-Fornes, A; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 208pp. 1-15. (2022). [View Publication]

Towards an Interdisciplinary Development of IoT-Enhanced Business Processes

Authors: Valderas, Pedro; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Serral Asensio, Estefanía. Journal: Business & Information Systems Engineering.Vol. 65pp. 25-48. (2023). [View Publication]

A Solidity implementation of TAVS

Authors: Larriba-Flor, Antonio Manuel; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Frontiers in Block Chain.Vol. 6(2023). [View Publication]

Special Issue on Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: Julian, Vicente; Botti V.. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 13pp. 1-3. (2023).

Robust Multi-Sensor Consensus Plant Disease Detection Using the Choquet Integral

Authors: Marco-Detchart, Cedric; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian, Vicente; Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 23(2023). [View Publication]

From Restricted Equivalence Functions on Ln to Similarity measures between fuzzy multisets

Authors: Ferrero-Jaurrieta, Mikel; Takac, Zdenko; Iosu Rodríguez-Martínez; Marco-Detchart, Cédric; Bernardini, Angela; Javier Fernández; Carlos Lopez-Molina; Bustince, Humberto. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.pp. 1-14. (2023).

Interurban charging station network: An evolutionary approach

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Martí, Pasqual; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Julian, Vicente; Botti V.. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 529pp. 214-221. (2023). [View Publication]

Optimizing Maude Programs via Program Specialization

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis, Demis; Escobar Román, Santiago; José Meseguer; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .(2023).

Automated Synthesis of Software Contracts with KindSpec

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Villanueva, Alicia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 51-71. (2023).

Safety Enforcement via Programmable Strategies in Maude

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis, Demis; Escobar Román, Santiago; Galán-Pascual, Daniel; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 132(2023).

Microservice Compositions based on the choreography of BPMN fragments. Facing Evolution Issues

Authors: Ortiz-Amaya, Jesús; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Valderas, Pedro. Journal: Computing.Vol. 105pp. 375-416. (2023). [View Publication]

Exception-sensitive program slicing

Authors: Galindo, Carlos; Pérez, Sergio; Silva, Josep. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 130(2023). [View Publication]

Non-identical parallel machines batch processing problem with release dates, due dates and variable maintenance activity to minimize total tardiness

Authors: Beldar, Pedram; Moghtader, Milad; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Ansaripoord, Amir Hossein. Journal: Computers & Industrial Engineering.Vol. 168pp. 1-28. (2022). [View Publication]

Learning cost action planning models with perfect precision via constraint propagation

Authors: Garrido, Antonio. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 628pp. 148-176. (2023). [View Publication]

Attentional Extractive Summarization

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; García-Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 13pp. 1-22. (2023). [View Publication]

Client Applications and Server-Side Docker for Management of RNASeq and/or VariantSeq Workflows and Pipelines of the GPRO Suite

Authors: Hafez, Ahmed Ibrahem; Soriano, Beatriz; Elsayed, Aya Allah ; Futami, Ricardo; Ceprian, Raquel; Ramos-Ruiz, Ricardo; Martínez, Genis; Roig, Francisco Jose; Torres-Font, Miguel Ángel; Naya-Catala, Fernando; Calduch-Giner, Josep Alvar; Trilla-Fuertes, Lucia; Gamez-Pozo, Angelo; Arnau, Vicente; Sempere Luna, José María; Perez-Sanchez, Jaume; Gabaldon, Toni; Llorens, Carlos. Journal: Genes.Vol. 14(2023). [View Publication]

SUVS: Secure Unencrypted Voting Scheme

Authors: Larriba, Antonio M.; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Informatica.Vol. 33pp. 749-769. (2022). [View Publication]

How to grant anonymous access

Authors: Larriba, Antonio M.; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.Vol. 18pp. 613-625. (2023). [View Publication]

Toward Autonomous and Distributed Intersection Management with Emergency Vehicles

Authors: Gonzalez-Pinzon, Cesar Leonardo; Santiago L. Delgado; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Luis Niño; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 11pp. 1-13. (2022). [View Publication]

The challenge of managing the evolution of genomics data over time: a conceptual model-based approach

Authors: García-Simón, Alberto; Costa-Sánchez, Mireia; León-Palacio, Ana; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: BMC Bioinformatics.Vol. 23pp. 1-32. (2022). [View Publication]

Simulating the efficacy of vaccines on the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in a membrane computing model

Authors: Campos Frances, Marcelino; Sempere Luna, José María; Galán, Juan C.; Moya, Andrés; Cantón, Rafael; Llorens, Carlos; Baquero, Fernando. Journal: microLife.Vol. 3pp. 1-13. (2022). [View Publication]

Program slicing of Java programs

Authors: Galindo, Carlos; Pérez, Sergio; Silva, Josep. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 130(2023). [View Publication]

Integration of clinical and genomic data to enhance precision medicine: a case of study applied to the retina-macula

Authors: REYES ROMÁN, JOSÉ FABIÁN; León-Palacio, Ana; García-Simón, Alberto; Cabrera Beyrouti, Ruben; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.Vol. 22pp. 159-174. (2023). [View Publication]

A New Methodological Framework for Project Design to Analyse and Prevent Students from Dropping Out of Higher Education

Authors: Flores, Vaneza; Heras, Stella; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 11pp. 1-19. (2022). [View Publication]

Towards achieving a high degree of situational awareness and multimodal interaction with AR and semantic AI in industrial applications

Authors: Izquierdo-Doménech, Juan; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Orta-López, Jorge. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.Vol. 82pp. 15875-15901. (2023). [View Publication]

Testing Optomechanical Microwave Oscillators for SATCOM Application

Authors: Mercadé, Laura; Rico, Eloy; Ruiz-Garnica, Jesús; Gómez, Juan Carlos; Griol Barres, Amadeu; Piqueras, Miguel A.; Martínez, Alejandro; Duarte, Vanessa C.. Journal: Journal of Lightwave Technology.Vol. 40pp. 4539-4547. (2022). [View Publication]

A framework for conceptual characterization of ontologies and its application in the cybersecurity domain

Authors: Franco Martins, Beatriz; Serrano-Gil, Lenin Javier; REYES ROMÁN, JOSÉ FABIÁN; Panach, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar; Hadad, Moshe; Rochwerger, Benny. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.Vol. 21pp. 1437-1464. (2022). [View Publication]

Procedural content improvement of game bosses with an evolutionary algorithm

Authors: Blasco, Daniel; Font, Jaime; Pérez, Francisca; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.Vol. 82pp. 10277-10309. (2022). [View Publication]

A Partial Evaluation Methodology for Optimizing Rewrite Theories Incrementally

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis, Demis; Escobar Román, Santiago; Galán-Pascual, Daniel; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: MethodsX.Vol. 9pp. 1-10. (2022). [View Publication]

A Comprehensive Framework for Learning Declarative Action Models

Authors: Aineto, Diego; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Vol. 74pp. 1091-1123. (2022). [View Publication]

Multimodal Classification of Teaching Activities from University Lecture Recordings

Authors: Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 12pp. 1-18. (2022). [View Publication]

An Advanced Search System to Manage SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Data Using a Model-Driven Development Approach

Authors: León-Palacio, Ana; García-Simón, Alberto; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 10pp. 43528-43534. (2022). [View Publication]

Taxi services and the carsharing alternative: a case study of valencia city

Authors: Martí, Pasqual; Jordán, Jaume; Chamoso, Pablo; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering.Vol. 19pp. 6680-6698. (2022). [View Publication]

Challenges for Model-Driven Development of Strategically Aligned Information Systems

Authors: Noel-Lopez, Rene; Panach, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 10pp. 38237-38253. (2022). [View Publication]

A Constraint-based Approach to Learn Temporal Features on Action Models from Multiple Plans

Authors: Garrido, Antonio. Journal: Constraints.Vol. 27pp. 134-160. (2022). [View Publication]

Generating networks of genetic processors

Authors: Campos Frances, Marcelino; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.Vol. 23pp. 133-155. (2022). [View Publication]

Measuring the Occupational Impact of AI: Tasks, Cognitive Abilities and AI Benchmarks

Authors: Tolan, Songül; Pesole, Annarosa; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Fernández-Macías, Enrique; Hernández-Orallo, José; Gómez, Emilia. Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Vol. 71pp. 191-236. (2021). [View Publication]

Futures of artificial intelligence through technology readiness levels

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Gómez, Emilia; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Telematics and Informatics.Vol. 58pp. 1-37. (2021). [View Publication]

FLaMAS: Federated Learning Based on a SPADE MAS

Authors: Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés; Julian, Vicente; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 12pp. 1-14. (2022). [View Publication]

Research community dynamics behind popular AI benchmarks

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Barredo, Pablo; Ó HÉigeartaigh, Seán; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Nature Machine Intelligence .Vol. 3pp. 581-589. (2021). [View Publication]

General intelligence disentangled via a generality metric for natural and artificial intelligence

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José; Loe, Bao Sheng; Cheke, Lucy; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Heigeartaigh, Sean O.. Journal: Scientific Reports.Vol. 11pp. 1-16. (2021). [View Publication]

Causal-Consistent Replay Reversible Semantics for Message Passing Concurrent Programs

Authors: Lanese, Ivan; Palacios, Adrián; Vidal, Germán. Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae.Vol. 178pp. 229-266. (2021). [View Publication]

Electric vehicle charging stations emplacement using genetic algorithms and agent-based simulation

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Martí, Pasqual; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 197pp. 1-15. (2022). [View Publication]

Missing the missing values: The ugly duckling of fairness in machine learning

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Ferri Ramírez, César; Nieves, David; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Systems.Vol. 36pp. 3217-3258. (2021). [View Publication]

Spillover Algorithm: A decentralised coordination approach for multi-robot production planning in open shared factories

Authors: Lujak, Marin; Fernandez Gil, Alberto; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.Vol. 70pp. 1-12. (2021). [View Publication]

Evaluating Model-Driven Development Claims with Respect to Quality: A Family of Experiments

Authors: Panach, Jose Ignacio; Dieste, Óscar; Marín, Beatriz; España, Sergio; Vegas, Sira; Pastor López, Oscar; Juristo, Natalia. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Vol. 47pp. 130-145. (2021). [View Publication]

Are requirements elicitation sessions influenced by participants' gender? An empirical experiment

Authors: Díaz, Eduardo; Panach, José Ignacio; Rueda, Silvia; Ruiz, Marcela; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 204pp. 1-17. (2021). [View Publication]

On the Representativeness of OpenStreetMap for the Evaluation of Country Tourism Competitiveness

Authors: Bustamante, Alexander; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information .Vol. 10pp. 1-22. (2021). [View Publication]

Developing IoT Artifacts in a MAS Platform

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés; Julian, Vicente; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 11pp. 1-16. (2022). [View Publication]

Towards the Prioritised Use of Transportation Infrastructures: The Case of Vehicle-Specific Dynamic Access Restrictions in City Centres

Authors: Billhardt, Holger; Fernández, Alberto; Martí, Pasqual; Prieto Tejedor, Javier; Ossowski, Sascha. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 11pp. 1-18. (2022). [View Publication]

Neuro-inspired edge feature fusion using Choquet integrals

Authors: Marco-Detchart, Cédric; Lucca, Giancarlo; Lopez-Molina, Carlos; De Miguel, Laura; Pereira Dimuro, Graçaliz; Bustince, Humberto. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 581pp. 740-754. (2021). [View Publication]

A survey on matching strategies for boundary image comparison and evaluation

Authors: Lopez Molina, Carlos ; Marco-Detchart, Cedric; Bustince, H.; De Baets, B.. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 115pp. 1-13. (2021). [View Publication]

Comparison of Predictive Models with Balanced Classes Using the SMOTE Method for the Forecast of Student Dropout in Higher Education

Authors: Flores, Vaneza; Heras, Stella; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 11pp. 1-16. (2022). [View Publication]

Live Streaming Speech Recognition Using Deep Bidirectional LSTM Acoustic Models and Interpolated Language Models

Authors: Jorge-Cano, Javier; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Juan, Alfons. Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing.Vol. 30pp. 148-161. (2022). [View Publication]

A Review of Privacy Decision-making Mechanisms in Online Social Networks

Authors: Alemany, J.; Del Val Noguera, Elena; García-Fornes, A. Journal: ACM Computing Surveys.Vol. 55pp. 1-32. (2022). [View Publication]

NASca and NASes: Two Monolingual Pre-Trained Models for Abstractive Summarization in Catalan and Spanish

Authors: Ahuir-Esteve, Vicent; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; González-Barba, José Ángel; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 11pp. 1-16. (2021). [View Publication]

MLLP-VRAIN Spanish ASR Systems for the Albayzín-RTVE 2020 Speech-to-Text Challenge: Extension

Authors: Baquero-Arnal, Pau; Jorge-Cano, Javier; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier ; Pérez-González de Martos, Alejandro Manuel; Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonçal; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Juan, Alfons. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 12pp. 1-14. (2022). [View Publication]

Proving and disproving confluence of context-sensitive rewriting

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; Vítores-Vicente, Miguel; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 126pp. 1-20. (2022). [View Publication]

Symbolic Specialization of Rewriting Logic Theories with Presto

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Escobar Román, Santiago; Ballis, Demis; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 22pp. 444-495. (2022). [View Publication]

From Affect Theoretical Foundations to Computational Models of Intelligent Affective Agents

Authors: Alfonso, Bexy; Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José; Vivancos, Emilio; Botti, V.. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 11pp. 1-29. (2021). [View Publication]

P systems in the time of COVID-19

Authors: Baquero, Fernando; Campos Frances, Marcelino; Llorens, Carlos; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Journal of Membrane Computing.Vol. 3pp. 246-257. (2021). [View Publication]

Demand-Responsive Shared Transportation: A Self-Interested Proposal

Authors: Martí, Pasqual; Jordán, Jaume; De la Prieta, Fernando; Billhardt, Holger; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 11pp. 1-14. (2022). [View Publication]

A Conceptual Model-Based Approach to Improve the Representation and Management of Omics Data in Precision Medicine

Authors: García-Simón, Alberto; León-Palacio, Ana; REYES ROMÁN, JOSÉ FABIÁN; Casamayor Rodenas, Juan Carlos; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 9pp. 154071-154085. (2021). [View Publication]

Learning temporal action models from multiple plans: A constraint satisfaction approach

Authors: Garrido, Antonio. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 108pp. 1-14. (2022). [View Publication]

Charging Stations and Mobility Data Generators for Agent-based Simulations

Authors: Martí, Pasqual; Jordán, Jaume; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 484pp. 196-210. (2022). [View Publication]

Definition of a Coordinated Project-Based Learning Teaching Guide at Computer Science Studies

Authors: Izquierdo-Doménech, Juan Jesús; Jordán, Jaume; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Sanchis, R.. Journal: ICERI Proceedings.pp. 7342-7348. (2021). [View Publication]

testar - scriptless testing through graphical user interface

Authors: Vos, Tanja Ernestina; Aho, Pekka ; Pastor-Ricós, Fernando; Rodríguez-Valdés, Olivia ; Mulders, Ad . Journal: Software Testing, Verification and Reliability.Vol. 31pp. 1-46. (2021). [View Publication]

Enhancing Precision Medicine: A Big Data-Driven Approach for the Management of Genomic Data

Authors: León-Palacio, Ana; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Big Data Research.Vol. 26pp. 1-11. (2021). [View Publication]

Modelling and executing IoT-enhanced business processes through BPMN and microservices

Authors: Valderas, Pedro; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Serral Asensio, Estefanía. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 184pp. 1-21. (2021). [View Publication]

Wavelet Frequency Tensor applied to temporary environments in discrete spaces to obtain mobility patterns. Use case in the detection of routes in a territory

Authors: Marchuet, Dani; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Botti, V.. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 106pp. 1-16. (2021). [View Publication]

On how to generalize specie-specific conceptual schemes to generate a species-independent Conceptual Schema of the Genome

Authors: García-Simón, Alberto; Casamayor Rodenas, Juan Carlos. Journal: BMC Bioinformatics.Vol. 22pp. 1-26. (2021). [View Publication]

Optimization of Rewrite Theories by Equational Partial Evaluation

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis, D.; Escobar Román, Santiago; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 124pp. 1-29. (2022). [View Publication]

Order-sorted Equational Generalization Algorithm Revisited

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Escobar Román, Santiago; Meseguer, José; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 90pp. 499-522. (2022). [View Publication]

Simulating the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions limiting transmission in COVID-19 epidemics using a membrane computing model

Authors: Campos Frances, Marcelino; Sempere Luna, José María; Galán, J. C.; Moya, A.; Llorens, C.; de-los-Angeles, C.; Baquero-Artigao, F.; Cantón, R.; Baquero, F.. Journal: microLife.Vol. 2pp. 1-14. (2021). [View Publication]

Classification of educational videos by using a semi-supervised learning method on transcripts and keywords

Authors: Stoica, Alexandru Stefan; Heras, Stella; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Julian, Vicente; Mihaescu, Marian Cristian. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 456pp. 637-647. (2021). [View Publication]

Derivational Complexity and Context-Sensitive Rewriting

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Journal of Automated Reasoning.Vol. 65pp. 1191-1229. (2021). [View Publication]

Applications and extensions of context-sensitive rewriting

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 121pp. 1-33. (2021). [View Publication]

The origins of the halting problem

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 121pp. 1-9. (2021). [View Publication]

Towards cross-lingual voice cloning in higher education

Authors: Pérez-González de Martos, Alejandro Manuel; Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonçal; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Jiménez, Manuel ; Turró Ribalta, Carlos; Juan, Alfons. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 105pp. 1-9. (2021). [View Publication]

VivesDebate: A New Annotated Multilingual Corpus of Argumentation in a Debate Tournament

Authors: Ruiz-Dolz, Ramon; Montserrat Nofre; Mariona Taulé; Heras, Stella; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 11pp. 1-20. (2021). [View Publication]

Preface: 11th Workshop on Non-classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2019)

Authors: Holzer, Markus; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications.Vol. 55pp. 1-2. (2021). [View Publication]

Evaluating the influence of scope on feature location

Authors: Domingo Montes, África; Echeverría Ochoa, Jorge; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 140pp. 1-16. (2021). [View Publication]

AUTOMAT[R]IX: learning simple matrix pipelines

Authors: Contreras-Ochando, Lidia; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Machine Learning.Vol. 110pp. 779-799. (2021). [View Publication]

Can Social Agents Efficiently Perform in Automated Negotiation?

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Tunali, Okan; Aydogan, Reyhan; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 11pp. 1-26. (2021). [View Publication]

Key Skills to Work With Agile Frameworks in Software Engineering: Chilean Perspectives

Authors: Cornide-Reyes, Héctor; Riquelme, Fabián; Noel, René; Villarroel, Rodolfo; Cechinel, Cristian; Letelier Torres, Patricio Orlando; Muñoz, Roberto. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 9pp. 84724-84738. (2021). [View Publication]

Distributed Trust, a Blockchain Election Scheme

Authors: Larriba Flor, Antonio Manuel; Cerdà i Cucó, Aleix ; Sempere Luna, José María; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Informatica.Vol. 32pp. 321-355. (2021). [View Publication]

Streaming cascade-based speech translation leveraged by a direct segmentation model

Authors: Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier ; Jorge-Cano, Javier; Baquero-Arnal, Pau; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Juan, Alfons. Journal: Neural Networks.Vol. 142pp. 303-315. (2021). [View Publication]

Improvement of Contact Tracing with Citizen's Distributed Risk Maps

Authors: Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Benito, Rosa María; Losada, Juan Carlos; Galeano, Javier. Journal: Entropy.Vol. 23pp. 1-21. (2021). [View Publication]

Towards a Shared, Conceptual Model-Based Understanding of Proteins and Their Interactions

Authors: León-Palacio, Ana; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 9pp. 73608-73623. (2021). [View Publication]

Using a Hybrid Recommending System for Learning Videos in Flipped Classrooms and MOOCs

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Turró, Carlos; Botti, V.. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 10pp. 1-19. (2021). [View Publication]

"Who should I grant access to my post?": Identifying the most suitable privacy decisions on online social networks

Authors: Alemany-Bordera, José; Del Val Noguera, Elena; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Internet Research.Vol. 31pp. 1290-1317. (2021). [View Publication]

Special issue of Teams in Multiagent Systems (TEAMAS): Preface

Authors: Andrejczuk, Ewa; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Marcolino, Leandro; Torroni, Paolo. Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae.Vol. 174pp. 61-62. (2020). [View Publication]

Transformer-Based Models for Automatic Identification of Argument Relations: A Cross-Domain Evaluation

Authors: Ruiz-Dolz, Ramon; Alemany-Bordera, José; Heras, Stella; García-Fornes, A. Journal: IEEE Intelligent Systems.Vol. 36pp. 62-70. (2021). [View Publication]

Deliberative Context-Aware Ambient Intelligence System for Assisted Living Homes

Authors: Babli, Mohannad; Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences.Vol. 11pp. 1-18. (2021). [View Publication]

An evolutionary approach for generating software models: The case of Kromaia in Game Software Engineering

Authors: Blasco-Latorre, Daniel; Jaime Font; Mar Zamorano; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 171(2021).

Digital Twins: Review and Challenges

Authors: Juárez-Juárez, María Gabriela; Botti, V.; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering.Vol. 21pp. 1-23. (2021). [View Publication]

On the Languages Accepted by Watson-Crick Finite Automata with Delays

Authors: Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Mathematics .Vol. 9pp. 1-12. (2021). [View Publication]

Non-local spatially varying finite mixture models for image segmentation

Authors: Juan -Albarracín, Javier; Fuster García, Elíes; Juan, Alfons; Garcia-Gomez, Juan M. Journal: Statistics and Computing.Vol. 31pp. 1-10. (2021). [View Publication]

The Animal-AI Testbed and Competition

Authors: Crosby, Matthew; Beyret, Benjamin; Shanahan, Murray; Hernández-Orallo, José; Cheke, Lucy; Halina, Marta. Journal: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.Vol. 123pp. 164-176. (2020). [View Publication]

The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2020 Workshop Program

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: AI Magazine.Vol. 41pp. 100-114. (2020).

Twenty Years Beyond the Turing Test: Moving Beyond the Human Judges Too

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Minds and Machines.Vol. 30pp. 533-562. (2020). [View Publication]

Modeling and "smart" prototyping human-in-the-loop interactions for AmI environments

Authors: Gil, Miriam; Albert Albiol, Manuela; Fons Cors, Josep; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.Vol. 26pp. 1413-1444. (2021). [View Publication]

Engineering human-in-the-loop interactions in cyber-physical systems

Authors: Gil, Miriam; Albert Albiol, Manuela; Fons Cors, Josep; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 126pp. 1-21. (2020). [View Publication]

Slicing unconditional jumps with unnecessary control dependencies

Authors: Galindo-Jiménez, Carlos Santiago; Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 12561pp. 293-308. (2021). [View Publication]

TWilBert: Pre-trained deep bidirectional transformers for Spanish Twitter

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Pla Santamaría, Ferran. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 426pp. 58-69. (2021). [View Publication]

Page-Level Main Content Extraction from Heterogeneous Webpages

Authors: Alarte, Julián; Silva, Josep. Journal: ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.Vol. 15pp. 1-21. (2021). [View Publication]

Selective Unification in (Constraint) Logic Programming

Authors: Mesnard, Fred; Payet, Etienne; Vidal, Germán. Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae.Vol. 177pp. 359-383. (2020). [View Publication]

Concolic Testing in CLP

Authors: Mesnard, Fred; Payet, Etienne; Vidal, Germán. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 20pp. 671-686. (2020). [View Publication]

First-Episode Psychotic Patients Showed Longitudinal Brain Changes Using fMRI With an Emotional Auditory Paradigm

Authors: González-Vivas, Carlos; García-Martí, Gracián; Soldevila-Matías, Pau; Sanz-Requena, Roberto; Aguilar, Eduardo J.; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Martí-Bonmatí, Luis; Sanjuan, Julio. Journal: Frontiers in Psychiatry.Vol. 11pp. 1-9. (2020). [View Publication]

Cross-Domain Polarity Models to Evaluate User eXperience in E-learning

Authors: Sanchis-Font, Rosario; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; González-Barba, José Ángel; Pla Santamaría, Ferran; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Neural Processing Letters.Vol. 53pp. 3199-3215. (2021). [View Publication]

Semiautomatic generation and assessment of Java exercises in engineering education

Authors: Insa Cabrera, David; Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Computer Applications in Engineering Education.Vol. 29pp. 1034-1050. (2021). [View Publication]

Una familia de experimentos para analizar las preferencias de los usuarios en el diseño de IGUs a partir de modelos BPMN

Authors: Díaz, Eduardo; Panach, José Ignacio; Rueda, Silvia; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Interacción.Vol. 1pp. 7-22. (2020). [View Publication]

Improvement of usability in user interfaces for massive data analysis: an empirical study

Authors: Iñiguez-Jarrín, Carlos; Panach, José Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.Vol. 79pp. 12257-12288. (2020). [View Publication]

A fine-grained requirement traceability evolutionary algorithm: Kromaia, a commercial video game case study

Authors: Blasco, Daniel; Cetina, Carlos; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 119pp. 1-12. (2020). [View Publication]

Reversible CSP Computations

Authors: Galindo-Jiménez, Carlos Santiago; Nishida, Naoki; Silva, Josep; Tamarit, Salvador. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.Vol. 32pp. 1425-1436. (2021). [View Publication]

Precision of Wearable GPS in Marathon Races

Authors: Lluch Crespo, Javier; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Calduch-Losa, Ángeles; Mollá Vayá, Ramón Pascual. Journal: IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.Vol. 10pp. 32-38. (2021). [View Publication]

Risk Assessment of Hip Fracture Based on Machine Learning

Authors: Galassi, Alessio; Martín-Guerrero, José D.; Villamor, Eduardo; Monserrat Aranda, Carlos; Rupérez Moreno, María José. Journal: Applied bionics and biomechanics (Online).Vol. 2020pp. 1-13. (2020). [View Publication]

An Application of an EHR Based on Conceptual Modeling to Integrate Clinical and Genomic Data and Guide Therapeutic Strategy

Authors: Arevshatyan, Sipan; Burriel, Verónica; Boscá, Diego; REYES ROMÁN, JOSÉ FABIÁN; Pastor López, Oscar; Yoffe, Ita; Denis, Rita Mabel Concepción; Gauna, Cinthia Viviana; Sforza, Silvia; Ayala, Silvia Josefina; Martínez, María Teresa; Fleitas, Tania. Journal: Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas.Vol. 53pp. 17-30. (2020). [View Publication]

Supportive consensus

Authors: Palomares Chust, Alberto; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: PLoS ONE.Vol. 15pp. 1-30. (2020). [View Publication]

IoT and fog computing-based monitoring system for cardiovascular patients with automatic ECG classification using deep neural networks

Authors: Rincón-Arango, Jaime Andrés; Guerra-Ojeda, Solanye; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian, Vicente. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 20pp. 1-19. (2021). [View Publication]

Context-sensitive Rewriting

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: ACM Computing Surveys.Vol. 53pp. 1-36. (2020). [View Publication]

Assessing the Effectiveness of a Gamified Social Network for Applying Privacy Concepts: An Empirical Study with Teens

Authors: Alemany-Bordera, José; Del Val, Elena; García-Fornes, A. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.Vol. 13pp. 777-789. (2020). [View Publication]

Localization of charging stations for electric vehicles using genetic algorithms

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Botti, V.. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 452pp. 416-423. (2021). [View Publication]

A Multi-Agent System for guiding users in on-line social environments

Authors: Aguado-Sarrió, Guillem; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 94pp. 1-14. (2020). [View Publication]

BITOUR: A Business Intelligence Platform for Tourism Analysis

Authors: Bustamante, Alexander; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information .Vol. 9pp. 1-23. (2020). [View Publication]

Towards the Understanding of the Human Genome: A Holistic Conceptual Modeling Approach

Authors: García-Simón, Alberto; León-Palacio, Ana; REYES ROMÁN, JOSÉ FABIÁN; Casamayor Rodenas, Juan Carlos; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 8pp. 197111-197123. (2020). [View Publication]

Transformer based contextualization of pre-trained word embeddings for irony detection in Twitter

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Pla Santamaría, Ferran. Journal: Information Processing & Management.Vol. 57pp. 1-15. (2020). [View Publication]

Self-attention for Twitter sentiment analysis in Spanish

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Pla Santamaría, Ferran. Journal: Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.Vol. 39pp. 2165-2175. (2020). [View Publication]

A Newcomer's Guide to EICS, the Engineering Interactive Computing Systems Community

Authors: López-Jaquero, Victor Manuel; Vatavu, Radu-Daniel; Panach, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar; Vanderdonckt, Jean. Journal: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.Vol. 3pp. 1-9. (2019). [View Publication]

An empirical comparative evaluation of gestUI to include gesture-based interaction in user interfaces

Authors: Parra-González, Luis Otto; España Cubillo, Sergio; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 172pp. 232-263. (2019). [View Publication]

Simulating the Influence of Conjugative-Plasmid Kinetic Values on the Multilevel Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance in a Membrane Computing Model

Authors: Campos Frances, Marcelino; San Millan, Alvaro; Sempere Luna, José María; Lanza, Val F.; Coque, Teresa M.; Llorens, Carlos; Baquero, Fernando. Journal: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.Vol. 64pp. 1-19. (2020). [View Publication]

SPADE 3: Supporting the New Generation of Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 8pp. 182537-182549. (2020). [View Publication]

Normative Emotional Agents: a viewpoint paper

Authors: Argente, Estefanía; Del Val, E.; Pérez-García, Daniel; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.Vol. 13pp. 1254-1273. (2020). [View Publication]


Authors: Boza, Andres; Ruiz Font, Leonor; Mota Herranz, Laura. Journal: INTED proceedings (Online).pp. 6264-6264. (2020).

Project based learning for information systems students. An implementation proposal

Authors: Boza, Andres; Ruiz Font, Leonor; Mota Herranz, Laura. Journal: INTED proceedings (Online).pp. 6234-6238. (2020). [View Publication]

A multidimensional culturally adapted representation of emotions for affective computational simulation and recognition

Authors: Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José; Vivancos, Emilio; Botti V.. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.Vol. 14pp. 761-772. (2023). [View Publication]

A Review on MAS-Based Sentiment and Stress Analysis User-Guiding and Risk-Prevention Systems in Social Network Analysis

Authors: Aguado-Sarrió, Guillem; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 10pp. 1-29. (2020). [View Publication]

Social and intelligent applications for future cities: Current advances

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Chao, Kuo-Ming; Novais, Paulo; Boissier, Olivier; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 114pp. 181-184. (2020). [View Publication]

Extractive summarization using siamese hierarchical transformer encoders

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; García-Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.Vol. 39pp. 2409-2419. (2020). [View Publication]

Locating Clone-and-Own Relationships in Model-Based Industrial Families of Software Products to Encourage Reuse

Authors: Pérez Pérez, María Francisca; Ballarin-Naya, Manuel; Lapeña Martí, Raúl; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: IEEE Access.(2018).

On the influence of model fragment properties on a machine learning-based approach for feature location

Authors: Ballarin, Manuel; Marcén, Ana C.; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 129pp. 1-19. (2020). [View Publication]

A Non-cooperative Game-Theoretic Approach for Conflict Resolution in Multi-agent Planning

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; de Weerdt, Mathijs; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Group Decision and Negotiation.Vol. 30pp. 7-41. (2021). [View Publication]

Using Keystroke Dynamics in a Multi-Agent System for User Guiding in Online Social Networks

Authors: Aguado-Sarrió, Guillem; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 10pp. 1-20. (2020). [View Publication]

A web-based support system for biometeorological research

Authors: Arroquia-Cuadros, Benjamin; Marqués-Mateu, Ángel; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Fdez-Arroyabe, Pablo. Journal: International Journal of Biometeorology.Vol. 65pp. 1313-1323. (2020). [View Publication]

A fuzzy appraisal model for affective agents adapted to cultural environments using the pleasure and arousal dimensions

Authors: Taverner-Aparicio, Joaquín José; Vivancos, Emilio; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 546pp. 74-86. (2021). [View Publication]

A two authorities electronic vote scheme

Authors: Larriba-Flor, Antonio Manuel; Sempere Luna, José María; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Computers & Security.Vol. 97pp. 1-12. (2020). [View Publication]

Towards Inter-Subject Project-Based Learning in Programming-Related Courses at Computer Science Studies

Authors: Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Orta-López, Jorge; Salavert-Torres, José; Segura Flor, María José; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Sanchis, R.. Journal: EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet).pp. 3973-3978. (2020). [View Publication]

Definition of Project-Based Learning Models in the Computer Engineering Degree

Authors: Esparza Peidro, Javier; Golf Laville, Emilio Jesus; Izquierdo-Doménech, Juan Jesús; Tomas Miquel, Jose Vicente; Sanchis, R.. Journal: EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet).pp. 3966-3972. (2020). [View Publication]

A microservice composition approach based on the choreography of BPMN fragments

Authors: Valderas, Pedro; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 127pp. 1-17. (2020). [View Publication]

Recommending Learning Objects with Arguments and Explanations

Authors: Heras, Stella; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Rodriguez, Paula; Duque-Méndez, Néstor; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 10pp. 1-18. (2020). [View Publication]

An agent-based simulation framework for the study of urban delivery

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; Rodriguez, S.; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 423pp. 679-688. (2021). [View Publication]

Using conceptual modeling to improve genome data management

Authors: Pastor López, Oscar; León-Palacio, Ana; REYES ROMÁN, JOSÉ FABIÁN; García-Simón, Alberto; Casamayor Rodenas, Juan Carlos. Journal: Briefings in Bioinformatics.Vol. 22pp. 45-54. (2020). [View Publication]

Prediction of osteoporotic hip fracture in postmenopausal women through patient-specific FE analyses and machine learning

Authors: Villamor, E.; Monserrat Aranda, Carlos; Del Río, L.; Romero-Martín, J.A.; Rupérez Moreno, María José. Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.Vol. 193pp. 1-11. (2020). [View Publication]

Unbridled Mental Power

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Nature Physics.Vol. 15pp. 106-. (2019). [View Publication]

Item response theory in AI: Analysing machine learning classifiers at the instance level

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Prudencio, Ricardo; Martínez-Usó, Adolfo; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 271pp. 18-42. (2019). [View Publication]

Reports of the Workshops Held at the 2019 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: AI Magazine.Vol. 40pp. 67-78. (2019).

Gazing into Clever Hans machines

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Nature Machine Intelligence .(2019).

AI Generality and Spearman's Law of Diminishing Returns

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Vol. 64pp. 529-562. (2019). [View Publication]

An energy-aware algorithm for electric vehicle infrastructures in smart cities

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Jordán, Jaume; Bajo, Javier; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 108pp. 454-466. (2020). [View Publication]

Emotion Dynamics of Public Opinions on Twitter

Authors: Naskar, Debashis; Singh, Sanasam Ranbir; Kumar, Durgesh; Nandi, Sukumar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: ACM Transactions on Information Systems.Vol. 38pp. 1-24. (2020). [View Publication]

Molecular profile in Paraguayan colorectal cancer patients, towards to a precision medicine strategy

Authors: Fleitas-Kanonnikoff, Tania; Martinez-Ciarpaglini, Carolina; Ayala, Josefina; Gauna, Cinthia; Denis, Rita; Yoffe, Ita; Sforza, Silvia; Ibarrola-Villava, Maider; Pomata, Alicia; Ibarrola, Maider; Arevshatyan, Sipan; Burriel Coll, Verónica; Boscá, Diego; Pastor López, Oscar; Ferrer-Martinez, Ana. Journal: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Computational Molecular Science (Online).Vol. 8pp. 3120-3130. (2019). [View Publication]

The NoisyOffice Database: A Corpus To Train Supervised Machine Learning Filters For Image Processing

Authors: Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; España Boquera, Salvador; Pastor Pellicer, Joan; ZAMORA MARTÍNEZ, FRANCISCO JULIÁN. Journal: The Computer Journal.Vol. 63pp. 1658-1667. (2019). [View Publication]

A dataset of attributes from papers of a machine learning conference

Authors: Vallejo-Huanga, Diego; Morillo, Paulina; Ferri Ramírez, César. Journal: Data in Brief.Vol. 24pp. 1-6. (2019). [View Publication]

Supporting a Hybrid Composition of Microservices. The EUCalipTool Platform

Authors: Valderas, Pedro; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development.Vol. 8pp. 1-14. (2020). [View Publication]

A social network for supporting end-users in the composition of services: definition and proof of concept

Authors: Valderas, Pedro; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Computing.Vol. 102pp. 1909-1940. (2020). [View Publication]

Kind mobile notifications for healthcare professionals

Authors: Serral, Estefanía; Valderas, Pedro; Derboven, Jan. Journal: Health Informatics Journal.Vol. 26pp. 1516-1537. (2020). [View Publication]

Towards the Composition of Services by End-Users: A Mobile-Based Solution

Authors: Valderas, Pedro; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Business & Information Systems Engineering.Vol. 62pp. 305-321. (2019). [View Publication]

Abstract Contract Synthesis and Verification in the Symbolic K Framework

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Pardo, Daniel; Villanueva, Alicia. Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae.Vol. 177pp. 235-273. (2020). [View Publication]

Order-sorted Homeomorphic Embedding modulo Combinations of Associativity and/or Commutativity Axioms

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Cuenca-Ortega, Angel; Escobar Román, Santiago; Meseguer, José. Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae.Vol. 177pp. 297-329. (2020). [View Publication]

Efficient Safety Enforcement for Maude Programs via Program Specialization in the ÁTAME system

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis, D.; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Mathematics in Computer Science.Vol. 14pp. 591-606. (2020). [View Publication]

ME3CA: A Cognitive Assistant for Physical Exercises that Monitors Emotions and the Environment

Authors: Rincon, Jaime-Andres; Araujo, Angelo; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 20pp. 1-14. (2020). [View Publication]

A Low-Cost Cognitive Assistant

Authors: Araujo, Angelo; Rincón Arango, Jaime Andrés; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Novais, Paulo; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Electronics .Vol. 9pp. 1-19. (2020). [View Publication]

Learning alternative ways of performing a task

Authors: Nieves, D.; Ramírez Quintana, María José; Montserrat Aranda, Carlos; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 148pp. 1-18. (2020). [View Publication]

On Compensation Loops in Genomic Duplications

Authors: Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science.Vol. 31pp. 133-142. (2020). [View Publication]

Traceability Link Recovery between Requirements and Models using an Evolutionary Algorithm Guided by a Learning to Rank Algorithm: Train control and management case

Authors: Marcén, Ana C.; Lapeña, Raúl; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina, Carlos. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 163pp. 1-24. (2020). [View Publication]

CRISP-DM Twenty Years Later: From Data Mining Processes to Data Science Trajectories

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Contreras-Ochando, Lidia; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José; Kull, Meelis; Lachiche, Nicolas; Ramírez Quintana, María José; Flach, Peter. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.Vol. 33pp. 3048-3061. (2021). [View Publication]

Sleep assessment devices: types, market analysis, and a critical view on accuracy and validation

Authors: Ibáñez, Vanessa ; Silva, Josep; Navarro, Esther; Cauli, Omar. Journal: Expert Review of Medical Devices.Vol. 16pp. 1041-1052. (2019). [View Publication]

Statistical Analysis of Students’ Behavioral and Attendance Habits in Engineering Education

Authors: Ibáñez, Vanessa ; Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice.Vol. 19pp. 48-64. (2019). [View Publication]

Programming and symbolic computation in Maude

Authors: Durán, Francisco; Eker, Steven; Escobar Román, Santiago; NARCISO MARTÍ OLIET; José Meseguer; Rubén Rubio; Talcott, Carolyn. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 110pp. 1-58. (2020). [View Publication]

The 2D Dependency Pair Framework for Conditional Rewrite Systems¿Part II: Advanced Processors and Implementation Techniques

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; Meseguer, José; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl. Journal: Journal of Automated Reasoning.Vol. 64pp. 1611-1662. (2020). [View Publication]

Comparative study of AR versus video tutorials for minor maintenance operations

Authors: Morillo, Pedro; García García, Inmaculada; Orduña, Juan M.; Fernández, Marcos; Juan, M.-Carmen. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.Vol. 79pp. 7073-7100. (2020). [View Publication]

Semantic-based padding in convolutional neural networks for improving the performance in natural language processing. A case of study in sentiment analysis

Authors: Gimenez Fayos, Maite; Botti V.; Palanca Cámara, Javier. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 378pp. 315-323. (2020).

A robustness approach to the distributed management of traffic intersections

Authors: González, Cesar L.; Zapotecatl, Jorge L.; Gershenson, Carlos; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.Vol. 11pp. 4501-4512. (2020). [View Publication]

A Computer-Based Support System for Cooperative Tasks in Nursing Homes

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Araujo, Angelo; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems.Vol. 12pp. 661-675. (2019). [View Publication]

Designing human-in-the-loop autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems

Authors: Gil Pascual, Miriam; Albert Albiol, Manuela; Fons Cors, Josep; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.Vol. 130pp. 21-39. (2019). [View Publication]

Smart and sustainable urban logistic applications aided by intelligent techniques

Authors: Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Service Oriented Computing and Applications (Online).Vol. 13pp. 185-186. (2019). [View Publication]

Semantic-based padding in convolutional neural networks for improving the performance in natural language processing. A case of study in sentiment analysis

Authors: Giménez, Maite; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 378pp. 315-323. (2020). [View Publication]

A New Optimization Algorithm Based on Search and Rescue Operations

Authors: Shabani, Amir; Asgarian, Behrouz; Gharebaghi, Saeed Asil; Salido Gregorio, Miguel Angel; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering.Vol. 2019pp. 1-23. (2019). [View Publication]

Imposing Assertions in Maude via Program Transformation

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis, Demis; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: MethodsX.Vol. 6pp. 2577-2583. (2019). [View Publication]

A Partial Evaluation Framework for Order-sorted Equational Programs modulo Axioms

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Cuenca-Ortega, Angel Eduardo; Escobar Román, Santiago; Meseguer, José. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 110pp. 1-36. (2020). [View Publication]

Symbolic Analysis of Maude Theories with Narval

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Escobar Román, Santiago; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia; Ballis, Demis. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 19pp. 874-890. (2019). [View Publication]

An Abstract Framework for Non-Cooperative Multi-Agent Planning

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; BAJO, JAVIER ; Botti, V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 9pp. 1-18. (2019). [View Publication]

The teaching size: computable teachers and learners for universal languages

Authors: Telle, Jan Arne ; Hernández-Orallo, José; Ferri Ramírez, César. Journal: Machine Learning.Vol. 108pp. 1653-1675. (2019). [View Publication]

Setting decision thresholds when operating conditions are uncertain

Authors: Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José; Flach, Peter. Journal: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.Vol. 33pp. 805-847. (2019). [View Publication]

Applying Siamese Hierarchical Attention Neural Networks for multi-document summarization

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Julien Delonca; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; García-Granada, Fernando; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 111-118. (2019). [View Publication]

Towards a Universal Semantic Dictionary

Authors: Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Iklódi, E. ; Recski, G. ; Borbély, G. . Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 9pp. 1-14. (2019). [View Publication]

Summarization of Spanish Talk Shows with Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; García-Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 9pp. 1-13. (2019). [View Publication]

Metrics for privacy assessment when sharing information in online social networks

Authors: Alemany-Bordera, José; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; García-Fornes, A. Journal: IEEE Access.Vol. 7pp. 143631-143645. (2019). [View Publication]

Simulating Multilevel Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance in a Membrane Computing Model

Authors: Campos Frances, Marcelino; Capilla, Rafael; Naya, Fernando ; Futami, Ricardo; Coque, Teresa; Moya, Andrés ; Fernández-Lanza, Val; Cantón, Rafael ; Sempere Luna, José María; Llorens, Carlos; Baquero, Fernando. Journal: mBio.Vol. 10pp. 1-17. (2019). [View Publication]

Modeling of Decision Trees Through P systems

Authors: Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: New Generation Computing.Vol. 37pp. 325-337. (2019). [View Publication]

Using Well-Founded Relations for Proving Operational Termination

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Journal of Automated Reasoning.Vol. 64pp. 167-195. (2020). [View Publication]

Proving semantic properties as first-order satisfiability

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 277pp. 1-24. (2019). [View Publication]

Analysis of the main weaknesses of university students regarding the "effective oral communication" student outcome

Authors: Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert. Journal: EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet).pp. 6749-6754. (2019). [View Publication]

Impact of the "Comunicat" methodology on the improvement of the "effective oral communication" student outcome of the students of the master in food safety and quality management

Authors: Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco. Journal: EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet).pp. 7379-7383. (2019). [View Publication]

Analyzing urban mobility paths based on users' activity in social networks

Authors: Rodríguez, L. ; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 102pp. 333-346. (2020). [View Publication]

Evanescent-Mode Ridge-Waveguide Radiating Filters for Space Applications

Authors: Sánchez-Escuderos, Daniel; Ruiz-Garnica, Jesús; Baquero Escudero, Mariano; Soto Pacheco, Pablo; Boria Esbert, Vicente Enrique; Tosso, Giovanni; Angeletti, P.; GUGLIELMI, MARCO. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.Vol. 67pp. 6286-6297. (2019). [View Publication]

An Augmented Reality App to Learn to Interpret the Nutritional Information on Labels of Real Packaged Foods

Authors: Juan, M.-Carmen; Charco, Jorge L.; García García, Inmaculada; Mollá Vayá, Ramón Pascual. Journal: Frontiers in Computer Science.Vol. 1pp. 1-16. (2019). [View Publication]

An Enhanced Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Job-Shop Scheduling Problems with Transportation Constraints

Authors: Dai, Min; Zhang, Ziwei; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Salido, Miguel A.. Journal: Sustainability.Vol. 11pp. 1-23. (2019). [View Publication]

Can Tourist Attractions Boost Other Activities Around? A Data Analysis through Social Networks

Authors: Bustamante, Alexander; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 19pp. 1-25. (2019). [View Publication]

On the Influence of Renewable Energy Sources in Electricity Price Forecasting in the Iberian Market

Authors: Aineto, Diego;  Iranzo-Sánchez, Javier; Lemus Zúñiga, Lenin Guillermo; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Urchueguía Schölzel, Javier Fermín. Journal: Energies.Vol. 12pp. 1-20. (2019). [View Publication]

A review of generalized planning

Authors: Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Segovia-Aguas, Javier; Jonsson, Anders. Journal: The Knowledge Engineering Review.Vol. 34(2019).

Learning action models with minimal observability

Authors: Aineto, Diego; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 275pp. 104-137. (2019). [View Publication]

Computing programs for generalized planning using a classical planner

Authors: Segovia-Aguas, Javier; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Jonsson, Anders. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 272pp. 52-85. (2019). [View Publication]

Siamese hierarchical attention networks for extractive summarization

Authors: González-Barba, José Ángel; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; García-Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.Vol. 36pp. 4599-4607. (2019). [View Publication]

Choosing the right loss function for multi-label Emotion Classification

Authors: Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; González-Barba, José Ángel; Pla Santamaría, Ferran. Journal: Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.Vol. 36pp. 4697-4708. (2019). [View Publication]

Individualized diagnosis of psychosis based on machine learning from functional magnetic resonance data using an emotional auditory paradigm

Authors: SANJUÁN ARIAS, JULIO; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; España Boquera, Salvador; Garcia-Marti, G.; Carot Sierra, José Miguel; Corripio, I.; Soldevila-Matias, P.; MARTÍ-BONMATÍ, LUIS; Rubio, J.M.; Crespo-Facorro, B.. Journal: Schizophrenia Bulletin.Vol. 45pp. 333-334. (2019). [View Publication]

Handwriting recognition by using deep learning to extract meaningful features

Authors: Pastor Pellicer, Joan; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; España Boquera, Salvador; Zamora-Martinez, Francisco Julián. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 32pp. 101-112. (2019). [View Publication]

Application of a self-learning methodology for the enhancement of the oral communication student outcome in International Business studies

Authors: Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Martínez Díaz, Beatriz; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar. Journal: INTED proceedings (Online).pp. 3208-3213. (2019). [View Publication]

EMERALD- Exercise Monitoring Emotional Assistant

Authors: Rincon, J.A. ; Araujo, Angelo; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 19pp. 1-21. (2019). [View Publication]

Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Botti V.. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 9pp. 1-7. (2019). [View Publication]

Dual Indicators to Analyse AI Benchmarks: Difficulty, Discrimination, Ability and Generality

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Hernández-Orallo, José. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Games .Vol. 12pp. 121-131. (2020). [View Publication]

Identifying the Machine Learning Family from Black-Box Models

Authors: Fabra-Boluda, Raúl; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 11160pp. 55-65. (2018). [View Publication]

Considerations about quality in model-driven engineering

Authors: Giraldo-Velásquez, Faber Danilo; España Cubillo, Sergio; Pastor López, Oscar; Giraldo, William J.. Journal: Software Quality Journal.Vol. 26pp. 685-750. (2018).

Editorial special issue: Selected papers of BPM 2016

Authors: Marcello la Rosa; Peter Loos; Pastor López, Oscar; Reichert, Manfred. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 78pp. 81-82. (2018).

Evaluating the quality of a set of modelling languages used in combination: A method and a tool

Authors: Giraldo-Velásquez, Faber Danilo; España Cubillo, Sergio; Giraldo, William J. ; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 77pp. 48-70. (2018). [View Publication]

From Requirements to Code: A Conceptual Model-based Approach for Automating the Software Production Process

Authors: Pastor López, Oscar; Ruiz Carmona, Luz Marcela. Journal: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (Online).Vol. 13pp. 274-280. (2018). [View Publication]

Capability-based Communication Analysis for Enterprise Modelling

Authors: Pastor López, Oscar; Ruiz Carmona, Luz Marcela; Koç, Hasan; Valverde Giromé, Francisco. Journal: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (Online).Vol. 13pp. 1-24. (2018). [View Publication]

Editorial: Special Issue for Models and Data Engineering Conference(MEDI2016)

Authors: Pastor López, Oscar; L. Bellatreche. Journal: Computer Standards & Interfaces.pp. 74-75. (2018).

Multi-objective optimization for energy-efficient flexible job shop scheduling problem with transportation constraints

Authors: Min, Dai; Tang, Dunbing; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Salido, Miguel A. . Journal: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.Vol. 59pp. 143-157. (2019). [View Publication]

An Optimization Approach for the Coordinated Low-Carbon Design of Product Family and Remanufactured Products

Authors: WANG, Q.; Tang, Dunbing; Li, Shipei; Yang, Jun; Salido, Miguel A.; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Zhu, Haihua. Journal: Sustainability.Vol. 11pp. 1-22. (2019). [View Publication]

Enhancing the privacy risk awareness of teenagers in online social networks through soft-paternalism mechanisms

Authors: Alemany-Bordera, José; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; García-Fornes, A. Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.Vol. 129pp. 27-40. (2019). [View Publication]

Static correction of Maude programs with assertions

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis, D.; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 153pp. 64-85. (2019). [View Publication]

Computing Hierarchical Finite State Controllers with Classical Planning

Authors: Segovia-Aguas, Javier ; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Jonsson, Anders . Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Vol. 62pp. 755-797. (2018). [View Publication]

Improving the programming skills of students in multiagent systems master courses

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Computer Applications in Engineering Education.Vol. 27pp. 836-845. (2019). [View Publication]

Flipping Game Development

Authors: Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Orta-López Jorge; Izquierdo-Doménech, Juan Jesús. Journal: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.Vol. 38pp. 118-124. (2018). [View Publication]

MAMbO5: A new Ontology Approach for Modelling and Managing Intelligent Virtual Environments Based on Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: Duric, B. Okresa; Rincon, Jaime Andres; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Schatten, M.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.Vol. 10pp. 3629-3641. (2019). [View Publication]

Automatic Testing of Program Slicers

Authors: Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Scientific Programming.Vol. 4108652pp. 1-15. (2019). [View Publication]

A survey on sleep assessment methods

Authors: Ibáñez, Vanessa; Silva, Josep; Cauli, Omar. Journal: PeerJ.Vol. 6pp. 1-26. (2018). [View Publication]

What Web Template Extractor Should I Use? A Benchmarking and Comparison for Five Template Extractors

Authors: Alarte, Julián; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: ACM Transactions on the Web.Vol. 13pp. 9:1-9:19. (2019). [View Publication]

Designing the Didactic Strategy Modeling Language (DSML) From PoN: An Activity Oriented EML Proposal

Authors: Ruiz, Alexandra ; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Oscar; Giraldo-Velásquez, Faber Danilo; Arciniegas, Jose Luis ; Giraldo, William J. . Journal: IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal .Vol. 13pp. 136-143. (2018). [View Publication]

Assessing data analysis performance in research contexts: An experiment on accuracy, efficiency, productivity and researchers' satisfaction

Authors: Martín-Rodilla, Patricia; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; González-Pérez, César Augusto; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 116pp. 177-204. (2018). [View Publication]

Towards a Persuasive Recommender for Bike Sharing Systems: A Defeasible Argumentation Approach

Authors: Diez-Alba, Carlos; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Heras, Stella; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Energies.Vol. 12pp. 1-19. (2019). [View Publication]

Implementation of a self-learning itinerary to improve the effective communication outcome in the master of food safety and quality management

Authors: Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco. Journal: ICERI Proceedings.pp. 3230-3234. (2018). [View Publication]

Web-based technological tools to support the development of the student outcome "effective communication"

Authors: Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar. Journal: ICERI Proceedings.pp. 7385-7389. (2018). [View Publication]

Variant-Based Decidable Satisfiability in Initial Algebras with Predicates

Authors: Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Meseguer, José . Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 10855pp. 306-322. (2018). [View Publication]

Towards Aiding Decision-Making in Social Networks by Using Sentiment and Stress Combined Analysis

Authors: Aguado-Sarrió, Guillem; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Information.Vol. 9pp. 1-13. (2018). [View Publication]

Personalized conciliation of clinical guidelines for comorbid patients through multi-agent planning

Authors: Fernández-Olivares, Juan; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Castillo Vidal, Luis; Jordán, Jaume; Cózar, Juan. Journal: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.Vol. 96pp. 167-186. (2019). [View Publication]

Efficient Embedded Decoding of Neural Network Language Models in a Machine Translation System

Authors: Zamora Martínez, Francisco Julián; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose. Journal: International Journal of Neural Systems.Vol. 28(2018). [View Publication]

Fallback Variable History NNLMs: Efficient NNLMs by precomputation and stochastic training

Authors: Zamora Martínez, Francisco Julián; España Boquera, Salvador; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Palacios Corella. Journal: PLoS ONE.Vol. 13(2018). [View Publication]

Smart Data for Genomic Information Systems: the SILE Method

Authors: León-Palacio, Ana; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly.pp. 1-23. (2018). [View Publication]

A theory of reversibility for Erlang

Authors: Lanese, Ivan ; Nishida, Naoki; Palacios, Adrián ; Vidal, Germán. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 100pp. 71-97. (2018). [View Publication]

A Crowdsourcing Approach for Sustainable Last Mile Delivery

Authors: Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti, V.. Journal: Sustainability.Vol. 10(2018). [View Publication]

An Optimization Method for Coordinating Supplier Selection and Low-Carbon Design of Product Family

Authors: WANG, Q.; Tang, Dunbing; Yin, L. ; Ullah, I. ; Salido, M. A.; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing.Vol. 19pp. 1715-1726. (2018). [View Publication]

Taxi dispatching strategies with compensations

Authors: Billhardt, Holger; Fernandez Gil, Alberto; Ossowski, Sascha; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Bajo, Javier. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 122pp. 173-182. (2019). [View Publication]

Spanish sentiment analysis in Twitter at the TASS workshop

Authors: Pla Santamaría, Ferran; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Language Resources and Evaluation.Vol. 52pp. 645-672. (2018). [View Publication]

A near Pareto optimal approach to student–supervisor allocation with two sided preferences and workload balance

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Chalumuri, Rithin; Aydogan, Reyhan ; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Applied Soft Computing.Vol. 76pp. 1-15. (2019). [View Publication]

Detecting emotions through non-invasive wearables

Authors: Rincon, J. A.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Araujo, Angelo; Novais, P.. Journal: Logic Journal of IGPL.Vol. 26pp. 605-617. (2018). [View Publication]

A flexible and dynamic mobile robot localization approach

Authors: Peñaranda-Cebrián, Cristian; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Botti, V.. Journal: Logic Journal of IGPL.(2018). [View Publication]

Cognitive assistants

Authors: Araujo, Angelo; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Nalepa, Grzegorz J. . Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.Vol. 117pp. 1-3. (2018). [View Publication]

A new emotional robot assistant that facilitates human interaction and persuasion

Authors: Rincon, J.A. ; Araujo, Angelo; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Knowledge and Information Systems.Vol. 60pp. 363-383. (2019). [View Publication]

A genetic algorithm for group formation in elderly communities

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Araujo, Angelo; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 31pp. 409-425. (2018). [View Publication]

Emotions detection on an ambient intelligent system using wearable devices

Authors: Araujo, Angelo; Rincon, J.A. ; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Novais, Paulo. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 92pp. 479-489. (2019). [View Publication]

Survivability Prediction of Colorectal Cancer Patients: A System with Evolving Features for Continuous Improvement

Authors: Oliveira, Tiago ; Silva, Ana ; Satoh, Ken ; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Leao, Pedro ; Novais, Paulo. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 18(2018). [View Publication]

PHAROS-PHysical Assistant RObot System

Authors: Costa, Angelo; Martinez-Martin, Ester ; Cazorla, M.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Sensors.Vol. 18(2018). [View Publication]

Comparing traditional conceptual modeling with ontology-driven conceptual modeling: An empirical study

Authors: Verdonck, M.; Gailly, F.; Pergl, R.; Guizzardi, G.; Franco Martins, Beatriz; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 81pp. 92-103. (2019). [View Publication]

A Model of Antibiotic Resistance Evolution Dynamics Through P Systems with Active Membranes and Communication Rules

Authors: Baquero, Fernando; Campos Frances, Marcelino; Llorens, Carlos; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 11270pp. 33-44. (2018). [View Publication]

Tracking CSP computations

Authors: Llorens Agost, María Luisa; Oliver Villarroya, Javier; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 102pp. 138-175. (2019). [View Publication]

Estimating the Relative Stiffness between a Hepatic Lesion and the Liver Parenchyma through Biomechanical Simulations of the Breathing Process

Authors: Martinez-Sanchis, Sandra; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Nadal, Enrique; Pareja, E. ; Brugger, Sara; Borzacchiello, D. ; López, R. ; Monserrat, C. . Journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering.pp. 1-10. (2018). [View Publication]

A common framework for learning causality

Authors: Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Aineto, Diego; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio. Journal: Progress in Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 7pp. 351-357. (2018). [View Publication]

Introducing the new paradigm of Social Dispersed Computing: Applications, Technologies and Challenges

Authors: Garcia Valls, Maria Soledad; Dubey, Abhishek ; Botti, V.. Journal: Journal of Systems Architecture.Vol. 91pp. 83-102. (2018). [View Publication]

Using genetic programming to evolve action selection rules in traversal-based automated software testing: results obtained with the TESTAR tool

Authors: Esparcia Alcázar, Anna Isabel; Almenar-Pedrós, Francisco; Vos, Tanja Ernestina; Rueda Molina, Urko. Journal: Memetic Computing.Vol. 10pp. 257-265. (2018). [View Publication]

ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation

Authors: Tejedor, Javier; Toledano, Doroteo T.; Lopez-Otero, Paula ; Docio-Fernandez, Laura ; Proença, Jorge ; Perdigão, Fernando ; García-Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Pompili, Anna ; Abad, Alberto . Journal: EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech and Music Processing.pp. 1-25. (2018). [View Publication]

Accelerating smart eHealth services execution at the fog computing infrastructure

Authors: Garcia Valls, Marisol; Calva-Urrego, Christian; García-Fornes, A.. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 108pp. 882-893. (2020). [View Publication]

Tie and tag: A study of tie strength and tags for photo sharing

Authors: López Fogués, Ricard; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A. Journal: PLoS ONE.Vol. 13(2018). [View Publication]

Self learning itinerary as a tool to improve effective communication. a qualitative analysis of a pilot experience

Authors: Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert. Journal: EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet).pp. 4049-4056. (2018). [View Publication]

Development of a self-diagnosis guide to assess the initial proficiency level of the student outcome "Effective oral communication"

Authors: Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen. Journal: EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet).pp. 4020-4025. (2018). [View Publication]

Use of logical models for proving infeasibility in term rewriting

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 136pp. 90-95. (2018). [View Publication]

The 2D Dependency Pair Framework for conditional rewrite systems. Part I: Definition and basic processors

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; Meseguer, José; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl. Journal: Journal of Computer and System Sciences.Vol. 96pp. 74-106. (2018). [View Publication]

Reversible computation in term rewriting

Authors: Nishida, Naoki; Palacios, Adrián ; Vidal, Germán. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 94pp. 128-149. (2018). [View Publication]

Cross-language transfer of semantic annotation via targeted crowdsourcing: task design and evaluation

Authors: Stepanov, Evgeny A. ; Chowdhury, Shammur Absar; Bayer, Ali Orkan; Ghosh, Arindam; Klasinas, Ioannis; Calvo Lance, Marcos; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Riccardi, Giussepe . Journal: Language Resources and Evaluation.Vol. 52pp. 341-364. (2018). [View Publication]

Grammatical inference of directed acyclic graph languages with polynomial time complexity

Authors: Gallego, Antonio-Javier; López Rodríguez, Damián; Calera-Rubio, Jorge. Journal: Journal of Computer and System Sciences.Vol. 95pp. 19-34. (2018). [View Publication]

Subjective and objective sleep quality in elderly individuals: The role of psychogeriatric evaluation

Authors: Ibanez-del Valle, Vanessa; Silva, Josep; Castello-Domenech, Ana-Belen; Martinez-Martinez, Mary; Verdejo, Yolanda ; Sanantonio-Camps, Laura; Cauli, Omar. Journal: Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.Vol. 76pp. 221-226. (2018). [View Publication]

Activities to promote the self-learning of the effective communication student outcome

Authors: Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco. Journal: INTED proceedings (Online).pp. 3806-3812. (2018). [View Publication]

PIMECOE: A project for self-diagnosis of the student outcome "effective communication" and its improvement through a self-formative itinerary

Authors: Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria. Journal: INTED proceedings (Online).pp. 3800-3805. (2018). [View Publication]

Proceedings XVI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2016, Salamanca, Spain, 14-16th September 2016

Authors: Villanueva, Alicia. Journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 237pp. 1-1. (2017).

Algorithmic debugging generalized

Authors: Insa Cabrera, David; Silva, Josep. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 97pp. 85-104. (2018). [View Publication]

Behaviour Preservation across Code Versions in Erlang

Authors: Insa Cabrera, David; Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Scientific Programming.Vol. 2018pp. 9251762:1-9251762:42. (2018). [View Publication]

Erlang Code Evolution Control

Authors: Insa Cabrera, David; Pérez-Rubio, Sergio; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 10855pp. 128-144. (2018).

Combining multivariate statistics and the think-aloud protocol to assess Human-Computer Interaction barriers in symptom checkers

Authors: Marco-Ruiz, Luis; Bones, Erlend; de la Asuncion, Estela; Gabarron, Elia; Aviles-Solis, Juan Carlos; Lee, Eunji; Traver Salcedo, Vicente; Sato, Keiichi; Bellika, Johan G.. Journal: Journal of Biomedical Informatics.Vol. 74pp. 104-122. (2017). [View Publication]

Verifying goal-oriented specifications used in model-driven development processes

Authors: Giachetti Herrera, Giovanni Andrés; Marín, Beatriz; López, Lidia; Franch, Xavier; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 64pp. 41-62. (2017). [View Publication]

Special issue on conceptual modeling - 34th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2015)

Authors: Paul Johannesson; Mong Li Lee; Liddle, Steve; Opdahl, Andreas; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 109pp. 1-2. (2017). [View Publication]

Selected Topics on Business Informatics: Editorial Introduction to Issue 13 of CSIMQ

Authors: Zdravkovic, Jelena; Pastor López, Oscar; Loucopoulos, Pericles. Journal: Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly.Vol. 13pp. I-II. (2017). [View Publication]

Selected Topics on Advances in Capability-Oriented Information Systems Development: Editorial Introduction to Issue 10 of CSIMQ

Authors: Zdravkovic, Jelena; Pastor López, Oscar; Loucopoulos, Pericles. Journal: Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly.Vol. 10pp. I-II. (2017). [View Publication]

Achieving autonomic Web service compositions with models at runtime

Authors: Alférez-Salinas, Germán Harvey; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Computers & Electrical Engineering.Vol. 63pp. 332-352. (2017). [View Publication]

Incremental and Developmental Perspectives for General- Purpose Learning Systems

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando. Journal: AI Matters.Vol. 3pp. 24-25. (2017).

Zeolite structure determination using genetic algorithms and geometry optimisation

Authors: Liu, Xuehua; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Argente, Estefanía; Sastre Navarro, Germán Ignacio. Journal: Faraday Discussions.Vol. 211pp. 103-115. (2018). [View Publication]

Speaker-Adapted Confidence Measures for ASR using Deep Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors: Del Agua Teba, Miguel Angel; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Juan, Alfons . Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing.Vol. 26pp. 1198-1206. (2018). [View Publication]

Probabilistic class hierarchies for multiclass classification

Authors: Silva-Palacios, Daniel Andres; Ferri Ramírez, César; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Journal of Computational Science.Vol. 26pp. 254-263. (2018). [View Publication]

Activities suggestion based on emotions in AAL environments

Authors: Costa, Angelo; Rincon, J.A. ; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.Vol. 86pp. 9-19. (2018). [View Publication]

A Multi-Agent System for the Dynamic Emplacement of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Botti, V.. Journal: Applied Sciences.Vol. 8pp. 313-327. (2018). [View Publication]


Authors: Búrdalo Rapa, Luis Antonio; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; JAVIER BAJO; Rodriguez, Sara; JUAN CORCHADO. Journal: Computing and Informatics.Vol. 36pp. 1019-1040. (2017).

Introducing dynamism in emotional agent societies

Authors: Rincon, J.A. ; Costa, Angelo; Villarrubia, G. ; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 272pp. 27-39. (2018). [View Publication]

Coordinating open fleets. A taxi assignment example

Authors: Billhardt, Holger; Fernández, Alberto; Lujak, Marin; Ossowski, Sascha; Julian, Vicente; De Paz, Juan F.; Hernandez, Josefa Z.. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 30pp. 37-52. (2017). [View Publication]

A legal framework for an elderly healthcare platform: A privacy and data protection overview

Authors: Costa, Angelo; Yelshyna, Aliaksandra; Moreira, Teresa C.; Andrade, Francisco C.P.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Novais, Paulo. Journal: Computer Law & Security Review.Vol. 33pp. 647-658. (2017). [View Publication]

Using Emotions in Intelligent Virtual Environments: The EJaCalIVE Framework

Authors: Rincon, Jaime A.; Costa, Angelo; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.Vol. 2017pp. 1-9. (2017). [View Publication]

Selected Ph.D. Thesis Abstracts: Incremental and developmental perspectives for general-purpose learning systems

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando. Journal: IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin .Vol. 18pp. 26-27. (2017). [View Publication]

A New AI Evaluation Cosmos: Ready to Play the Game?

Authors: Hernández-Orallo, José; Baroni, Marco; Bieger, Jordi; Chmait, Nader; Dowe, David L; Hofmann, Katja; Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Strannegard, Claes; Thorissons, Kristinn R.. Journal: AI Magazine.Vol. 38pp. 66-69. (2017). [View Publication]

Automatic assessment of Java code

Authors: Insa Cabrera, David; Silva, Josep. Journal: Computer Languages Systems & Structures.Vol. 53pp. 59-72. (2018). [View Publication]

Users’ Perceptions Using Low-End and High-End Mobile-Rendered HMDs: A Comparative Study

Authors: Juan, M.-Carmen; García García, Inmaculada; Mollá, R. ; López, R.. Journal: Computers.Vol. 7pp. 1-17. (2018). [View Publication]

Relative Termination via Dependency Pairs

Authors: Iborra, José; Nishida, Naoki; Vidal Oriola, Germán; Yamada, Akihisa. Journal: Journal of Automated Reasoning.Vol. 58pp. 391-411. (2017). [View Publication]

The Information Flow Problem in multi-agent systems

Authors: Búrdalo Rapa, Luis Antonio; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 70pp. 130-141. (2018). [View Publication]

Self-adaptive unobtrusive interactions of mobile computing systems

Authors: Gil Pascual, Miriam; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments.Vol. 9pp. 659-688. (2017). [View Publication]

Advanced Compact Setups for Passive Intermodulation Measurements of Satellite Hardware

Authors: Smacchia, Davide; Soto Pacheco, Pablo; Boria Esbert, Vicente Enrique; Guglielmi, Marco; Carceller Candau, Carlos; Ruiz-Garnica, Jesús; Galdeano, Jaione ; Raboso García-Baquero, David. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.Vol. 66pp. 700-710. (2018). [View Publication]

Families of languages encoded by SN P systems

Authors: Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 10725pp. 262-269. (2018). [View Publication]

Scaling up Heuristic Planning with Relational Decision Trees

Authors: Tomás de la Rosa Turbides; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Raquel Fuentetaja Pizán; Daniel Borrajo. Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.(2011).

A review of machine learning for automated planning

Authors: Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Tomás de la Rosa Turbides; SUSANA FERNÁNDEZ ARREGUI; Fernando Fernández; Daniel Borrajo. Journal: The Knowledge Engineering Review.(2012).

A Survey of the Seventh International Planning Competition

Authors: Amanda Coles; Andrew Coles; Ángel García Olaya; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; CarlosLinares López; Scott Sanner; Sungwook Yoon. Journal: AI Magazine.(2012).

Integrating Planning, Execution, and Learning to Improve Plan Execution

Authors: Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Fernando Fernández; Daniel Borrajo. Journal: Computational Intelligence.(2013).

Automating the evaluation of planning systems

Authors: CarlosLinares López; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Malte Helmert. Journal: AI Communications.(2013).

The deterministic part of the seventh International Planning Competition

Authors: CarlosLinares López; Jiménez-Celorrio, Sergio; Ángel García Olaya. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.(2015).

FMAP: A platform for the development of distributed multi-agent planning systems

Authors: Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Knowledge-Based Systems.Vol. 145pp. 166-168. (2018). [View Publication]

Cooperative Multi-Agent Planning: A survey

Authors: Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Komenda, Antonín; Štolba, Michal. Journal: ACM Computing Surveys.Vol. 50pp. 84:1-84:32. (2017). [View Publication]

Estimation of privacy risk through centrality metrics

Authors: Alemany-Bordera, José; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 82pp. 63-76. (2018). [View Publication]

Análisis de sentimientos a nivel de aspecto usando ontologías y aprendizaje automático

Authors: Carlos Henríquez; Pla Santamaría, Ferran; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Jaime Guzmán. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 49-56. (2017). [View Publication]

Are you Curious? Predicting the Human Curiosity from Facebook

Authors: Menk Dos Santos, Alan; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura. Journal: International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems.Vol. 25pp. 79-95. (2017).

A generalized model for algorithmic debugging

Authors: Insa Cabrera, David; Silva, Josep. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 9527pp. 261-276. (2015).

A Survey on Sleep Questionnaires and Diaries

Authors: Ibáñez Del Valle, Vanessa; Silva, Josep; Cauli, Omar . Journal: Sleep Medicine.Vol. 42pp. 90-96. (2017). [View Publication]

A Survey of Algorithmic Debugging

Authors: Caballero, Rafael; Riesco, Adrián; Silva, Josep. Journal: ACM Computing Surveys.Vol. 50pp. 1-35. (2017). [View Publication]

An augmented reality game to support therapeutic education for children with diabetes

Authors: Calle -Bustos, Andrés Marcelo ; Juan, M.-Carmen; García García, Inmaculada; Abad Cerdá, Francisco José. Journal: PLoS ONE.Vol. 12pp. 1-23. (2017). [View Publication]

A finite element-based machine learning approach for modeling the mechanical behavior of the breast tissues under compression in real-time

Authors: Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Martínez-Sober, M.; Solves Llorens, Juan Antonio; Lorente, D.; Serrano-Lopez, A.J.; Martinez-Sanchis, Sandra; Monserrat, C.; Martin-Guerrero, J.D.. Journal: Computers in Biology and Medicine.Vol. 90pp. 116-124. (2017). [View Publication]

A Better-response Strategy for Self-interested Planning Agents

Authors: Jordán, Jaume; Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; de Weerdt, M.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Applied Intelligence.Vol. 48pp. 1020-1040. (2018). [View Publication]

The JaCalIVE framework for MAS in IVE: A case study in evolving modular robotics

Authors: Rincón Arango, Jaime Andrés; Garcia Marques, Mª Emilia; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 275pp. 608-617. (2017). [View Publication]

Analysis of Dynamic Complexity of the Cyber Security Ecosystem of Colombia

Authors: Angélica Flórez; Serrano Gil, Lenin Javier; Urbano Gómez; Luis Suárez ; Alejandro Villarraga; Hugo Rodríguez. Journal: Future Internet.Vol. 8pp. 8-33. (2016).

Defeasible-argumentation-based multi-agent planning

Authors: Pajares Ferrando, Sergio; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 411pp. 1-22. (2017). [View Publication]

Automatic Synthesis of Logical Models for Order-Sorted First-Order Theories

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl. Journal: Journal of Automated Reasoning.Vol. 60pp. 465-501. (2018). [View Publication]

Dependency pairs for proving termination properties of conditional term rewriting systems

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; Meseguer, José. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 86pp. 236-268. (2017). [View Publication]

Educando en privacidad en el uso de las redes sociales

Authors: Argente, E.; Vivancos, Emilio; Alemany-Bordera, José; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Education in The Knowledge Society (EKS).Vol. 18pp. 107-126. (2017). [View Publication]

Inspecting Maude Variants with GLINTS

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Cuenca-Ortega, Angel; Escobar Román, Santiago; Sapiña-Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 17pp. 689-707. (2017). [View Publication]

Evaluación basada en el método del gradiente de las propiedades elásticas de tejidos humanos in vivo

Authors: Nadal, Enrique; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Martinez-Sanchis, Sandra; Monserrat Aranda, Carlos; Tur Valiente, Manuel; Fuenmayor Fernández, Francisco Javier. Journal: Revista UIS Ingenierías.Vol. 16pp. 15-22. (2017). [View Publication]

Incremental and developmental perspectives for general-purpose learning systems

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 20pp. 24-27. (2017). [View Publication]

A computational analysis of general intelligence tests for evaluating cognitive development

Authors: Martínez-Plumed, Fernando; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández-Orallo, José; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Cognitive Systems Research.Vol. 43pp. 100-118. (2017). [View Publication]

An educational recommender system based on argumentation theory

Authors: Rodríguez, Paula; Heras, Stella; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Poveda, Jhon M.; Duque, Néstor; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 30pp. 19-36. (2017). [View Publication]

Use of Logical Models for Proving Operational Termination in General Logics

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 9942pp. 26-46. (2016). [View Publication]

A View of P Systems from Information Theory.

Authors: Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 10105pp. 352-362. (2017). [View Publication]

A holonic multi-agent methodology to design sustainable intelligent manufacturing control systems

Authors: Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Trentesaux, Damien; Salido Gregorio, Miguel Ángel; Garcia, Emilia; Adam, Emmanuel. Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production.Vol. 167pp. 1370-1386. (2017). [View Publication]

Multilingual videos for MOOCs and OER

Authors: Valor Miró, Juan Daniel; Baquero-Arnal, Pau ; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Turró Ribalta, Carlos; Juan, Alfons. Journal: Educational Technology & Society .Vol. 21pp. 1-12. (2018). [View Publication]

A Dynamic Hybrid Control Architecture for Sustainable Manufacturing Control

Authors: JF. Jimenez; A. Bekrar; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; P. Leitao; Trentesaux, Damien. Journal: IFAC-PapersOnLine.Vol. 49pp. 114-119. (2016). [View Publication]

Persuasion and Recommendation System Applied to a Cognitive Assistant

Authors: Costa, Angelo; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Novais, Paulo; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.Vol. 5pp. 89-99. (2016).

Bargaining agents based system for automatic classification of potential allergens in recipes

Authors: Alemany-Bordera, José; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.Vol. 5pp. 43-51. (2016). [View Publication]

An Agent-Based Approach for a Smart Transport System

Authors: Peñaranda-Cebrián, Cristian; AGUERO MEDINA, JORGE; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.Vol. 5pp. 67-87. (2016).

Adding real data to detect emotions by means of smart resource artifacts in MAS

Authors: J.A. Rincon; Poza-Lujan, Jose-Luis; Posadas-Yagüe, Juan-Luis; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.Vol. 5pp. 85-92. (2016). [View Publication]

Influencing over people with a social emotional model

Authors: Rincon, J.A. ; de la Prieta-Pintado, Fernando ; Zanardini, D. ; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 231pp. 47-54. (2017). [View Publication]

Parallel heuristic search in forward partial-order planning

Authors: Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: The Knowledge Engineering Review.Vol. 31pp. 417-428. (2016). [View Publication]

Evaluation of low-cost manufacture techniques in the design of multi-port waveguide junctions

Authors: SAN BLAS OLTRA, ÁNGEL ANTONIO; Ruiz-Garnica, Jesús; Cogollos Borras, Santiago; Soto Pacheco, Pablo; Boria Esbert, Vicente Enrique; GIMENO MARTINEZ, BENITO. Journal: Waves.Vol. 8pp. 39-50. (2016).

Temporal landmark graphs for solving overconstrained planning problems

Authors: Marzal Calatayud, Eliseo Jorge; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Knowledge-Based Systems.Vol. 106pp. 14-25. (2016). [View Publication]

Evaluation in artificial intelligence: From task-oriented to ability-oriented measurement

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Artificial Intelligence Review.pp. 1-51. (2016). [View Publication]

Reframing in context: A systematic approach for model reuse in machine learning

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; Martínez-Usó, Adolfo; Prudencio, Ricardo; Kull, Meelis; P. Flach; Farhan Ahmed; NICOLAS LACHICHE. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 29pp. 551-566. (2016). [View Publication]

Binarised regression tasks: methods and evaluation metrics

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; Ferri Ramírez, César; NICOLAS LACHICHE; Martínez-Usó, Adolfo; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.Vol. 30pp. 848-890. (2016). [View Publication]

Considerations about quality in model-driven engineering

Authors: Giraldo-Velásquez, Faber Danilo; Pastor López, Oscar; España Cubillo, Sergio; William J. Giraldo. Journal: Software Quality Journal.pp. 1-66. (2016). [View Publication]

A program analysis framework for tccp based on abstract interpretation

Authors: Comini, Marco; Gallardo, Maria-del-Mar; Titolo, Laura; Villanueva, Alicia. Journal: Formal Aspects of Computing.Vol. 29pp. 531-557. (2017). [View Publication]

A mobile-based solution for supporting end-users in the composition of services

Authors: Valderas Aranda, Pedro José; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Mansanet Benavent, Ignacio; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.(2016). [View Publication]

Language identification of multilingual posts from Twitter: a case study

Authors: Pla Santamaría, Ferran; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Knowledge and Information Systems.pp. 1-25. (2016). [View Publication]

A Mobile Augmented Reality System for the Learning of Dental Morphology

Authors: Juan, M.-Carmen; Alexandrescu, Lucian; Folguera, F.; García García, Inmaculada. Journal: Digital Education Review.pp. 234-247. (2016). [View Publication]

A framework for modelling the biomechanical behaviour of the human liver during breathing in real time using machine learning

Authors: D. Lorente; Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Lago, M. A.; Martínez-Sober, M.; P. Escandell-Montero; Martínez Martínez, José María; Martinez-Sanchis, Sandra; ANTONIO JOSÉ SERRANO LÓPEZ ; C. Monserrat; JOSÉ DAVID MARTÍN GUERRERO. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.pp. 342-357. (2017). [View Publication]

A Train-on-Target Strategy for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding

Authors: García-Granada, Fernando; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; C. Millán; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 10077pp. 224-233. (2016). [View Publication]

Towards Formal Modeling of Affective Agents in a BDI Architecture

Authors: Alfonso Espinosa, Bexy; Vivancos, Emilio; Botti V.. Journal: ACM Transactions on Internet Technology.Vol. 17pp. 5:1-5:23. (2017). [View Publication]

How to deal with Haplotype data: An Extension to the Conceptual Schema of the Human Genome

Authors: JOSE FABIAN; Pastor López, Oscar; Roldán Martínez, David; Valverde Giromé, Francisco. Journal: CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL.Vol. 19pp. 1-21. (2016). [View Publication]

Rescheduling in job-shop problems for sustainable manufacturing systems

Authors: Salido Gregorio, Miguel Ángel; Escamilla Fuster, Joan; Barber Sanchís, Federico; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production.Vol. 162pp. 121-132. (2017). [View Publication]

ASLP-MULAN: Audio speech and language processing for multimedia analytics

Authors: Javier Ferreiros; José Manuel Pardo; Lluís-F Hurtado; Encarna Segarra; Alfonso Ortega; Eduardo Lleida; María Inés Torres; Raquel Justo. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 147-150. (2016). [View Publication]

Traducción Automática usando conocimiento semántico en un dominio restringido

Authors: Lluís-F Hurtado; Iván Costa; Encarna Segarra; Fernando García-Granada; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 101-108. (2016). [View Publication]

Spoken dialog systems based on online generated stochastic finite-state transducers

Authors: Lluís-F Hurtado; Joaquin Planells; Encarna Segarra;  Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Speech Communication.Vol. 83pp. 81-93. (2016). [View Publication]

Assertion-based Analysis via Slicing with ABETS

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis ., Demis; Frechina, F.; Julia. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 16pp. 515-532. (2016). [View Publication]

Site-Level Web Template Extraction Based on DOM Analysis

Authors: Alarte-Aleixandre, Julián; Insa Cabrera, David; Silva, Josep; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 9609pp. 36-49. (2016). [View Publication]

Speaker-adapted confidence measures for speech recognition of video lectures

Authors: Sanchez-Cortina, Isaias; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Alfons Juan. Journal: Computer Speech & Language.Vol. 37pp. 11-23. (2016). [View Publication]

Publication, discovery and interoperability of Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Linked Data approach

Authors: MARCO-RUIZ, LUIS; Pedrinaci, Carlos ; Maldonado Segura, José Alberto; Panziera, Luca ; Chen, Rong; Bellika, J. Gustav. Journal: Journal of Biomedical Informatics.Vol. 62pp. 243-264. (2016). [View Publication]

IDEAS03: Evaluation of software development through an MDA tool: a case study

Authors: JOSE DUARTE; GONZÁLEZ TOÑÁNEZ, MAGALÍ; Luca; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: IEEE Latin America Transactions.Vol. 6pp. 252-259. (2008). [View Publication]

A MDA Approach for Navigational and User Perspectives

Authors: GONZÁLEZ TOÑÁNEZ, MAGALÍ; Jorge; Juan José; Luca; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL.Vol. 14(2011). [View Publication]

A navigational role-centric model oriented web approach - MoWebA

Authors: GONZÁLEZ TOÑÁNEZ, MAGALÍ; Luca; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology.Vol. 11pp. 29-67. (2016). [View Publication]

Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding using graphs and multiple translations

Authors: Calvo Lance, Marcos; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; García-Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación. Journal: Computer Speech & Language.Vol. 38pp. 86-103. (2016). [View Publication]

Integration of Students’ Out-of-Class Work in Teaching-Learning Process

Authors: Palomares Chust, Alberto; Antonino Daviu, Eva; David de Andrés; Gisbert Domenech, Maria Carmen; Peña Cerdán, Antonio; Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Ballester Server, José Vicente; Villavieja Llorente, Carlos. Journal: International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education.Vol. 7pp. 2748-2754. (2016). [View Publication]

On some properties of the Laplacian matrix revealed by the RCM algorithm

Authors: Pedroche Sánchez, Francisco; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Palomares Chust, Alberto. Journal: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal.Vol. 66pp. 603-620. (2016). [View Publication]

Towards building Agreement Spaces using consensus networks

Authors: Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Palomares Chust, Alberto; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 29pp. 17-30. (2016). [View Publication]

GestUI: A Model-driven Method and Tool for Including Gesture-based Interaction in User Interfaces

Authors: Parra-González, Luis Otto; Pastor López, Oscar; España Cubillo, Sergio. Journal: Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly.Vol. 6pp. 73-92. (2016). [View Publication]

Normal forms and normal theories in conditional rewriting

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; José Meseguer. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 85pp. 67-97. (2016). [View Publication]

Lo que Church y Turing ya sabían sobre mi portátil

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Investigación y Ciencia.Vol. 479pp. 14-16. (2016).

Using Feedback for Improving the Learning Process in Programming Courses

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; García-Fornes, A. Journal: IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal .Vol. 9pp. 49-56. (2014). [View Publication]

Production control strategy inspired by neuroendocrine regulation

Authors: Zhang, H; Tang, Dunbing; Zheng, Kun; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture.Vol. 232pp. 67-77. (2018). [View Publication]

A hormone regulation–based approach for distributed and on-line scheduling of machines and automated guided vehicles

Authors: Zheng, Kun; Tang, Dunbing; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Salido, Miguel A. ; Sang, Z. . Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture.Vol. 232pp. 99-113. (2016). [View Publication]

Towards Real-Time Argumentation

Authors: Navarro Llácer, Martín; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.Vol. 4pp. 35-58. (2015). [View Publication]

Developing an emotional-based application for human-agent societies

Authors: J.A. Rincon; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Soft Computing.Vol. 20pp. 4217-4228. (2016). [View Publication]

A sufficient condition to polynomially compute a minimum separating DFA

Authors: Vázquez-de-Parga Andrade, Manuel; García Gómez, Pedro; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 370-371pp. 204-220. (2016). [View Publication]

Minimal consistent DFA revisited

Authors: Vázquez-de-Parga Andrade, Manuel; García Gómez, Pedro; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 647pp. 43-49. (2016).

Analyzing Users' Activity in On-line Social Networks over Time through a Multi-Agent Framework

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Carla; Botti V.. Journal: Soft Computing.Vol. 20pp. 4331-4345. (2016). [View Publication]

Enhancing Smart-Home Environments using Magentix2

Authors: Valero Cubas, Soledad; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Alemany-Bordera, José; Botti V.. Journal: Journal of Applied Logic.Vol. 24pp. 32-44. (2017). [View Publication]

Designing a goal-oriented smart-home environment

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Del Val Noguera, Elena; García-Fornes, A; HOLGER BILLHARDT; JUAN CORCHADO; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.Vol. 20pp. 125-142. (2018). [View Publication]

An artificial intelligence tool for heterogeneous team formation in the classroom

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Palomares Chust, Alberto; Teruel Serrano, Mª Dolores. Journal: Knowledge-Based Systems.pp. 1-14. (2016).

Debugging Maude programs via runtime assertion checking and trace slicing

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis ., Demis; Frechina, F.; Sapiña Sanchis, Julia. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 85pp. 707-736. (2016). [View Publication]

An engineering framework for Service-Oriented Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

Authors: Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Garcia Marques, Mª Emilia; Botti V.. Journal: Computers in Industry.Vol. 81pp. 116-127. (2016). [View Publication]

On the use of case-based planning for e-learning personalization

Authors: Antonio Garrido; Lluvia Morales; Ivan Serina. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 60pp. 1-15. (2016). [View Publication]

Assessment of mathematical programming and agent-based modelling for off-line scheduling: application to energy aware manufacturing

Authors: F. Tonelli; A. Bruzzone; M. Paolucci; E. Carpanzano; G. Nicolo; Adriana Giret; Miguel A. Salido; D. Trentesaux. Journal: CIRP Annals.Vol. 65pp. 405-408. (2016). [View Publication]

Bi-objective optimization for low-carbon product family design

Authors: Wang, Qi ; Dunbing, Tang; Yin, Leilei; Salido Gregorio, Miguel A. ; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Xu, Yuchun. Journal: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.Vol. 41pp. 53-65. (2016). [View Publication]

An artificial intelligence tool for heterogeneous team formation in the classroom

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Palomares Chust, Alberto; Teruel Serrano, Mª Dolores. Journal: Knowledge-Based Systems.Vol. 101pp. 1-14. (2016). [View Publication]

DFA minimization: Double reversal versus split minimization algorithms

Authors: García Gómez, Pedro; López Rodríguez, Damián; Vázquez-de-Parga Andrade, Manuel. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 583pp. 78-85. (2015). [View Publication]

Go-green manufacturing holons: a step towards sustainable manufacturing operations control

Authors: Damien; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Manufacturing Letters.Vol. 5pp. 29-33. (2015). [View Publication]

GoBIS: An integrated framework to analyse the goal and business process perspectives in information systems

Authors: Ruiz Carmona, Luz Marcela; Dolors; España Cubillo, Sergio; XAVIER FRANCH; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 53pp. 330-345. (2015). [View Publication]

TESTAR Tool Support for Test Automation at the User Interface Level

Authors: Vos ., Tanja Ernestina; Nelly; PETER M. KRUSE; Sebastian; JOACHIM WEGENER. Journal: International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design.Vol. 6pp. 46-83. (2015). [View Publication]

Recommender Systems in Tourism

Authors: A. Moreno; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; P. Vansteenwegen . Journal: IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin (Online).Vol. 16pp. 1-2. (2015).

Using emotions for the development of human-agent societies

Authors: Rincon, J. A.; Bajo, J.; Fernandez, A.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering.Vol. 17pp. 325-337. (2016). [View Publication]

Extending MAM5 Meta-Model and JaCalIVE Framework to Integrate Smart Devices from Real Environments

Authors: J.A. Rincon; Poza-Lujan, Jose-Luis; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Posadas-Yagüe, Juan-Luis; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: PLoS ONE.pp. 1-27. (2016). [View Publication]

In Search of Evidence for Model-Driven Development Claims: An Experiment on Quality, Effort, Productivity and Satisfaction

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; España Cubillo, Sergio; OSCAR DIESTE; Pastor López, Oscar; NATALIA JURISTO JUZGADO. Journal: Information and Software Technology.pp. 164-186. (2015). [View Publication]

Can Machine Intelligence be Measured in the Same Way as Human intelligence?

Authors: Tarek Besold; José Hernández-Orallo; Ute. Journal: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz.Vol. 29pp. 291-297. (2015). [View Publication]

A framework to identify primitives that represent usability within Model-Driven Development methods

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; NATALIA JURISTO JUZGADO; Valverde Giromé, Francisco; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Information and Software Technology.pp. 338-354. (2015). [View Publication]

Computer models solving intelligence test problems: Progress and implications

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; Martínez Plumed, Fernando; Ute Schmid; ; David L Dowe. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 230pp. 74-107. (2016). [View Publication]

Binarised regression tasks: methods and evaluation metrics

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; Ferri Ramírez, César; NICOLAS LACHICE; Adolfo; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.pp. 1-43. (2015). [View Publication]

Inductive Programming Meets the Real World

Authors: Sumit Gulwani; José Hernández-Orallo; ; Stephen Muggleton; Ute Schmid; Ben Zorn. Journal: Communications of the ACM.Vol. 58pp. 90-99. (2015). [View Publication]

Derek Partridge: What Makes You Clever: The Puzzle of Intelligence

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Minds and Machines.Vol. 25pp. 97-101. (2015).

On environment difficulty and discriminating power

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.Vol. 29pp. 402-454. (2015). [View Publication]

Supervision by observation using inductive programming

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Dagstuhl Reports.Vol. 5pp. 99-100. (2015).

Report of Dagstuhl Seminar 15442 Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; ; ; . Journal: Dagstuhl Reports.Vol. 5pp. 89-111. (2015). [View Publication]

Variability Management in Process Families through Change Patterns

Authors: Ayora Esteras, Clara; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; de la Vara González, José Luis; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 74pp. 86-104. (2016). [View Publication]

Symbolic execution as a basis for termination analysis

Authors: Germán Vidal. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 102pp. 142-157. (2015). [View Publication]

A Framework for Computing Finite SLD Trees

Authors: Germán Vidal; Naoki. Journal: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.Vol. 84pp. 197-217. (2015). [View Publication]

Concolic Testing in Logic programming

Authors: Germán Vidal; ; . Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 15pp. 711-725. (2015). [View Publication]

Dynamic slicing of concurrent specification languages

Authors: Llorens Agost, María Luisa; Oliver Villarroya, Javier; Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Parallel Computing.Vol. 53pp. 1-22. (2016). [View Publication]

FLAP: Applying Least-Commitment in Forward-Chaining Planning

Authors: Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Torreño Lerma, Alejandro. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 28pp. 5-20. (2015). [View Publication]

Human-Agent Societies: Challenges and Issues

Authors: HOLGER BILLHARDT; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; JUAN CORCHADO; Alberto. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 13pp. 28-44. (2015). [View Publication]

Special issue on agreement technologies

Authors: Carlos Iván Chesñevar; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; SASCHA OSSOWSKY; G. Vouros. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.Vol. 17pp. 707-711. (2015). [View Publication]

Constrained narrowing for conditional equational theories modulo axioms

Authors: Escobar Román, Santiago; José Meseguer. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 112pp. 24-57. (2015). [View Publication]

Agent reactive capabilities in dynamic environments

Authors: AGUERO MEDINA, JORGE; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Neurocomputing.pp. 69-75. (2015). [View Publication]

Report of the First International Workshop on Learning over Multiple Contexts (LMCE 2014).

Authors: Ferri Ramírez, César; PETER FLACH; NICOLAS LACHICE. Journal: ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter.Vol. 17pp. 48-50. (2015). [View Publication]

Knowledge acquisition with forgetting: an incremental and developmental setting

Authors: Martínez Plumed, Fernando; Ferri Ramírez, César; José Hernández-Orallo; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Adaptive Behavior.Vol. 23pp. 283-299. (2015). [View Publication]

On the usefulness and ease of use of a model-driven Method Engineering approach

Authors: Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente; Albert Albiol, Manuela; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Cervera Ubeda, Mario. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 50pp. 36-50. (2015). [View Publication]

Inferring loneliness levels in older adults from smartphones

Authors: Wendy Sánchez; ALICIA MARTÍNEZ; Wilfrido Campos; HUGO ESTRADA; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments.Vol. 7pp. 85-98. (2015). [View Publication]

Automatic Inference of Specifications in the K Framework

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Pardo-Pont, Daniel; Villanueva, Alicia. Journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 200pp. 1-17. (2015). [View Publication]

Combining Runtime Checking and Slicing to improve Maude Error Diagnosis

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis ., Demis; Frechina, F.; Julia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 9200pp. 72-96. (2015).

Usability Evaluation of Variability Modeling by means of Common Variability Language

Authors: Echeverría-Ochoa, Jorge; ; Pastor López, Oscar; Cetina Englada, Carlos. Journal: Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly.Vol. 5pp. 61-81. (2015). [View Publication]

A formal model based on Game Theory for the analysis of cooperation in distributed service discovery

Authors: Guillem; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Botti V.; Penélope; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 326pp. 59-70. (2016). [View Publication]

The effects of computer-based games and collaboration in large groups vs. collaboration in pairs or traditional methods

Authors: Martín-SanJosé, Juan-Fernando; Juan, M.-Carmen; Seguí Ignacio; García García, Inmaculada. Journal: Computers & Education.Vol. 87pp. 42-54. (2015). [View Publication]

Synthesis of models for order-sorted first-order theories using linear algebra and constraint solving

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 200pp. 32-47. (2015). [View Publication]

Termination of canonical context-sensitive rewriting and productivity of rewrite systems

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 200pp. 18-31. (2015). [View Publication]

Archetype-based data warehouse environment to enable the reuse of electronic health record data

Authors: MARCO RUIZ, LUIS; Moner Cano, David; Maldonado Segura, José Alberto; Nils Kolstrup; Johan G. Bellika. Journal: International Journal of Medical Informatics.pp. 702-714. (2015).

An Augmented Reality Application for Art Exhibitions

Authors: Rodríguez Calatayud, María Nuria; Linares-Pellicer, Jordi; Heras Evangelio, David. Journal: Ercim News.pp. 14-15. (2015). [View Publication]

Designing normative open virtual enterprises

Authors: Garcia Marques, Mª Emilia; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Botti V.. Journal: Enterprise Information Systems.Vol. 10pp. 303-324. (2016). [View Publication]

Dynamic shop floor re-scheduling approach inspired by a neuroendocrine regulation mechanism

Authors: Zheng, Kun; Tang, Dunbing ; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Gu, Wenbin; Wu, Xing. Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture.Vol. 229pp. 121-134. (2015). [View Publication]

Sustainability in Manufacturing Operations Scheduling: A State of the Art Review

Authors: Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; ; . Journal: Journal of Manufacturing Systems.Vol. 37pp. 126-140. (2015). [View Publication]

A membrane computing simulator of trans-hierarchical antibiotic resistance evolution dynamics in nested ecological compartments (ARES)

Authors: Campos Frances, Marcelino; Sempere Luna, José María; Carlos; Ricardo; Irene; Purificación; Rafael; Amparo; Teresa; Andrés ; Fernando. Journal: Biology Direct.Vol. 10pp. 1-13. (2015). [View Publication]

Energy-efficient dynamic scheduling for a flexible flow shop using an improved particle swarm optimization

Authors: Dunbing; Dai Min; Miguel A. Salido; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Computers in Industry.Vol. 81pp. 82-95. (2016). [View Publication]

A Genetic Algorithm for Energy-Efficiency in Job-Shop Scheduling

Authors: Miguel A. Salido; Joan; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Federico Barber. Journal: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.Vol. 1pp. 1-12. (2015). [View Publication]

Energy efficiency, robustness, and makespan optimality in job-shop scheduling problems

Authors: Miguel A. Salido; Joan; Federico Barber; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Dunbing; Dai Min. Journal: Artificial intelligence for engineering design analysis and manufacturing.Vol. 1pp. 1-13. (2015). [View Publication]

An Active Learning Technique Enhanced with Electronic Polls

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Natalia Criado; García-Fornes, A. Journal: The International Journal of Engineering Education.Vol. 31pp. 1048-1057. (2015). [View Publication]

Efficient Generation of High-Quality Multilingual Subtitles for Video Lecture Repositories

Authors: Valor Miró, Juan Daniel; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Turró Ribalta, Carlos; Alfons Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 9307pp. 485-490. (2015). [View Publication]

Efficiency and usability study of innovative computer-aided transcription strategies for video lecture repositories

Authors: Valor Miró, Juan Daniel; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Turró Ribalta, Carlos; Alfons Juan. Journal: Speech Communication.Vol. 74pp. 65-75. (2015). [View Publication]

Reactive execution for solving plan failures in planning control applications

Authors: Guzmán Álvarez, Cesar Augusto; Castejón Navarro, Pablo; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Jeremy. Journal: Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering.Vol. 22pp. 343-360. (2015). [View Publication]

Diseño y comparación de varias aproximaciones estadísticas a la Comprensión del Habla en dos tareas e idiomas distintos

Authors: García Granada, Fernando; Calvo Lance, Marcos; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 31-38. (2015). [View Publication]

Towards persuasive social recommendation: knowledge model

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Javier; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review.Vol. 15pp. 41-49. (2015). [View Publication]

A prosody-based vector-space model of dialog activity for information retrieval

Authors: Nigel G. Ward; Steven D. Werner; García Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: Speech Communication.Vol. 68pp. 85-96. (2015). [View Publication]

Patient-specific simulation of the intrastromal ring segment implantation in corneas with keratoconus

Authors: Lago, M. A.; Rupérez Moreno, María José; C. Monserrat; Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Martinez-Sanchis, Sandra; Eva; ; C. Peris-Martínez. Journal: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.Vol. 51pp. 260-268. (2015). [View Publication]

Improving Human-Agent Immersion using Natural Interfaces and CBR

Authors: Sanchis-Cano, Ángel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; JUAN CORCHADO; HOLGER BILLHARDT; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 13pp. 81-93. (2015). [View Publication]

Methodology based on genetic heuristics for in-vivo characterizing the patient-specific biomechanical behavior of the breast tissues

Authors: Lago, M. A.; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Martinez-Sanchis, Sandra; Bakic, P.R.; Monserrat, C.. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 42pp. 7942-7950. (2015). [View Publication]

Does the type of event influence how user interactions evolve on Twitter?

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: PLoS ONE.pp. 21-53. (2015). [View Publication]

Automatic, Calibrated and Accurate Measurement of S-Parameters in Climatic Chamber

Authors: MONERRIS BELDA, ÓSCAR; Díaz Caballero, Elena; Ruiz-Garnica, Jesús; Boria Esbert, Vicente Enrique. Journal: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters.pp. 412-414. (2015). [View Publication]

Self-Organization in Service Discovery in presence of Noncooperative Agents

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 176pp. 81-90. (2016). [View Publication]

The importance of T ... T ... T angles in the feasibility of zeolites

Authors: Liu, Xuehua; Valero Cubas, Soledad; E. Argente; Botti V.; SASTRE NAVARRO, GERMAN IGNACIO. Journal: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie.Vol. 230pp. 291-299. (2015). [View Publication]

Feedback Efectivo en Prácticas de Programación

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; García-Fornes, A. Journal: VAEP-RITA.Vol. 1pp. 88-96. (2013). [View Publication]

Student-oriented planning of e-learning contents for Moodle

Authors: Valentina Caputi; Antonio Garrido. Journal: Journal of Network and Computer Applications.Vol. 53pp. 115-127. (2015). [View Publication]

Supporting Dynamicity in Emergency Response Applications

Authors: López Fogués, Ricard; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Computing and Informatics.Vol. 33pp. 1288-1311. (2014). [View Publication]

A Transformational Approach to Resource Analysis with Typed-Norms

Authors: Elvira Albert; Samir Genaim; Raúl Gutiérrez. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8901pp. 38-53. (2014). [View Publication]

Utility-Based Mechanism for Structural Self-Organization in Service-Oriented MAS

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Matteo; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Alberto. Journal: ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems.Vol. 9pp. 1-24. (2014). [View Publication]

Probabilistic reframing for cost-sensitive regression

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.Vol. 8pp. 1-55. (2014). [View Publication]


Authors: Alférez-Salinas, Germán Harvey; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: International Journal of Services Computing (Online).Vol. 2pp. 1-16. (2014). [View Publication]

Supporting ambient assisting living by using executable context-adaptive task models

Authors: Estefanía Serral; Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: International Journal On Advances in Software.Vol. 7pp. 77-87. (2014). [View Publication]

Dynamic Adaptation of Service Compositions with Variability Models

Authors: Alférez-Salinas, Germán Harvey; V. Pelechano; ; ; . Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 91pp. 24-47. (2014).


Authors: Reyhan ; Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; ; Catholijn . Journal: Cybernetics & Systems.Vol. 45pp. 217-221. (2014). [View Publication]

Unanimously acceptable agreements for negotiation teams in unpredictable domains

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Reyhan Aydogan; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Catholijn Jonker. Journal: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.Vol. 13pp. 243-265. (2014). [View Publication]

Empirical research methodologies and studies in Requirements Engineering: How far did we come?

Authors: MAYA DANEVA; Daniela ; Alessandro Marchetto; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 95pp. 1-9. (2014). [View Publication]

ORBS: Language-Independent Program Slicing

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. 179527pp. 1-1. (2015). [View Publication]

El gesto como icono. Análisis de la evolución de los elementos interactivos en el ámbito digital

Authors: Linares Pellicer, Jordi Joan; Rodríguez Calatayud, María Nuria; Sanchís Gandía, Álvaro. Journal: EME, Experimental Illustration Art & Design.Vol. 1pp. 50-61. (2015).

A personalized system for scalable distribution of multimedia content in multicast wireless networks

Authors: De Fez Lava, Ismael; Gil Pascual, Miriam; Fons Cors, Joan Josep; Guerri Cebollada, Juan Carlos; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.Vol. 71pp. 1-27. (2014). [View Publication]

Open Challenges in Relationship-Based Privacy Mechanisms for Social Network Services

Authors: López Fogués, Ricard; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A. Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.Vol. 31pp. 350-370. (2015). [View Publication]

Performance Evaluation of Bidding-Based Multi-Agent Scheduling Algorithms for Manufacturing Systems

Authors: Gordillo-Sosa, José Antonio; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Machines (Basel).Vol. 2pp. 233-254. (2014). [View Publication]

Automatic transformation of iterative loops into recursive methods

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Insa Cabrera, David. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 58pp. 95-109. (2015). [View Publication]

Agent-based simulation for border crossing modeling

Authors: Ruíz Vega, Nancy; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Alvarado Prieto, Oscar Alejandro; ; ; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Cybernetics & Systems.Vol. 45pp. 650-670. (2014). [View Publication]

Capability driven development: an approach to designing digital enterprises

Authors: Solvita Bērziša; George Bravos; González Cardona, Tania; Czubayko, Ulrich; España Cubillo, Sergio; Jānis Grabis; Martin Henkel; Lauma Jokste; Kampars, Jânis; Koç, Hasan; Kuhr, Jan-Christian; Loucopoulos, Pericles; JUANES PASCUAL, RAÚL; Pastor López, Oscar; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Simic, Hrvoje; Janis Stirna; Valverde Giromé, Francisco; ; Zdravkovic, Jelena. Journal: Business & Information Systems Engineering.pp. 0-0. (2015). [View Publication]

Reorganization in dynamic agent societies

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 27pp. 293-295. (2014). [View Publication]

Web Template Extraction Based on Hyperlink Analysis

Authors: Alarte-Aleixandre, Julián; Insa Cabrera, David; Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 173pp. 16-26. (2014). [View Publication]

Statistical text-to-speech synthesis of Spanish subtitles

Authors: Del Agua Teba, Miguel Angel; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Alfons Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8854pp. 40-48. (2014). [View Publication]

An Adaptive Framework for Monitoring Agent Organizations

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Búrdalo Rapa, Luis Antonio; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.Vol. 16pp. 239-256. (2014). [View Publication]

Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms

Authors: Raúl Gutiérrez; José Meseguer; Camilo Rocha. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 99pp. 235-261. (2015). [View Publication]

An Intelligent Self-Configurable Mechanism for Distributed Energy Storage Systems

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Cybernetics & Systems.Vol. 45pp. 292-305. (2014). [View Publication]

Abstract Diagnosis for tccp using a Linear Temporal Logic

Authors: MARCO COMINI; Villanueva García, Alicia; Titolo ., Laura. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 14pp. 787-801. (2014). [View Publication]

A Proposal for Modelling Usability in a Holistic MDD Method

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Nathalie Aquino; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 86pp. 74-88. (2014). [View Publication]

A Proposal to Elicit Usability Requirements within a Model-Driven Development Environment

Authors: Ormeño Ayala, Yeshica Isela; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; NELLY CONDORI FERNANDEZ; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design.Vol. 5pp. 1-21. (2014). [View Publication]

A Negotiation Framework for Heterogeneous Group Recommendation

Authors: García García, Inmaculada; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 41pp. 1245-1261. (2014). [View Publication]

State Space Reduction in the Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer

Authors: Escobar Román, Santiago; Catherine Meadows; José Meseguer; Santiago Pinazo, Sonia. Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 238pp. 157-186. (2014). [View Publication]

Fast Offline Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs

Authors: Germán Vidal; . Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 235pp. 70-97. (2014). [View Publication]

Conversion to Tail Recursion in Term Rewriting

Authors: Germán Vidal; Naoki. Journal: The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming.Vol. 81pp. 53-63. (2014). [View Publication]

Using Representation Theorems for Proving Polynomials Non-negative

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8884pp. 21-33. (2014). [View Publication]

Models for Logics and Conditional Constraints in Automated Proofs of Termination

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; José Meseguer. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8884pp. 9-20. (2014). [View Publication]

A new methodology for the in vivo estimation of the elastic constants that characterize the patient-specific biomechanical behavior of the human cornea

Authors: Lago, M. A.; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Martínez Martínez, Francisco; C. Monserrat; Eva; Jose Luís; C. Peris-Martínez. Journal: Journal of Biomechanics.Vol. 48pp. 38-43. (2015). [View Publication]

Inspecting Rewriting Logic Computations (in a Parametric and Stepwise Way)

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis ., Demis; Frechina, F.; Julia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8373pp. 229-255. (2014). [View Publication]

Exploring Conditional Rewriting Logic Computations

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Ballis ., Demis; Frechina, F.; Julia. Journal: Journal of Symbolic Computation.Vol. 69pp. 3-39. (2015). [View Publication]

A flexible coupling approach to multi-agent planning under incomplete information

Authors: Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Sapena Vercher, Oscar. Journal: Knowledge and Information Systems.Vol. 38pp. 141-178. (2014). [View Publication]

FMAP: Distributed Cooperative Multi-Agent Planning

Authors: Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Sapena Vercher, Oscar. Journal: Applied Intelligence.Vol. 41pp. 606-626. (2014). [View Publication]

Proposal of Parameters and Characterization of Social Network Groups Focussed on University Teaching: Experience and Lessons Learned

Authors: Poza-Lujan, Jose-Luis; Calduch Losa, Maria De Los Angeles; Albors, A.; Cabrera, Marga; Teruel Serrano, Mª Dolores; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Díez-Somavilla, Rebeca. Journal: Revista de Educación a Distancia-Docencia Universitaria en la Sociedad del Conocimiento.RED-DUSC..Vol. XIIIpp. 88-105. (2014). [View Publication]

Towards a Protein–Protein Interaction information extraction system: Recognizing named entities

Authors: Danger Mercaderes, Roxana María; Pla Santamaría, Ferran; Molina Marco, Antonio; Rosso ., Paolo. Journal: Knowledge-Based Systems.Vol. 57pp. 104-118. (2014). [View Publication]

A Split-Based Incremental Deterministic Automata Minimization

Authors: García Gómez, Pedro; Vázquez-de-Parga Andrade, Manuel; Velasco, Jairo A.; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Theory of Computing Systems.Vol. 55pp. 1-18. (2014). [View Publication]

Towards the development of agent-based organizations through MDD

Authors: JORGE AGÜERO; Carrascosa, C.; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools.Vol. 22pp. 1-34. (2013). [View Publication]

Language Model Adaptation for Lecture Transcription by Document Retrieval

Authors: Martínez-Villaronga, Adrià; Del Agua Teba, Miguel Angel; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús; Alfons Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8854pp. 129-137. (2014). [View Publication]

NaRALap: augmented reality system for navigation in laparoscopic surgery

Authors: López-Mir, Fernando; Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Fuertes Cebrián, Juan José; Lago, M. A.; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Naranjo Ornedo, Valeriana; C. Monserrat. Journal: International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.Vol. 6pp. 98-99. (2011). [View Publication]

The TransLectures-UPV Toolkit

Authors: Del Agua Teba, Miguel Angel; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Serrano Martinez Santos, Nicolas; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Alfons Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8854pp. 269-278. (2014). [View Publication]

2D Dependency Pairs for Proving Operational Termination of CTRSs

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; José Meseguer. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8663pp. 195-212. (2014). [View Publication]

Strong and Weak Operational Termination of Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador; José Meseguer. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8663pp. 178-194. (2014). [View Publication]

Completeness of Context-Sensitive Rewriting

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 115pp. 87-92. (2015). [View Publication]

Markerless monocular tracking system for guided external eye surgery

Authors: C. Monserrat; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Alcañiz Raya, Mariano Luis; J. Mataix. Journal: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.Vol. 38pp. 785-792. (2014). [View Publication]

Efficient deterministic finite automata split-minimization derived from Brzozowski's algorithm

Authors: García Gómez, Pedro; López Rodríguez, Damián; Vázquez-de-Parga Andrade, Manuel. Journal: International Journal of Fundations of Computer Science.Vol. 25pp. 679-696. (2014). [View Publication]

Human or Computer Assisted Interactive Transcription: Automated Text Recognition, Text Annotation, and Scholarly Edition in the Twenty-First Century

Authors: Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; Juan Miguel Vilar Torres; España Boquera, Salvador; LLORENS, D.; Andrés Marzal Varó; F. Prat; ZAMORA MARTÍNEZ, FRANCISCO JULIÁN. Journal: Mirabilia (Online).Vol. 18pp. 247-253. (2014). [View Publication]

Automatic Detection of Webpages that Share the Same Web Template

Authors: Alarte-Aleixandre, Julián; Insa Cabrera, David; Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 163pp. 2-15. (2014). [View Publication]

Window repositioning for Printed Arabic Recognition

Authors: Ihab Alkhoury; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Alfons Juan; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 51pp. 86-93. (2015). [View Publication]

Evaluating how agent methodologies support the specification of the normative environment through the development process

Authors: Garcia Marques, Mª Emilia; Simon; Michael; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.pp. 1-20. (2014). [View Publication]

Análisis y diseño de Sistemas Multiagente Normativos Abiertos

Authors: Garcia Marques, Mª Emilia; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 17pp. 17-20. (2014). [View Publication]

Evaluating intelligent interfaces for post-editing automatic transcriptions of online video lectures

Authors: Valor Miró, Juan Daniel; Spencer, Rachel; González de Martos, Alejandro; Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonzalo; Turró Ribalta, Carlos; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Juan Ciscar, Alfons. Journal: Open Learning The Journal of Open Distance and e-Learning.Vol. 29pp. 72-85. (2014). [View Publication]

A complete software application for automatic registration of x-ray mammography and magnetic resonance images

Authors: Solves Llorens, Juan Antonio; Rupérez Moreno, María José; C. Monserrat; E. Feliu; Milagros; Maximiliano. Journal: Medical Physics.Vol. 41pp. 1-12. (2014). [View Publication]

An Intelligent Simulation Environment for Manufacturing Systems

Authors: Ruíz Vega, Nancy; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Botti V.. Journal: Computers & Industrial Engineering.Vol. 76pp. 148-168. (2014). [View Publication]

Advances in infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems.

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Botti V.; Such Aparicio, José Miguel. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.Vol. 16pp. 163-167. (2014). [View Publication]

Combination of Self-Organization Mechanisms to Enhance Service Discovery in Open Systems

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 279pp. 138-162. (2014). [View Publication]

An Ontological-based Knowledge-Representation Formalism for Case-Based Argumentation

Authors: Heras Barberá, Stella María; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.pp. 1-20. (2014). [View Publication]

VIVACE: A framework for the systematic evaluation of variability support in process-aware information systems

Authors: Ayora Esteras, Clara; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Barbara ; Manfred; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 57pp. 248-276. (2015). [View Publication]

Modelling Dialogues in Agent Societies

Authors: Heras Barberá, Stella María; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 34pp. 208-226. (2014). [View Publication]

A new approach based on Machine Learning for predicting corneal curvature (K1) and astigmatism in patients with keratoconus after intracorneal ring implantation

Authors: Valdés Mas, María Angeles; JOSÉ DAVID MARTÍN GUERRERO; Rupérez Moreno, María José; F. Pastor; C. Dualde; C. Monserrat; C. Peris-Martínez. Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.Vol. 116pp. 39-47. (2014). [View Publication]

Improving on-line handwritten recognition in interactive machine translation

Authors: Alabau, Vicent; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Casacuberta Nolla, Francisco. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 47pp. 1217-1228. (2014). [View Publication]

Un marco metodolgico para evaluar tecnicas y herramientas para pruebas del software

Authors: Vos ., Tanja Ernestina; Marín, Beatriz. Journal: Novática .Vol. 224pp. 41-45. (2013).

Evolutionary functional black-box testing in an industrial setting

Authors: Vos ., Tanja Ernestina. Journal: Software Quality Journal.Vol. 21pp. 259-288. (2013). [View Publication]

Convergence of Weighted-average consensus for undirected graphs

Authors: Pedroche Sánchez, Francisco; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Palomares Chust, Alberto. Journal: International Journal of Complex Systems in Science.Vol. 4pp. 13-16. (2014). [View Publication]

Implementing MAS Agreement Processes Based on Consensus Networks

Authors: Palomares Chust, Alberto; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Yolanda. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.Vol. 217pp. 553-560. (2013). [View Publication]

Automatic Deployment of a Consensus Networks MAS

Authors: Yolanda; Palomares Chust, Alberto; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7879pp. 279-283. (2013). [View Publication]

How universal can an intelligence test be?

Authors: David L; José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Adaptive Behavior.Vol. 22pp. 51-69. (2014). [View Publication]

Universal Psychometrics: Measuring Cognitive Abilities in the Machine Kingdom

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; David L; M.Victoria Hernández-Lloreda. Journal: Cognitive Systems Research.Vol. 27pp. 50-74. (2014). [View Publication]

Aggregative quantification for regression

Authors: Bella Sanjuán, Antonio; Ferri Ramírez, César; José Hernández-Orallo; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.pp. 475-518. (2014). [View Publication]

ROC Curves for Regression

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 46pp. 3395-3411. (2013). [View Publication]

On Potential Cognitive Abilities in the Machine Kingdom

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; David L. Journal: Minds and Machines.Vol. 23pp. 179-210. (2013). [View Publication]

ROC curves in cost space

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; PETER FLACH; Ferri Ramírez, César. Journal: Machine Learning.Vol. 93pp. 71-91. (2013). [View Publication]

Using a functional size measurement procedure to evaluate the quality of models in MDD environments

Authors: Marín, Beatriz; Giachetti Herrera, Giovanni Andrés; Pastor López, Oscar; Vos ., Tanja Ernestina; ALAIN ABRAN. Journal: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology.Vol. 22pp. 1-31. (2013). [View Publication]

Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection ALBAYZIN 2012 evaluation: overview, systems, results and discussion

Authors: Tejedor, Javier; Toledano, Doroteo T.; Anguera, Xavier; Varona, Amparo; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Miguel, Antonio; Colás, José. Journal: EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech and Music Processing.pp. 1-17. (2013). [View Publication]

A Modular Order-sorted Equational Generalization Algorithm

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Escobar Román, Santiago; ESPERT REAL, JAVIER; José Meseguer. Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 235pp. 98-136. (2014). [View Publication]

Effective balancing error and user effort in interactive handwriting recognition

Authors: Serrano Martinez Santos, Nicolas; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Juan Císcar, Alfonso. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 37pp. 135-142. (2014). [View Publication]

MDD-Approach for developing Pervasive Systems based on Service-Oriented Multi- Agent Systems

Authors: Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal.pp. 55-64. (2013). [View Publication]

Dynamic Adaptation of Service Compositions with Variability Models

Authors: Alférez-Salinas, Germán Harvey; V. Pelechano; Raúl; Camille Salinesi; Daniel. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.pp. 1-24. (2013). [View Publication]

BFF: A tool for eliciting tie strength and user communities in social networking services

Authors: López Fogués, Ricard; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.Vol. 16pp. 225-237. (2014). [View Publication]

A survey of privacy in multi-agent systems

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A. Journal: The Knowledge Engineering Review.Vol. 29pp. 314-344. (2013). [View Publication]

ELIRF at MEDIAEVAL 2013: Spoken Web Search Task

Authors: Gómez Adrian, Jon Ander; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Calvo Lance, Marcos; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.pp. 59-60. (2013). [View Publication]

Magentix2: a Privacy-enhancing Agent Platform

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; García-Fornes, A; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; Bellver Faus, Joan. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 26pp. 96-109. (2013). [View Publication]

Neural network language models to select the best translation

Authors: Maxim; José A.R.; ZAMORA MARTÍNEZ, FRANCISCO JULIÁN; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; España Boquera, Salvador. Journal: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal.Vol. 3pp. 217-233. (2013). [View Publication]

ELIRF at MEDIAEVAL 2013: Similar Segments of Social Speech Task

Authors: García Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Calvo Lance, Marcos; Pla Santamaría, Ferran; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.Vol. 1043pp. 135-136. (2013). [View Publication]

Real-Time Agreement and Fulfilment of SLAs in Cloud Computing Environments

Authors: Fernando ; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Palanca Cámara, Javier; Sara; JAVIER BAJO; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: AI Communications.pp. 1-24. (2014). [View Publication]

An Infrastructure for Argumentative Agents

Authors: Jordan Prunera, Jaume Magi; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Computational Intelligence.pp. 1-24. (2014). [View Publication]

Reasoning about norms under uncertainty in dynamic environments

Authors: Criado Pacheco, Natalia; E. Argente; PABLO NORIEGA; Botti V.. Journal: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.Vol. 55pp. 2049-2070. (2014). [View Publication]

Metamodeling the Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model

Authors: Robson; Edson Alves; España Cubillo, Sergio; Castro, Jaelson; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Journal of Information and Data Management.Vol. 4pp. 406-420. (2013). [View Publication]

Context-Adaptive Coordination of Pervasive Services by Interpreting Models during Runtime

Authors: Serral Asensio, Estefanía; Valderas Aranda, Pedro José; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: The Computer Journal.Vol. 56pp. 87-114. (2013). [View Publication]

Addressing the Evolution of Automated User Behaviour Patterns by Runtime Model Interpretation

Authors: Serral Asensio, Estefanía; Valderas Aranda, Pedro José; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.pp. 1-1. (2013). [View Publication]

Exploiting Multiple ASR Outputs for a Spoken Language Understanding Task

Authors: Calvo Lance, Marcos; García Granada, Fernando; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; JIMÉNEZ SERRANO, SANTIAGO; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 8113pp. 138-145. (2013). [View Publication]

A Phonetic-Based Approach to Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection

Authors: Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Calvo Lance, Marcos; Gómez Adrian, Jon Ander; García Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 504-511. (2013). [View Publication]

Neural network language models for off-line handwriting recognition

Authors: ZAMORA MARTÍNEZ, FRANCISCO JULIÁN; V. Frinken; España Boquera, Salvador; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose; A. Fischer; Bunke, Horst. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 47pp. 1642-1652. (2014). [View Publication]

F-Measure as the Error Function to Train Neural Networks

Authors: Pastor Pellicer, Joan; ZAMORA MARTÍNEZ, FRANCISCO JULIÁN; España Boquera, Salvador; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7902pp. 376-384. (2013). [View Publication]

Supporting Navigation Accessibility Requirements in Web Engineering Methods

Authors: Lourdes Moreno; Francisco Valverde; Paloma Martínez; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Journal of Web Engineering.Vol. 12pp. 181-202. (2013). [View Publication]

Including Functional Usability Features in a Model-Driven Development Method

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; NATALIA JURISTO JUZGADO; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Computer Science and Information Systems.Vol. 10pp. 999-1024. (2013). [View Publication]

An empirical approach for evaluating the usability of model-driven tools

Authors: NELLY CONDORI FERNANDEZ; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Baars ., Arthur Iwan; Vos ., Tanja Ernestina; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 78pp. 2245-2258. (2013). [View Publication]

Automating unobtrusive personalized services in ambient media environments

Authors: Serral Asensio, Estefanía; Gil Pascual, Miriam; Valderas Aranda, Pedro José; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications.pp. 1-20. (2013). [View Publication]

Designing for user attention: a method for supporting unobtrusive routine tasks

Authors: Gil Pascual, Miriam; Serral Asensio, Estefanía; Valderas Aranda, Pedro José; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 78pp. 1987-2008. (2013). [View Publication]

Consensus over Multiplex Network To Calculate User Influence in Social Networks

Authors: Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Del Val Noguera, Elena; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Palomares Chust, Alberto; Pedroche Sánchez, Francisco. Journal: International Journal of Complex Systems in Science.Vol. 3pp. 71-75. (2013). [View Publication]

E-Learning and Intelligent Planning: Improving Content Personalization

Authors: Antonio Garrido; LLUVIA MORALES. Journal: IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal .Vol. 9pp. 1-7. (2014). [View Publication]

Service Discovery in Open Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena. Journal: AI Communications.pp. 1-2. (2013). [View Publication]

Strategies for cooperation emergence in distributed service discovery

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: Cybernetics & Systems.Vol. 45pp. 222-240. (2014). [View Publication]

Context-Aware Multi-Agent Planning in intelligent environments

Authors: Pajares Ferrando, Sergio; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 227pp. 22-42. (2013). [View Publication]

Prototyping Dynamic Software Product Lines to Evaluate Run-Time Reconfigurations

Authors: Fons Cors, Joan Josep; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.Vol. 87pp. 2399-2413. (2013). [View Publication]

Automatic supervision of gestures to guide novice surgeons during training

Authors: C. Monserrat; A. Lucas; José Hernández-Orallo; Rupérez Moreno, María José. Journal: Surgical Endoscopy.pp. 1-11. (2013). [View Publication]

Task for Agent-Based Negotiation Teams: Analysis, Review, and Challenges

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Botti V.; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 26pp. 2480-2494. (2013). [View Publication]

Human-Inspired Model for Norm Compliance Decision Making

Authors: Criado Pacheco, Natalia; E. Argente; PABLO NORIEGA; Botti V.. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 245pp. 218-239. (2013). [View Publication]

A MAS-based Infraestructure for Negotiation and its Application to a Water-Right Market

Authors: Alfonso Espinosa, Bexy; Botti V.; Antonio Garrido; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.Vol. 16pp. 183-199. (2014). [View Publication]

Norm reasoning services

Authors: Criado Pacheco, Natalia; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: Information Systems Frontiers.Vol. 16pp. 201-223. (2014). [View Publication]

Reasoning about constitutive norms in BDI agents

Authors: Botti V.; E. Argente; Criado Pacheco, Natalia; PABLO NORIEGA. Journal: Logic Journal of IGPL.Vol. 22pp. 66-93. (2014). [View Publication]

The Teaching-Learning Process in the Classroom Using Smartphones: Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Palomares Chust, Alberto; D. de Andrés; Peña Cerdán, Antonio; Ruiz García, Juan Carlos; Ballester Server, José Vicente; Antonino Daviu, Eva; Villavieja Llorente, Carlos; Esteban Andrés, Francisco Javier. Journal: The International Journal of Technologies in Learning.Vol. 19pp. 151-170. (2013). [View Publication]

Using the words/leafs ratio in the DOM tree for content extraction

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Insa Cabrera, David; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming.Vol. 82pp. 311-325. (2013). [View Publication]

Using the DOM Tree for Content Extraction

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Insa Cabrera, David. Journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 98pp. 46-59. (2012). [View Publication]

Enhancing Declarative Debugging with Loop Expansion and Tree Compression

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Insa Cabrera, David. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7844pp. 71-88. (2013). [View Publication]

Defining DSL design principles for enhancing the requirements elicitation process

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc. Journal: Acta Universitaria.Vol. 22pp. 126-133. (2012). [View Publication]

Discriminative Bernoulli HMMs for isolated handwritten word recognition

Authors: Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús; Juan Císcar, Alfonso. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 35pp. 157-168. (2014). [View Publication]

Interactive evaluation of surgery skills in surgery simulators: A new method based on string matching algorithms

Authors: C. Monserrat; A. Lucas; José Hernández-Orallo; Rupérez Moreno, María José; Alcañiz Raya, Mariano Luis. Journal: International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.pp. 373-374. (2013). [View Publication]

Parameter optimization of the liver tissue mechanical properties by means of FE modeling of the respiratory liver motion and similarity coefficients

Authors: Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Rupérez Moreno, María José; JOSÉ DAVID MARTÍN GUERRERO; C. Monserrat. Journal: International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.pp. 159-160. (2013). [View Publication]

Estimation of the elastic parameters of human liver biomechanical models by means of medical images and evolutionary computation

Authors: Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Rupérez Moreno, María José; JOSÉ DAVID MARTÍN GUERRERO; C. Monserrat; Lago Angel, Miguel Angel. Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.pp. 537-549. (2013). [View Publication]

Networks of Bio-inspired Processors

Authors: Arroyo Montoro, Fernando; Castellanos, Juan; Mitrana, Víctor; Santos, Eugenio; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Triangle.Vol. 7pp. 3-22. (2012). [View Publication]

Strategies for avoiding preference profiling in agent-based e-commerce environments

Authors: Emilio Serrano; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Juan A. Botía; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Applied Intelligence.Vol. 40pp. 127-142. (2014). [View Publication]

Automated buyer profiling control based on human privacy attitudes

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; García-Fornes, A; Botti V.. Journal: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.Vol. 12pp. 386-396. (2013). [View Publication]

Energy-efficient scheduling for a flexible flow shop using an improved genetic-simulated annealing algorithm

Authors: Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Miguel A. Salido. Journal: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.Vol. 29pp. 418-429. (2013). [View Publication]

A polynomial double reversal minimization algorithm for deterministic finite automata

Authors: Vázquez-de-Parga Andrade, Manuel; García Gómez, Pedro; López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 487pp. 17-22. (2013). [View Publication]

A Scalable Multiagent Platform for Large Systems

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Botti V.; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Computer Science and Information Systems.Vol. 10pp. 51-77. (2013). [View Publication]

Handwriting word recognition using windowed Bernoulli HMMs

Authors: Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Ihab Alkhoury; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús; Juan Císcar, Alfonso. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.pp. 0-8. (2012). [View Publication]

Language Technology for Handwritten text Recognition

Authors: Toselli ., Alejandro Héctor; Serrano Martinez Santos, Nicolas; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Ihab Alkhoury; Juan Císcar, Alfonso; Vidal, Enrique. Journal: Communications in Computer and Information Science.Vol. 328pp. 178-186. (2012). [View Publication]

Explicit length modelling for statistical machine translation

Authors: Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús; Civera Saiz, Jorge. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 45pp. 3183-3192. (2012). [View Publication]

Towards real-time agreements

Authors: Navarro Llácer, Martín; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 40pp. 3906-3917. (2013). [View Publication]

Preface to CLEI 2011 Special Issue

Authors: Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL.Vol. 15pp. 1-3. (2012). [View Publication]

Quality Requirements Engineering for Systems and Software Architecting: Methods, Approaches, and Tools

Authors: Rafael; Muhammad; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: Requirements Engineering.Vol. 17pp. 255-258. (2012). [View Publication]

Interactive handwriting recognition with limited user effort

Authors: Serrano Martinez Santos, Nicolas; Giménez Pastor, Adrián; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Juan Císcar, Alfonso. Journal: International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR).Vol. 17pp. 47-59. (2014). [View Publication]

Character-Based Handwritten Text Recognition of Multilingual Documents

Authors: Del Agua Teba, Miguel Angel; Serrano Martinez Santos, Nicolas; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Juan Císcar, Alfonso. Journal: Communications in Computer and Information Science.Vol. 328pp. 187-196. (2012). [View Publication]

Folding variant narrowing and optimal variant termination

Authors: Escobar Román, Santiago; Ralf; José Meseguer. Journal: The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming.Vol. 81pp. 898-928. (2012). [View Publication]

Effective Symbolic Protocol Analysis via Equational Irreducibility Conditions

Authors: Serdar; Escobar Román, Santiago; Deepak; Zhiqiang; Christopher; Catherine Meadows; José Meseguer; Paliath; Santiago Pinazo, Sonia; Ralf. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7459pp. 73-90. (2012). [View Publication]

Gráficos a la máxima potencia: Una comparativa entre motores de juegos

Authors: Linares Pellicer, Jordi Joan; Martínez Pérez, Juan Vicente; Candela Moltó, Arturo. Journal: 3C TIC, cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC .pp. 51-65. (2012). [View Publication]

Sistema de reconocimiento facial y realidad aumentada para dispositivos móviles

Authors: Martínez Pérez, Juan Vicente; Linares Pellicer, Jordi Joan. Journal: 3C TIC, cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC .pp. 7-16. (2012). [View Publication]

Un algoritmo para la comprensión automática del habla sobre grafos de palabras

Authors: Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Calvo Lance, Marcos; Gómez Adrian, Jon Ander; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 105-112. (2012). [View Publication]

Learning with con gurable operators and RL-based heuristics

Authors: Martínez Plumed, Fernando; Ferri Ramírez, César; José Hernández-Orallo; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7765pp. 1-16. (2012). [View Publication]

On the Effect of Calibration in Classifier Combination

Authors: Bella Sanjuán, Antonio; Ferri Ramírez, César; José Hernández-Orallo; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Applied Intelligence.pp. 1-23. (2012). [View Publication]

Bridging the Gap between Distance and Generalization

Authors: Estruch Gregori, Vicente; Ferri Ramírez, César; José Hernández-Orallo; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Computational Intelligence.pp. 1-45. (2012). [View Publication]

Aplicación de herramientas tecnológicas en la evaluación del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: Uso de Smartphones en el aula.

Authors: Peña Cerdán, Antonio; Palomares Chust, Alberto; Andrés Martínez, David De; Antonino Daviu, Eva; Esteban Andrés, Francisco Javier; Ballester Server, José Vicente; Ruiz García, Juan Carlos; Villavieja Llorente, Carlos. Journal: TEXTOS. Revista Internacional de Aprendizaje y Cibersociedad.Vol. 17pp. 11-34. (2013). [View Publication]

A Unified View of Performance Metrics: Translating Threshold Choice into Expected Classification Loss

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; PETER FLACH; Ferri Ramírez, César. Journal: Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).Vol. 13pp. 2813-2869. (2012). [View Publication]

IQ tests are not for machines, yet

Authors: David L Dowe; José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Intelligence.Vol. 40pp. 77-81. (2012). [View Publication]

Annotation of Logic Programs for Independent AND-Parallelism by Partial Evaluation

Authors: Germán Vidal. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 12pp. 583-600. (2012). [View Publication]

Developing BP-driven web application through the use of MDE techniques

Authors: Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Giner Blasco, Pau; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.Vol. 11pp. 609-631. (2012). [View Publication]

A Model-Driven Approach for the Design and Implementation of Software Development Methods

Authors: Cervera Ubeda, Mario; Albert Albiol, Manuela; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design.Vol. 3pp. 86-103. (2012). [View Publication]

Modelos de características para la gestión de la variabilidad en llas perspectivas de os procesos de negocio

Authors: Ayora Esteras, Clara; Torres Bosch, Maria Victoria; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Novática .pp. 36-41. (2012). [View Publication]

Enhancing Decentralized Service Discovery in Open Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.pp. 1-30. (2012).

Content Extraction based on Hierarchical Relations in DOM Structures

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; LÓPEZ ROMERO, SERGIO; Insa Cabrera, David. Journal: Polibits.Vol. 45pp. 5-12. (2012). [View Publication]

GeMMINi: Prototipado de interfaces de usuario sobre múltiples dispositivos. Una estrategia basada en Líneas de Producto y MDD

Authors: Mansanet Benavent, Ignacio; Fons Cors, Joan Josep; Torres Boigues, Ismael; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: FAZ: Revista de diseño de interacción.Vol. 5pp. 64-73. (2012). [View Publication]

Accessible Lifelong Learning at Higher Education: Outcomes and Lessons Learned at two Different Pilot Sites in the EU4ALL Project

Authors: Boticario;  Rodriguez-Ascaso; Olga C. Santos; Emmanuelle; Lydia; Roldán Martínez, David; Buendía García, Félix. Journal: JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science.Vol. 18pp. 62-85. (2012). [View Publication]

System Dependence Graphs in Sequential Erlang

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador; Tomás Franco, César. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7212pp. 486-500. (2012). [View Publication]

Integrating a State-of-the-Art ASR System into the Opencast Matterhorn Platform

Authors: Valor Miró, Juan Daniel; Alejandro Manuel; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Juan Císcar, Alfonso. Journal: Communications in Computer and Information Science.Vol. 328pp. 237-246. (2012). [View Publication]

Multi-dimensional Adaptation in MAS Organizations

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B (Cybernetics).Vol. 43pp. 622-633. (2013). [View Publication]

Using a Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Trading in Sports Betting Markets

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Applied Intelligence.Vol. 38pp. 465-477. (2013). [View Publication]

Challenges for Adaptation in Agent Societies

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Knowledge and Information Systems.Vol. 38pp. 1-34. (2014). [View Publication]

Using Cost-Aware Transitions for Reorganizing Multiagent Systems

Authors: Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 26pp. 63-75. (2013). [View Publication]

On the optimal decision rule for sequential interactive structured prediction

Authors: Alabau, Vicent; Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Casacuberta Nolla, Francisco. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 33pp. 2226-2231. (2012). [View Publication]

Solving the Sailing Problem with a New Prioritized Value Iteration

Authors: Mª GUADALUPE GARCIA-HERNANDEZ; JOSÉ RUIZ-PINALES; Eva Onaindia; ALBERTO REYES BALLESTEROS. Journal: Applied Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 26pp. 571-587. (2012). [View Publication]

Internet of things:where to be is to trust

Authors: Lloret, Jaime; Cetina Englada, Carlos; Peñalver Herrero, Mª Lourdes. Journal: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking .pp. 1-16. (2012). [View Publication]

The role of the environment in agreement technologies

Authors: E. Argente; O. Boissier ; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Nicoletta; PETER MCBURNEY; PABLO NORIEGA; A. Ricci; J. Sabater-Mir; M.I. Schumacher; C. Tampitsikas; K. Taveter; G. Vizzari; G. Vouros. Journal: Artificial Intelligence Review.Vol. 39pp. 21-38. (2013). [View Publication]

A Multilingual SLU System Based on Semantic Decoding of Graphs of Words

Authors: Calvo Lance, Marcos; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; García Granada, Fernando; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: Communications in Computer and Information Science.Vol. 328pp. 158-167. (2012). [View Publication]

On the Voice-activated Question Answering

Authors: Rosso ., Paolo; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis Felip; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews).Vol. 42pp. 75-85. (2012). [View Publication]

Using Word Graphs as Intermediate Representation of Uttered Sentences

Authors: Gómez Adrian, Jon Ander; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7441pp. 284-291. (2012). [View Publication]

Some examples of detection of connected components in undirected graphs by using the Laplacian matrix and the RCM algorithm,

Authors: Miguel Rebollo; Carlos Carrascosa; Alberto Palomares; Francisco Pedroche. Journal: International Journal of Complex Systems in Science.Vol. 2pp. 11-15. (2012). [View Publication]

E-learning y Planificación Inteligente: Mejorando la Personalización de Contenidos

Authors: Garrido Tejero, Antonio; Lluvia Morales. Journal: IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal .Vol. 7pp. 213-219. (2012). [View Publication]

MaNEA: A distributed architecture for enforcing norms in open MAS

Authors: Criado Pacheco, Natalia; E. Argente; PABLO NORIEGA; Botti V.. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 26pp. 76-95. (2013). [View Publication]

Accepting Networks of Genetic Processors are computationally complete

Authors: Marcelino Campos; José M. Sempere. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 456pp. 18-29. (2012). [View Publication]

SAT modulo linear arithmetic for Solving Polynomial Constraints

Authors: Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Journal of Automated Reasoning.Vol. 48pp. 107-131. (2012). [View Publication]

Research Opportunities for Argumentation in Social Networks

Authors: Heras Barberá, Stella María; KATIE ATKINSON; FLORIANA GRASSO; PETER MCBURNEY; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Artificial Intelligence Review.pp. 39-62. (2013). [View Publication]

Agreement technologies and their use in cloud computing environments

Authors: Heras Barberá, Stella María; Fernando ; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Sara; Botti V.; JAVIER BAJO; JUAN CORCHADO. Journal: Progress in Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 1pp. 277-290. (2012). [View Publication]

Argue to Agree: A Case-Based Argumentation Approach

Authors: Heras Barberá, Stella María; Jordan Prunera, Jaume Magi; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.Vol. 54pp. 82-108. (2013). [View Publication]

Case-Based Strategies for Argumentation Dialogues in Agent Societies

Authors: Heras Barberá, Stella María; Jordan Prunera, Jaume Magi; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 223pp. 1-30. (2013). [View Publication]

A free and open source programming library for landscape metrics calculations

Authors: Benito; Belda, A.; Linares Pellicer, Jordi Joan; Martínez-Pérez, J.E.; Navarro, J.T.; Esparza Peidro, Javier. Journal: Environmental Modelling & Software.Vol. 31pp. 131-140. (2012). [View Publication]

Studying the impact of negotiationenvironments on negotiationteams’ performance

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A; Botti V.. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 219pp. 17-40. (2013). [View Publication]

An Overview of Search Strategies in Distributed Environments

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: The Knowledge Engineering Review.pp. 1-35. (2012). [View Publication]

Promoting Cooperation in Service-Oriented MAS through Social Plasticity and Incentives

Authors: Del Val Noguera, Elena; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel; Botti V.. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 86pp. 520-537. (2013). [View Publication]

Inference of k-Testable Directed Acyclic Graph Languages

Authors: López Rodríguez, Damián. Journal: Journal of Machine Learning Research.Vol. 21pp. 149-163. (2012). [View Publication]

Simulation of the behaviour of the calfskin used as shoe upper material in footwear CAD

Authors: Rupérez Moreno, María José; Giner Maravilla, Eugenio; C. Monserrat. Journal: Computer-Aided Design.Vol. 44pp. 1205-1216. (2012). [View Publication]

Analysis of several biomechanical models for the simulation of lamb liver behaivour using similarity coefficients from medical image

Authors: Martínez Martínez, Francisco; Lago Angel, Miguel Angel; Rupérez Moreno, María José; C. Monserrat. Journal: Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering.pp. 1-11. (2012). [View Publication]

Segmentation of the breast skin and its influence in the simulation of the breast compresion during an X-Ray mammography

Authors: Solves Llorens, Juan Antonio; Rupérez Moreno, María José; C. Monserrat. Journal: The Scientific World JOURNAL .Vol. 2012pp. 1-8. (2012). [View Publication]

Artificial neural networks for predicting dorsal pressures on the foot surface while walking

Authors: Rupérez Moreno, María José; C. Monserrat; Alcañiz Raya, Mariano Luis. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 39pp. 5349-5357. (2012). [View Publication]

Incidencia de la localización en el precio de la vivienda a través de un modelo de red neuronal artificial. Una aplicación a la ciudad de Valencia

Authors: Fernández Durán, Laura; Llorca Ponce, Alicia; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Botti V.. Journal: Catastro.Vol. Abrilpp. 7-25. (2012). [View Publication]

Polynomial characteristic sets for DFA identification

Authors: García, Pedro; López, Damián; Vázquez de Parga, Manuel. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 448pp. 41-46. (2012). [View Publication]

Self-disclosure decision making based on intimacy and privacy

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A; SIERRA GARCIA, CARLES. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 211pp. 93-111. (2012). [View Publication]

A Technical Solution to Allow Off-line Mobile Map Querying of Discrete and Continuous Geographic Attribute Data.

Authors: Palomar-Vázquez, Jesús; Pardo Pascual, Josep Eliseu; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Recio Recio, Jorge Abel. Journal: The Cartographic Journal.Vol. 49pp. 143-152. (2012). [View Publication]

Deadline Prediction Scheduling based on Benefits

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Navarro Llácer, Martín; García-Fornes, A; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 29pp. 61-73. (2013). [View Publication]

Structural Graph Extraction from Images

Authors: Damián López. Journal: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing.Vol. 151pp. 717-724. (2012). [View Publication]

Language Identification for Interactive Handwriting Transcription of Multilingual Documents

Authors: Del Agua Teba, Miguel Angel; Serrano Martinez Santos, Nicolas; Juan Císcar, Alfonso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6669pp. 596-603. (2011). [View Publication]

Explicit Length Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation

Authors: Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Andrés Ferrer, Jesús; Civera Saiz, Jorge. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6669pp. 273-280. (2011). [View Publication]

A MDA Approach for Navigational and User Perspectives

Authors: Magali; Jorge; Juan José; Luca; Pastor López, Oscar. Journal: CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL.Vol. 14pp. 1-12. (2011). [View Publication]

Evaluating a reinforcement learning algorithm with a general intelligence test

Authors: Insa Cabrera, Javier; José Hernández-Orallo; David L. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7023pp. 1-11. (2011). [View Publication]

Protocol Analysis Modulo Combination of Theories: A Case Study in Maude-NPA

Authors: Ralf; Escobar Román, Santiago; Catherine Meadows; José Meseguer. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6710pp. 163-178. (2011). [View Publication]

Extracción de Corpus Paralelos de la Wikipedia basada en la Obtención de Alineamientos Bilingües a Nivel de Frase

Authors: Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Garcia Martinez, Maria Mercedes; Barrón Cedeño, Luis Alberto; Civera Saiz, Jorge; Rosso ., Paolo. Journal: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.Vol. 824pp. 14-21. (2011). [View Publication]

GyDB mobilomics: LTR retroelements and integrase-related transposons of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum genome

Authors: Guillermo P.; Alfonso; Laura; Laura ; Lucía ; Sukanya; Ricardo; Sempere Luna, José María; Andrés ; Carlos. Journal: Mobile Genetic Elements.Vol. 1pp. 97-102. (2011). [View Publication]

Simulating Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections by Accepting Evolutionary P Systems

Authors: JUAN CASTELLANOS; VICTOR MITRANA; EUGENIO SANTOS; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6686pp. 295-302. (2011). [View Publication]

Complexity-preserving simulations among three variants of accepting networks of evolutionary processors

Authors: PAOLO BOTTONI; ANNA LABELLA; FLORIN MANEA; VICTOR MITRANA; Ion; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Natural Computing.Vol. 10pp. 429-445. (2011). [View Publication]

Experiencias con una Técnica de Aprendizaje Activo basada en Retroalimentación Instantánea y Anónima

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Criado Pacheco, Natalia; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Revista iberoamericana de Informática Educativa.pp. 15-23. (2011). [View Publication]

A Survey on Algorithmic Debugging Strategies

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc. Journal: Advances in Engineering Software.Vol. 42pp. 976-991. (2011). [View Publication]

Scaling up Algorithmic Debugging with Virtual Execution Trees

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Insa Cabrera, David. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6564pp. 149-163. (2011). [View Publication]

Real-Time CBR-Agent with a Mixture of Experts in the Reuse Stage to Classify and Detect DoS Attacks

Authors: Navarro Llácer, Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Applied Soft Computing.Vol. 11pp. 4384-4398. (2011). [View Publication]

RT-MOVICAB-IDS: Addressing Real-Time Intrusion Detection

Authors: Navarro Llácer, Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems.Vol. 29pp. 250-261. (2012). [View Publication]

Mathematical model for a temporal-bounded classifier in security environments

Authors: Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Navarro Llácer, Martín. Journal: Logic Journal of IGPL.Vol. 20pp. 712-721. (2012). [View Publication]

Temporal Bounded Reasoning in a Dynamic Case Based Planning Agent for Industrial Environments

Authors: Navarro Llácer, Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 39pp. 7887-7894. (2012). [View Publication]

A Multi Agent Architecture for Single User and Group Recommendation in the Tourism Domain

Authors: Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; García García, Inmaculada. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 6pp. 161-182. (2011). [View Publication]

Preference elicitation techniques for group recommender systems

Authors: García García, Inmaculada; Pajares Ferrando, Sergio; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 189pp. 155-175. (2012). [View Publication]

Information Extraction from Webpages Based on DOM distances

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7182pp. 181-193. (2012). [View Publication]

A vocabulary on Program slicing Based Techniques

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc. Journal: ACM Computing Surveys.Vol. 44pp. 1-41. (2012). [View Publication]

Generating a Petri net from a CSP specification: a semantics-based method

Authors: Llorens Agost, María Luisa; Oliver Villarroya, Javier; Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Advances in Engineering Software.Vol. 50pp. 110-130. (2012). [View Publication]

Static slicing of explicitly synchronized languages

Authors: Llorens Agost, María Luisa; Oliver Villarroya, Javier; Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 214pp. 10-46. (2012). [View Publication]

Generating CNC Code from a Domain Specific Language

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc. Journal: Research in Computing Science.Vol. 53pp. 151-161. (2011).

Personalization for unobtrusive service interaction

Authors: Gil Pascual, Miriam; Giner Blasco, Pau; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.pp. 1-19. (2011). [View Publication]

Graph Generation to Statically Represent CSP Processes

Authors: Llorens Agost, María Luisa; Oliver Villarroya, Javier; Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6564pp. 52-66. (2011). [View Publication]

A Hybrid Approach to Conjunctive Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs

Authors: Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6564pp. 200-214. (2011). [View Publication]

Abstract diagnosis for timed concurrent constraint programs

Authors: MARCO COMINI; Titolo ., Laura; Villanueva García, Alicia. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 11pp. 487-502. (2011). [View Publication]

Implementation of an Optimal Strategy for Algorithmic Debugging

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Insa Cabrera, David. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 282pp. 47-60. (2012). [View Publication]

Optimal Divide and Query

Authors: Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Insa Cabrera, David. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 7026pp. 224-238. (2011). [View Publication]

A Secure Group-Oriented Framework for Intelligent Virtual Environments

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Barella Alvarez, Antonio Eulogio; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Computing and Informatics.Vol. 30pp. 1225-1246. (2011).

The Spanish Network on Biomolecular and Biocellular Computing: Bio-inspired Natural Computing in Spain.

Authors: Mario de Jesús; Alfonso; Sempere Luna, José María. Journal: Ercim News.pp. 25-25. (2011). [View Publication]

The Gypsy Database (GyDB) of mobile genetic elements: release 2.0

Authors: Carlos; Ricardo; Laura ; Laura; Jose M.; Daniel; Jose; Miguel; Gonzalo; Guillermo P.; Florian; Alfonso; Sempere Luna, José María; Amparo; Andrés . Journal: Nucleic Acids Research.Vol. 39pp. 70-74. (2011). [View Publication]

Model Driven Development for the Internet of Things

Authors: Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente; Fons Cors, Joan Josep; Giner Blasco, Pau. Journal: UPGRADE.Vol. XIIpp. 34-44. (2011). [View Publication]

Datalog-Based Program Analysis with BES and RWL

Authors: Alpuente Frasnedo, María; Feliú Gabaldón, Marco Antonio; Joubert ., Christophe; Villanueva García, Alicia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6702pp. 1-20. (2011). [View Publication]

Implicit interaction design for pervasive workflows

Authors: Giner Blasco, Pau; Cetina Englada, Carlos; Fons Cors, Joan Josep; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.Vol. 15pp. 399-408. (2011). [View Publication]

Designing a usable ambient intelligence system

Authors: LORNA UDEN; Valderas Aranda, Pedro José. Journal: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology.Vol. 6pp. 189-215. (2010).

A Survey of Requirements Specification in Model-Driven Development of Web Applications

Authors: Valderas Aranda, Pedro José; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: ACM Transactions on the Web.Vol. 5pp. 0-51. (2011). [View Publication]

Distributed goal-oriented computing

Authors: Palanca Cámara, Javier; Navarro Llácer, Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García-Fornes, A. Journal: Journal of Systems and Software.Vol. 85pp. 1540-1557. (2012). [View Publication]

Generating operation specifications from UML class diagrams: A model transformation approach

Authors: Albert Albiol, Manuela; Jordi; Cristina; Pelechano Ferragud, Vicente. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 70pp. 365-389. (2011). [View Publication]

Improving Offline Handwritten Text Recognition with Hybrid HMM/ANN Models

Authors: España Boquera, Salvador; Castro Bleda, María José; Gorbe Moya, Jorge; ZAMORA MARTÍNEZ, FRANCISCO JULIÁN. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.Vol. 33pp. 767-779. (2011). [View Publication]

Sistema de diálogo multimodal basado en modelos estadísticos

Authors: Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis-F.; Gómez Adrian, Jon Ander; García Granada, Fernando; Pastor Pellicer, Joan; Planells Lerma, Joaquin; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 325-326. (2011). [View Publication]

Language Modelization and Categorization for Voice-Activated QA

Authors: Pastor Pellicer, Joan; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis-F.; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 475-482. (2011). [View Publication]

A Word-Based Naïve Bayes Classifier for Confidence Estimation in Speech Recognition

Authors: Sanchis Navarro, José Alberto; Juan Císcar, Alfonso; Vidal Ruiz, Enrique. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing.Vol. 20pp. 565-574. (2012). [View Publication]

Analyzing the Effect of Gain Time on Soft Task Scheduling Policies in Real-Time Systems

Authors: Búrdalo Rapa, Luis Antonio; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Vol. 38pp. 1305-1318. (2012). [View Publication]

Argument-based Agreements in Agent Societies

Authors: Heras Barberá, Stella María; Botti V.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier. Journal: Neurocomputing.Vol. 75pp. 156-162. (2012). [View Publication]

Early Usability Measurement In Model-Driven Development: Definition and Empirical Evaluation

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Condori Fernandez, Olinda Nelly; Vos ., Tanja Ernestina; Nathalie Aquino; Valverde Giromé, Francisco. Journal: International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 21pp. 339-365. (2011).

Open Issues for Normative Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: Criado Pacheco, Natalia; E. Argente; Botti V.. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 24pp. 233-264. (2011). [View Publication]


Authors: Juan Jose Cuadrado-Gallego; Borja Martin Herrera; Oscar Pastor; Beatriz Marín. Journal: International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 21pp. 431-446. (2011). [View Publication]

An Active Learning Approach for Statistical Spoken Language Understanding

Authors: García Granada, Fernando; Hurtado Oliver, Lluis-F.; Sanchís Arnal, Emilio; Segarra Soriano, Encarnación. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1pp. 565-572. (2011). [View Publication]

Reaching Unanimous Agreements within Agent-Based Negotiation Teams with Linear and Monotonic Utility Functions

Authors: Sanchez-Anguix, Víctor; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Botti V.; García-Fornes, A. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B (Cybernetics).Vol. 42pp. 778-792. (2012). [View Publication]

Optimization of ODHE membrane reactor based on mixed ionic electronic conductor using soft computing techniques

Authors: Lobera González, Maria Pilar; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Serra Alfaro, José Manuel; Escolástico Rozalén, Sonia; E. Argente; Botti V.. Journal: Chemical Engineering Science.Vol. 66pp. 6308-6317. (2011). [View Publication]

A Model-Driven CASE tool for Developing and Verifying Regulated Open MAS

Authors: Garcia Marques, Mª Emilia; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Botti V.. Journal: Science of Computer Programming.pp. 1-20. (2012). [View Publication]

Comparing Humans and AI agents

Authors: Insa Cabrera, Javier; David L; España Cubillo, Sergio; M.Victoria Hernández-Lloreda; José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6830pp. 122-132. (2011). [View Publication]

On more realistic environment distributions for defining, evaluating and developing intelligence

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; David L Dowe; España Cubillo, Sergio; M.Victoria Hernández-Lloreda; Insa Cabrera, Javier. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6830pp. 82-91. (2011). [View Publication]

Compression and intelligence: social environments and communication

Authors: David L. Dowe; José Hernández-Orallo; Paramjit K. Das. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6830pp. 204-211. (2011). [View Publication]

Using negotiable features for prescription problems

Authors: Bella Sanjuán, Antonio; Ferri Ramírez, César; Hernández Orallo, José; Ramírez Quintana, María José. Journal: Computing.Vol. 91pp. 135-168. (2011). [View Publication]

From regular expressions to smaller NFAs

Authors: García Gómez, Pedro; López Rodríguez, Damián; Ruiz Ochando, José; ÁLVAREZ VARGAS, GLORIA INÉS. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 412pp. 5802-5807. (2011). [View Publication]

Computer Graphics: From Desktop to Mobile and Web

Authors: Linares Pellicer, Jordi Joan; Micó Tormos, Pau; Esparza Peidro, Javier; CARRASQUER MOYA, MARIA AMPARO. Journal: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.Vol. 31pp. 94-97. (2011). [View Publication]

A holonic simulation environment for smart transportation systems

Authors: Salido Gregorio, Miguel Angel; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana. Journal: International Journal of Production Research.Vol. 49pp. 1425-1439. (2011).

Infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems for the new generation of distributed systems

Authors: García-Fornes, A.; Jomi F. Hübner; Andrea Omicini; JUAN ANTONIO RODRÍGUEZ AGUILAR; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 24pp. 1095-1097. (2011). [View Publication]

A Group-Oriented Secure Multiagent Platform

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García Fornes, Ana María. Journal: Software Practice and Experience.Vol. 41pp. 1289-1302. (2011). [View Publication]

On the Necessity of Time and Resource Issues to Support Collaboration in E-learning Standards

Authors: Antonio Garrido; Lluvia Morales; Ivan Serina. Journal: IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter.pp. 39-41. (2011). [View Publication]

THOMAS: An agent platform for supporting normative multi-agent systems

Authors: Criado Pacheco, Natalia; Argente Villaplana, Estefanía; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: Journal of Logic and Computation.pp. 1-25. (2011). [View Publication]

An Abstract Architecture for Virtual Organizations: The THOMAS approach

Authors: Argente Villaplana, Estefanía; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Rebollo Pedruelo, Miguel. Journal: Knowledge and Information Systems.pp. 1-35. (2011). [View Publication]

TRAMMAS: A tracing model for multiagent systems

Authors: Búrdalo Rapa, Luis Antonio; Terrasa Barrena, Andrés Martín; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; García Fornes, Ana María. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 24pp. 1110-1119. (2011). [View Publication]

Partial Identities as a Foundation for Trust and Reputation

Authors: Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García Fornes, Ana María; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 24pp. 1128-1136. (2011). [View Publication]

Mixed Acceleration Techniques for Solving Quickly Stochastic Shortest-Path Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Mª GUADALUPE GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ; JOSÉ RUIZ-PINALES; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Sergio; JUAN GABRIEL AVIÑA-CERVANTES; Edgar; ALBERTO REYES BALLESTEROS. Journal: Journal of Applied Research and Technology.Vol. 9pp. 129-144. (2011). [View Publication]

On the automatic compilation of e-learning models to planning

Authors: Garrido Tejero, Antonio; SUSANA FERNÁNDEZ ARREGUI; LLUVIA MORALES; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; DANIEL BORRAJO MILLÁN; CASTILLO VIDAL, LUIS. Journal: The Knowledge Engineering Review.Vol. 28pp. 121-136. (2013). [View Publication]

Assembling Learning Objects for Personalized Learning. An AI planning perspective.

Authors: Garrido Tejero, Antonio; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: IEEE Intelligent Systems.Vol. 28pp. 64-73. (2013). [View Publication]

Agreement Computing

Authors: SIERRA GARCIA, CARLES; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan; SASCHA OSSOWSKY. Journal: KI. Künstliche Intelligenz (Online).pp. 57-61. (2011). [View Publication]

Enhancing MAS Environments with Organizational Mechanisms

Authors: Sergio Esparcia; Estefanía Argente; Roberto Centeno; R. Hermoso. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools.Vol. 20pp. 663-690. (2011). [View Publication]

New prioritized value iteration for Markov decision processes

Authors: Mª GUADALUPE GARCIA-HERNANDEZ; JOSÉ RUIZ-PINALES; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; JUAN GABRIEL AVIÑA-CERVANTES; Sergio; Edgar; ALBERTO REYES BALLESTEROS. Journal: Artificial Intelligence Review.Vol. 37pp. 157-167. (2012). [View Publication]

On the design of individual and group recommender systems for tourism

Authors: García García, Inmaculada; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 38pp. 7683-7692. (2011). [View Publication]

Agent-Based Virtual Organization Architecture

Authors: S.Rodríguez; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos; JUAN CORCHADO; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 24pp. 895-910. (2011). [View Publication]

Parametric Timing Analisys and Its Appication to Dynamic Voltage Scaling

Authors: vivancos. Journal: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.Vol. 10pp. 1-34. (2011). [View Publication]

Evolutionary-aided negotiation model for bilateral bargaining in Ambient Intelligence domains with complex utility functions

Authors: Victor Sanchez-Anguix; Soledad Valero; Vicente Julian; Vicente Botti; Ana Garcia-Fornes. Journal: Information Sciences.Vol. 222pp. 25-46. (2013). [View Publication]


Authors: Victor Sanchez-Anguix; Soledad Valero; Ana Garcia-Fornes. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools.Vol. 20pp. 271-295. (2011). [View Publication]

Proving Termination in the Context-Sensitive Dependency Pair Framework

Authors: Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6381pp. 18-34. (2010). [View Publication]

Sequential Protocol Composition in Maude-NPA

Authors: S. Escobar; S. Santiago. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6345pp. 303-318. (2010).

Folding Variant Narrowing and Optimal Variant Termination

Authors: S. Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6381pp. 52-68. (2010).

From matrix interpretations over the rationals to matrix interpretations over the naturals

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6167pp. 116-131. (2010).

Measuring Universal Intelligence: Towards an Anytime Intelligence Test

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 174pp. 1508-1539. (2010).

Data Mining Strategies for CRM Negotiation Prescription Problems

Authors: Antonio Bella; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; M. José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6096pp. 520-530. (2010).

Generalisation Operators for Lists Embedded in a Metric Space

Authors: Vicent Estruch; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; M. José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5812pp. 117-139. (2010).

An Integrated Distance for Atoms

Authors: Vicent Estruch; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; M. José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6009pp. 150-164. (2010).

Newton Trees

Authors: Fernando Martínez-Plumed; Vicent Estruch; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; María José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6464pp. 174-183. (2010).

Proving Termination Properties with Muterm

Authors: Alarcón, Beatriz; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador; Navarro-Marset, Rafael. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6486pp. 201-208. (2010). [View Publication]

A Dependency Pair Framework for AvC-Termination

Authors: B. Alarcón; S. Lucas; J. Meseguer. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6381pp. 35-51. (2010).

Context-Sensitive Dependency Pairs

Authors: Alarcón, Beatriz; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 208pp. 922-968. (2010). [View Publication]

Borda-Based Voting Schemes for Semantic Role Labeling

Authors: Antonio Molina; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6231pp. 189-196. (2010).

Answering Questions with an n-gram based Passage Retrieval Engine

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; Jose Manuel Gómez; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.Vol. 34pp. 113-134. (2010).

Cooperative Distributed Planning through Argumentation

Authors: Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Eva; Sapena Vercher, Oscar; Torreño Lerma, Alejandro. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 4pp. 118-136. (2010). [View Publication]

Transforming Communicating Sequential Processes to Petri Nets

Authors: M. Llorens; J. Oliver; J. Silva; S. Tamarit. Journal: Civil-comp proceedings.Vol. 94pp. 26-42. (2010).

A performance evaluation of three multiagent platforms

Authors: Juan M. Alberola; Jose M. Such; Ana Garcia-Fornes; Agustin Espinosa; Vicent Botti. Journal: Artificial Intelligence Review.Vol. 34pp. 145-176. (2010).

Mutational data loading routines for human genome databases: the BRCA1 case

Authors: Matthijs van der Kroon; Ana M. Levin; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Journal of Computing Science and Engineering.Vol. 4pp. 291-312. (2010).

SD-TEAM:Tecnologías de aprendizaje interactivo, autoevaluación y multimodalidad en sistemas de diálogo hablado multidominio

Authors: Raquel Justo; M.Ines Torres; Emilio Sanchis; Ricardo De Cordoba; Javier Macias-Guarasa. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 331-332. (2010).

Incorporating Temporal-Bounded CBR techniques in Real-Time Agents

Authors: M. Navarro; S. Heras; V. Julián; V. Botti. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 38pp. 2783-2796. (2011). [View Publication]

Applying CBR to Manage Argumentation in MAS

Authors: S. Heras; V. Botti; V. Julián. Journal: International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems.Vol. 2pp. 110-117. (2010). [View Publication]

A Tracking Semantics for CSP

Authors: M. Llorens; J. Oliver; J. Silva; S. Tamarit. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6120pp. 248-270. (2010).


Authors: Luis Castillo; Lluvia Morales; Arturo González-Ferrer; Juan Fdez-Olivares; Daniel Borrajo; Eva Onaindia. Journal: Journal of Scheduling.Vol. 13pp. 347-362. (2010).

Tecnologías del Lenguaje aplicadas al Modelado de Sistemas de Información (TeLMoSIs)

Authors: Antonio Molina; Lidia Moreno; Natividad Prieto; Juan Sánchez. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 329-330. (2010).

Towards an accurate functional size measurement procedure for conceptual models in an MDA environment

Authors: Beatriz Marín; Oscar Pastor; Alain Abran. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 69pp. 472-490. (2010).

A Quality Model for Conceptual Models of MDD Environments

Authors: Beatriz Marín; Giovanni Giachetti; Oscar Pastor; Alain Abran. Journal: Advances in Software Engineering.Vol. 2010pp. 1-17. (2010).

Filter Position in Networks of Substitution Processors does not matter.

Authors: Fernando Arroyo Montoro; Juan Castellanos; Victor Mitrana; Eugenio Santos; José M. Sempere. Journal: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science.Vol. 22pp. 155-165. (2011). [View Publication]

Linking UML and MDD Trough UML Profiles: A Practical Approach based on the UML Association

Authors: Giovanni Giachetti; Manuela Albert; Beatriz Marín; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Journal of universal computer science.Vol. 16pp. 2353-2373. (2010).

An empirical comparative evaluation of requirements engineering methods

Authors: Sergio España; Nelly Condory-Fernández; Arturo González; Óscar Pastor. Journal: Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society.Vol. 16pp. 3-19. (2010).

Análisis de textos sobre interacciones entre proteínas

Authors: Roxana Danger; Ferran Pla; Antonio Molina. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Vol. 1pp. 301-302. (2010).

Automatic generation of basic behavior schemas from UML class diagrams

Authors: MANOLI ALBERT; VICENTE PELECHANO. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.Vol. 9pp. 47-67. (2010).

Developing BP-driven web applications through the use of MDE techniques

Authors: Victoria Torres; Pau Giner; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.pp. 1-23. (2010).

Un método de aprendizaje semi-supervisado para la modelización semántica en comprensión del habla

Authors: L.Ortega; I.Galiano; L.Hurtado; Emilio Sanchis; E.Segarra. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 199-206. (2010).

Incorporating Usability Requirements In A Test/Model-Driven Web Engineering Approach

Authors: Esteban Robles Luna; Jose Ignacio Panach; Julián Grigera; Gustavo Rossi; Óscar Pastor. Journal: Journal of Web Engineering.Vol. 9pp. 132-156. (2010).

Continuous Evolutionary Automated Testing for the Future Internet

Authors: Tanja Vos. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 82pp. 50-51. (2010).

Fast and accurate strong termination analysis with an application to partial evaluation

Authors: Salvador Tamarit; German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5979pp. 111-127. (2010).

Agent-Supported Simulation Environment for Intelligent Manufacturing and Warehouse Management Systems

Authors: Nancy Ruiz; Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: International Journal of Production Research.Vol. 49pp. 1469-1482. (2011). [View Publication]

Special Issue Editorial on Multi‐agent and Holonic Techniques for Manufacturing Systems: Technologies and Applications

Authors: Adriana Giret. Journal: International Journal of Production Research.Vol. 49pp. 1237-1240. (2011). [View Publication]

Termination of Narrowing via Termination of Rewriting

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing.Vol. 21pp. 177-225. (2010).

Goal-Directed and Relative Dependency Pairs for Proving the Termination of Narrowing

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6037pp. 52-66. (2010).

Towards scalable partial evaluation of declarative programs

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6037pp. 1-4. (2010).

Word spotting based on phoneme graphs

Authors: Jon Ander Gómez Adrián; Marcos Calvo Lance; Emilio Sanchis Arnal. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 59-66. (2010).

Abstract Certification of Global Non-Interference in Rewriting Logic

Authors: M. Alba; M. Alpuente; S. Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6286pp. 105-124. (2010).

Defining Datalog in Rewriting Logic

Authors: M. Alpuente; M. Feliu; C. Joubert; A. Villanueva. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6037pp. 188-204. (2010).

A Compact Fixpoint Semantics for Term Rewriting Systems

Authors: M. Alpuente; M. Comini; S. Escobar; M. Falaschi; J. Iborra. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 411pp. 3348-3371. (2010).

Modular Termination of Basic Narrowing and Equational Unification

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; J. Iborra. Journal: Logic Journal of IGPL.Vol. 4pp. 1-32. (2010).

Traducción automática basada en n-grams conexionistas

Authors: Zamora-Martinez, F.; Castro-Bleda, M. J.. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 221-228. (2010).

Improving Isolated Handwritten Word Recognition Using a Specialized Classifier for Short Words

Authors: Zamora-Martinez, F.; Castro-Bleda, M. J.; España-Boquera, S.; Gorbe, J.. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5988pp. 61-70. (2010).

Hybrid HMM/ANN Models for Bimodal Online and Offline Cursive Word Recognition

Authors: España-Boquera, S.; Gorbe, J.; Zamora-Martinez, F.; Castro-Bleda, M. J.. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6388pp. 14-21. (2010).

Automatic Speech Segmentation based on Acoustical Clustering

Authors: Gómez, J. A.; Sanchis, E.; Castro-Bleda, M. J.. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 6218pp. 540-548. (2010).

Adding Morphological Information to a Connectionist Part-Of-Speech Tagger

Authors: Zamora-Martinez, F.; Castro-Bleda, M. J.; España-Boquera, S.; Tortajada-Velert, S.. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5988pp. 191-200. (2010).

A Flexible System for Document Processing and Text Transcription

Authors: Vilar, Juan Miguel; Castro-Bleda, M. J.; Zamora-Martinez, F.; España-Boquera, S.; Gordo, A.; Llorens, D.; Marzal, A.; Prat, F.; Gorbe, J.. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5988pp. 291-300. (2010).

Evaluating Software Engineering Techniques for Developing Complex Systems with Multiagent Approaches

Authors: Emilia Garcia; Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: Information and Software Technology.pp. 1-33. (2010).

The simultaneous algorithm and the best interpolation function for trajectory planning

Authors: Rubio, F.; Francisco Valero; Josep Lluis Suñer; Antonio Garrido. Journal: Industrial Robot An International Journal.Vol. 37pp. 441-451. (2010).

Learning Automata Teams

Authors: Pedro García; Manuel Vázquez de Parga; Damián López; José Ruiz. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 52-65. (2010).

Transducer Inference by Assembling Specific Languages

Authors: Piedachu Peris; Damián López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 178-188. (2010).

Antioxidant N-Acetyl-Cysteine Protects Retinal Pigmented Epithelial Cells from Long-Term Hypoxia Changes in Gene Expression

Authors: Guillermo Gerona; Damián López; Mercedes Palmero; Victoria Maneu. Journal: Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics.Vol. 26pp. 309-314. (2010).

Pruebas Funcionales Evolutivas en la Industria

Authors: Tanja E.J. Vos; Arthur I. Baars; Beatriz Marín. Journal: Actas de los Talleres de las Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos.Vol. 4pp. 59-66. (2010).

Developing Mobile Workflow Support in the Internet of Things

Authors: Pau Giner; Carlos Cetina; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: IEEE Pervasive Computing.Vol. 9pp. 18-26. (2010).

Propuestas para la Captura de Requisitos y el Modelado de la Interacción en el marco de MDA

Authors: Sergio España Cubillo; José Ignacio Panach Navarrete; Nathalie Aquino Salvioni; Francisco Valverde Giromé; Óscar Pastor López. Journal: Novática .pp. 61-67. (2009). [View Publication]

Solving Non-linear Polynomial Arithmetic via SAT Modulo Linear Arithmetic

Authors: Salvador Lucas; Rafael Navarro-Marset. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5663pp. 294-305. (2009).

Web Services and Interoperability for the Maude Termination Tool

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 248pp. 83-92. (2009).

Methods for Proving Termination of Rewriting-based Programming Languages by Transformation

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 248pp. 93-113. (2009).

Automatic Proofs of Termination With Elementary Interpretations

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 258pp. 41-61. (2009).

Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs: the Order-Sorted Way

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 238pp. 207-225. (2009).

Termination Modulo Combinations of Equational Theories

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5749pp. 246-262. (2009).

Bernoulli HMMs at Subword Level for Handwritten Word Recognition

Authors: A. Giménez; A. Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5524pp. 497-504. (2009). [View Publication]

Autonomic Computing through Reuse of Variability Models at Runtime: The Case of Smart Homes

Authors: Carlos Cetina; Pau Giner; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Computer.Vol. 42pp. 37-43. (2009).

Assigning discounts in a marketing campaign by using reinforcement learning

Authors: Alberto Palomares. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 36pp. 8022-8031. (2009).

Web mining based on Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps: Analysis of a real citizen web portal

Authors: Alberto Palomares. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 34pp. 2988-2994. (2008).

Predicting Service Request in Support Centers based on Nonlinear dynamics, ARMA Modeling and Neural Networks

Authors: A. Palomares. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 34pp. 665-672. (2008).

An approach based on Adaptive Resonante Theory for analysing the viability of recommender systems in a citizen Web portal

Authors: Palomares-Chust, A.. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 33pp. 743-753. (2007).

Studying the feasibility of a recommender in a citizen Web Portal based on user modelling and clustering algorithm

Authors: Palomares, A.. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 30pp. 299-312. (2006).

On saturation and related parameters following Guth's ATD colour vision model

Authors: A. Palomares. Journal: Color Research & Application.Vol. 26pp. 305-321. (2001).

A new method for the optimum generation of real colours on CRT monitors

Authors: A. Palomares. Journal: Journal of Optics A Pure and Applied Optics.Vol. 28pp. 107-111. (1997).

Integration of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages and UML Through the UML Profile Extension Mechanism

Authors: Giovanni Giachetti; Beatriz Marín; Oscar Pastor. Journal: International Journal of Computer Science & Applications.Vol. 6pp. 145-174. (2009).

Experiencias de una PYME en el mejoramiento de procesos de testeo.

Authors: Antonio de Rojas; Tanja E.J. Vos; Beatriz Marín. Journal: Revista Española de Innovación, Calidad e Ingeniería del Software (REICIS).Vol. 5pp. 63-69. (2009).

Evolutionary Testing for Complex Systems

Authors: Tanja Vos. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. Juliopp. 45-46. (2009).

Variant Narrowing and Equational Unification

Authors: Santiago Escobar. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 238pp. 103-119. (2009).

On-Demand Strategy Annotations Revisited: An Improved On-Demand Evaluation Strategy

Authors: M. Alpuente; Santiago Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 411pp. 504-541. (2010).

Unification and Narrowing in Maude 2.4

Authors: Santiago Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5595pp. 380-390. (2009).

A Graphical User Interface for Maude-NPA

Authors: Sonia Santiago; Santiago Escobar. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 258pp. 3-20. (2009).

Answering questions with an n -gram based passage retrieval engine

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; José Manuel Gómez Soriano; Emilio Sanchis Arnal. Journal: Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.Vol. 82pp. 1-22. (2009).

A Technique for Information Retrieval from Microformatted Websites

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5947/201pp. 344-351. (2010).

State of the Practice in Algorithmic Debugging

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 246pp. 55-70. (2009).

Fast Offline Partial Evaluation of Large logic Programs

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5438pp. 119-134. (2009).

A Transformational Approach to Polyvariant BTA of Higher-Order Functional Programs

Authors: Gustavo Arroyo; J.Guadalupe Ramos; Salvador Tamarit; German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5438pp. 40-54. (2009).

Defining Inductive Operators Using Distances Over Lists

Authors: V. Estruch; C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Bamberger Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik.Vol. 81pp. 53-64. (2009).


Authors: Ma. de G. García-Hernánedz; J. Ruiz-Pinales; A. Reyes-Ballesteros; E. Onaindia; J. Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes; S. Ledesma. Journal: Journal of Applied Research and Technology.Vol. 7pp. 354-375. (2009).

Towards the Model Driven Development of Context-Aware Pervasive Systems

Authors: Estefanía Serral Asensio; VALDERAS ARANDA, PEDRO JOSÉ; PELECHANO FERRAGUD, VICENTE. Journal: Pervasive and Mobile Computing.pp. 0-33. (2009).

An Instantation of Hierarchical Distance-Based Conceptual Clustering for Propositional Learning

Authors: A. Funes; C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5476pp. 637-646. (2009).

A THOMAS based Multi-agent System for Recommendations and Guidance in Malls

Authors: V. Julian; V. Botti. Journal: Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha).Vol. 3pp. 21-26. (2009).

e-Tourism: a tourist recommendation and planning application

Authors: L. Sebastia; I. Garcia; E. Onaindia; C. Guzman. Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools.Vol. 18pp. 717-738. (2009). [View Publication]

Una aproximación para la adquisición de un corpus de diálogo

Authors: L. F. Hurtado; E. Segarra; E. Sanchis; F. García; D. Griol. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 371-372. (2009).

Using Context-Sensitive Rewriting for Proving Innermost Termination of Rewriting

Authors: Beatriz Alarcón; Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 248pp. 3-17. (2009).

A Holonic Architecture for the Global Road Transportation System

Authors: F. Versteegh; M.A. Salido; A. Giret. Journal: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.Vol. 21pp. 133-144. (2010).

Engineering Holonic Manufacturing Systems

Authors: A. Giret; V. Botti. Journal: Computers in Industry.Vol. 60pp. 428-440. (2009).

Termination of Narrowing Revisited

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; J. Iborra. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 410pp. 4608-4625. (2009).

Automated Certification of Non-Interference in Rewriting Logic

Authors: M. Alba; M. Alpuente; S. Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5596pp. 182-198. (2009).

On locally reversible languages

Authors: Pedro García; Manuel Vázquez de Parga,; Antonio Cano; Damián López. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 410pp. 4961-4974. (2009).

Contact model, fit process and foot animation for the virtual simulator of the footwear comfort

Authors: M.J. Rupérez; C. Monserrat; M.C. Juan; M. Alcañiz. Journal: Computer-Aided Design.Vol. 42pp. 425-431. (2010).

A study of the viability of obtaining a generic animation of the foot while walking for the virtual testing of footwear using dorsal presures

Authors: M.J. Rupérez; C. Monserrat; M. Alcañiz. Journal: Journal of Biomechanics.Vol. 42pp. 2040-2046. (2009).

Guidelines to apply CBR in Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: M. Navarro; S. Heras; V. Julián. Journal: Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha).Vol. 3pp. 39-43. (2009). [View Publication]

Hybrid Reasoning and Coordination Methods on Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: S. Heras; M. Navarro; V. Julián. Journal: Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha).Vol. 3pp. 1-2. (2009). [View Publication]

Norm Emergency through Argumentation

Authors: S. Heras; N. Criado; E. Argente; V. Julian. Journal: Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha).Vol. 3pp. 31-38. (2009). [View Publication]

Networks of Evolutionary Picture Processors with Filtered Connections

Authors: Paolo Bottoni; Anna Labella; Florin Manea; Victor Mitrana; Jose M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5715pp. 70-84. (2009).

Filter Position in Networks of Evolutionary Processors Does Not Matter: A Direct Proof

Authors: Paolo Bottoni; Anna Labella; Florin Manea; Victor Mitrana; Jose M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5877pp. 1-11. (2009).

Some Remarks on Superposition Based on Watson-Crick.Like Complementarity

Authors: Florin Manea; Victor Mitrana; Jose M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5583pp. 372-383. (2009).

A Constraint Programming Formulation for Planning: from Plan Scheduling to Plan Generation

Authors: Antonio Garrido; Marlene Arangu; Eva Onaindía. Journal: Journal of Scheduling.Vol. 12pp. 227-256. (2009).

Introducing requirements traceability support in model-driven development of web applications

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 51pp. 749-768. (2009).

Supporting Social Knowledge in Multiagent Systems through Event Tracing

Authors: L. Búrdalo; A. Terrasa; García-Fornes, A; Agustin Espinosa. Journal: Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha).Vol. 3pp. 19-24. (2009). [View Publication]

An Agent-Based Simulator for Industry

Authors: Nancy Ruiz; Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science.Vol. Febreropp. 35-42. (2007).

Human interaction for high quality machine translation

Authors: F. Casacuberta; J. Civera; E. Cubel; A. Lagarda; G. Lapalme; E. Macklovitch; E. Vidal. Journal: Communications of the ACM.Vol. 52pp. 135-138. (2009).

Statistical approaches to computer-assisted translation

Authors: S. Barrachina; O. Bender; F. Casacuberta; J. Civera; E. Cubel; S. Khadivi; A. Lagarda; H. Ney; J. Tomás; E. Vidal. Journal: Computational Linguistics.Vol. 35pp. 3-28. (2009).

JGOMAS: New Approach to AI Teaching

Authors: Barella, Antonio; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Carrascosa Casamayor, Carlos. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Education.Vol. 52pp. 228-235. (2009). [View Publication]

Similarity-Binning Averaging: A Generalisation of Binning Calibration

Authors: Antonio Bella; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; María José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5788pp. 341-349. (2009).

Constrained domain maximum likelihood estimation for naive Bayes text classification

Authors: Jesús Andrés-Ferrer; Alfons Juan. Journal: Pattern Analysis and Applications.Vol. 0pp. 0-8. (2009).

Capturing Interaction Requirements in a Model Transformation Technology Based on MDA

Authors: Ignacio Panach; Sergio España; Oscar Pastor. Journal: JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science.Vol. 14pp. 1480-1496. (2008).

A Template-based Recognition System for On-line Handwritten Characters

Authors: Federico Prat; Andrés Marzal; María José Castro. Journal: JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING .Vol. 25pp. 779-791. (2009).

Comparing CSP and SAT solvers for Polynomial Constraints in Termination Provers

Authors: Salvador Lucas; Rafael Navarro-Marset. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 206pp. 75-90. (2008).

Termination of Just/Fair Computations in Term Rewriting

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 206pp. 652-675. (2008).

Proving Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation.Vol. 21pp. 59-88. (2008).

Search Techniques for Rational Polynomial Orders

Authors: Rafael Navarro-Marset; Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5144pp. 109-124. (2008).

MTT: The Maude Termination Tool

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5195pp. 313-319. (2008).

Using Datalog and Boolean Equation Systems for Program Analysis

Authors: María Alpuente; Marco A. Feliú; Christophe Joubert; Alicia Villanueva. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5596pp. 215-231. (2009).

Fast Evaluation of Connectionist Language Models

Authors: Francisco Zamora-Martínez; M.J. Castro-Bleda; S. España-Boquera. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5517pp. 33-40. (2009).

Lightweight POSIX Tracing

Authors: A. Terrasa; A. Espinosa; A. García-Fornes. Journal: Software Practice and Experience.Vol. 38pp. 447-469. (2008).

Organizational Services For The Spade Agent Platform

Authors: N. Criado; E. Argente; V. Julian; V. Botti. Journal: IEEE Latin America Transactions.Vol. 6pp. 1-6. (2008).

A Statistical Approach to Crosslingual Natural Language Tasks

Authors: David Pinto; Jorge Civera; Alberto Barrón-Cedeño; Alfons Juan; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Journal of Algorithms.Vol. 64pp. 51-60. (2009).

PPIEs: Protein-Protein Interaction Information Extraction System

Authors: Roxana danger; Paolo Rosso; Ferran Pla; Antonio Molina. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 137-143. (2008).

TEXT-MESS: Minería de Textos Inteligente, Interactiva y Multilingüe basada en Tecnología del Lenguaje Humano

Authors: Ferran Pla; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 317-318. (2008).

Web-Based Anaphora Resolution for the QUASAR Question Answering System

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Yassine Benajiba; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5152pp. 324-327. (2008).

Trace Analysis for Predicting the Effectiveness of Partial Evaluation

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5366pp. 790-794. (2008).

Termination of Narrowing in Left-Linear Constructor Systems

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4989pp. 113-129. (2008).

A survey on Web Modeling Approaches for Ubiquitous Web Applications

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Vicente Pelechano Ferragud. Journal: International Journal of Web Information Systems.Vol. 4pp. 234-305. (2008).

Orchestrating your Surroundings

Authors: Pau Giner; Carlos Cetina; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Ercim News.pp. 40-41. (2009).

Size Does Matter in Process Improvement

Authors: Tanja E.J. Vos; Jorge Sánchez Sánchez; Maximiliano Mannise. Journal: Test Experience - The magazine for test professionals.Vol. 3pp. 91-95. (2008).

Incremental Implementation of Syntax Driven Logics

Authors: I.S.W.B. Prasetya; A. Azurat; T.E.J. Vos; A. van Leeuwen. Journal: Journal of Software.Vol. 1pp. 1-13. (2006).

Facilitating the Verification of Diffusing Computations and Their Applications

Authors: T.E.J. Vos; S.D.S Swierstra. Journal: CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL.pp. 15-25. (2005).

The Specification of an Agent-Supported Modeling for a Manufacturing System Simulation

Authors: Nancy Ruiz; Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications.Vol. 4pp. 259-269. (2008).

Information Filtering and Information Retrieval with the Web Filtering Toolbar

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 235pp. 125-136. (2009).

Dynamic Slicing of Lazy Functional Logic Programs Based on Redex Trails

Authors: Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation.Vol. 21pp. 147-192. (2008).

Debugging Techniques for Declarative Languages: Profiling, Program Slicing, and Algorithmic Debugging

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 21pp. 91-92. (2008).

The MEB and CEB Static Analyses for CSP Specifications

Authors: Marisa Llorens; Javier Oliver; Josep Silva; Salvador Tamarit. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5438pp. 103-118. (2008).

Dynamic Slicing Techniques for Petri Nets

Authors: Marisa Llorens; Javier Oliver; Josep Silva; Salvador Tamarit; German Vidal. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 223pp. 153-165. (2008).

Preserving Sharing in the Partial Evaluation of Lazy Functional Programs

Authors: Josep Silva; Salvador Tamarit; German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4915pp. 74-89. (2008).

Hierarchical Distance-Based Conceptual Clustering

Authors: Ana María Funes; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; María Jose Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5212pp. 349-364. (2008).

An experimental comparison of performance measures for classification

Authors: Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; Ramona Modroiu. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 30pp. 27-38. (2009).

Model-Driven Web Engineering

Authors: Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Novática .Vol. IXpp. 40-45. (2008).

Especificar casos de testeo tan facilmente como hacer una tortilla española

Authors: Tanja Vos; Jordi Sanchez Sanchez. Journal: Novática .Vol. 191pp. 45-50. (2008).

Modelos de madurez de usabilidad

Authors: Tanja Vos. Journal: Actualidad TIC.Vol. 10pp. 8-11. (2006).

La usabilidad en las aplicaciones informáticas

Authors: Tanja Vos. Journal: Actualidad TIC.Vol. 8pp. 10-17. (2005).

Formal Verification of Websites

Authors: S. Lucas; A. Villanueva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 200pp. 103-118. (2008).

A tool for Generating a Symbolic Representation of tccp executions

Authors: A. Lescaylle; A. Villanueva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 246pp. 131-145. (2009).

Model Driven Development: Piecing together the MDA jigsaw puzzle

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Sergio España; José Ignacio Panach; Nathalie Aquino. Journal: Informatik-Spektrum.Vol. 31pp. 394-407. (2008).

Introducing Additional Input Information into Interactive Machine Translation Systems

Authors: Germán Sanchis-Trilles; Francisco Casacuberta; Enrique Vidal; Jorge Civera. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5237pp. 284-295. (2008).

Clustering of Biosignal Time Series Using Statistical Methods

Authors: Pau Micó; Jordi Linares. Journal: ICFAI Journal of Science and Technology (IJST).Vol. 4pp. 30-45. (2008).

SAMAP: An user-oriented adaptive system for planning tourist visits

Authors: Luis Castillo; Eva Armengol; Eva Onaindia; Laura Sebastiá; Jesús González-Boticario; Antonio Rodríguez; Susana Fernández; Juan D. Arias; Daniel Borrajo. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 34pp. 1318-1332. (2008).

Towards an Early Usability Evaluation for Web Applications

Authors: Jose Ignacio Panach; Nelly Condori-Fernández; Francisco Valverde; Nathalie Aquino; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4895pp. 32-45. (2008).

An Activity-Theory-based model to analyse Web Application Requirements

Authors: Lorna Uden; Pedro Valderas; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Information Research: An International Electronic Journal .Vol. 13pp. 0-0. (2008).

Automated Certification of Java Source Code in Rewriting Logic

Authors: M. Alba; M. Alpuente; S. Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4916pp. 200-217. (2008).

A Modular Equational Generalization Algorithm

Authors: M. Apuente; S. Escobar; P. Ojeda. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5438pp. 24-39. (2008).

Building Ubiquitous Business Process following an MDD approach

Authors: Pau Giner; Victoria Torres; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: IEEE Latin America Transactions.Vol. 6pp. 1-8. (2008).

Simulation of the deformation of materials in shoe uppers in gait. Force distribution using finite elements.

Authors: M.J.Rupérez; C. Monserrat; M. Alcañiz. Journal: International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM).Vol. 2pp. 59-68. (2008).

Improving Context-Sensitive Dependency Pairs

Authors: Alarcón, Beatriz; Emmes, Fabian; Fuhs, Carsten; Giesl, Jürgen; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador; Schneider-Kamp, Peter; Thiemann, René. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5330pp. 636-651. (2008). [View Publication]

Usable Rules for Context-Sensitive Rewrite Systems

Authors: Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador; Urbain, Xavier. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5117pp. 126-141. (2008). [View Publication]

Developing a Multiagent Recommender System: A Case Study in Tourism Industry

Authors: Fabian Bustos; V. Julian; M. Rebollo. Journal: International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications.Vol. 4pp. 206-212. (2008).

Introduction to Special Section on Industrial Applications of Distributed Intelligent Systems

Authors: A. Giret; V. Julian; V. Botti. Journal: International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications.Vol. 4pp. 205-205. (2008).

Statistical estimation of rational transducers applied to machine translation

Authors: J. Andrés-Ferrer; A. Juan-Císcar; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Applied Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 22pp. 4-22. (2008).

Challenges for a CBR Framework for Argumentation in open MAS

Authors: Stella Heras; Vicente Botti; Vicente Julián. Journal: The Knowledge Engineering Review.Vol. 24pp. 327-352. (2009). [View Publication]

Multi-domain case-based module for customer support

Authors: Stella Heras;  Juan Ángel García-Pardo; Rafael Ramos-Garijo; Alberto Palomares; Vicente Botti; Miguel Rebollo; Vicente Julián. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 36pp. 6866-6873. (2009). [View Publication]

A Tool for Automated Certification of Java Source Code in Maude

Authors: M. Alba; M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; D. Romero. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 248pp. 19-29. (2009).

Order-sorted generalization

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; P. Ojeda. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 246pp. 27-38. (2009).

A Dialog Management Methodology based on Neural Networks and its Application to Different Domains

Authors: David Griol; Lluís F. Hurtado; Encarna Segarra; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. LNCS5197pp. 643-650. (2008).

A Two Phases Statistical Approach for Dialog Management

Authors: David Griol; Lluís F. Hurtado; Encarna Segarra; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. LNAI5078pp. 60-71. (2008).

A Statistical Approach to Spoken Dialog System Design and Evaluation

Authors: David Griol; Lluís F. Hurtado; Encarna Segarra; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Speech Communication.Vol. 50pp. 666-682. (2008).

Translating Multiset Tree Automata into P Systems

Authors: José M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5391pp. 394-402. (2008).

Learning Context-Sensitive Languages from Linear Structural Information

Authors: José M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5278pp. 175-186. (2008).

A Distributed CSP Approach for Collaborative Planning Systems

Authors: O. Sapena; E. Onaindía; A. Garrido; M. Arangu. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 21pp. 698-709. (2008).

Planning in Highly Dynamic Environments: an Anytime Approach for Planning under Time Constraints

Authors: O. Sapena; E. Onaindía. Journal: Applied Intelligence.Vol. 29pp. 90-109. (2008).

Learning Regular Languages Using Nondeterministic Finite Automata

Authors: Pedro García; Manuel Vázquez de Parga; Gloria I. Alvarez; José Ruiz. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5148pp. 92-101. (2008).

Universal automata and NFA learning

Authors: Pedro García; Manuel Vazquez de Parga; GLORIA INÉS ALVAREZ; José Ruiz. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 407pp. 192-202. (2008).

IgTM: An algorithm to predict transmembrane domains and topology in proteins

Authors: Piedachu Peris; Damián López; Marcelino Campos. Journal: BMC Bioinformatics.Vol. 9pp. 367-378. (2008).

On the efficient construction of quasi-reversible automata for reversible languages

Authors: Pedro García; Manuel Vázquez de Parga; Damián López. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 107pp. 13-17. (2008).

An execution time planner for the ARTIS agent architecture

Authors: J. Bajo; V. Julian; J. M. Corchado; C. Carrascosa; V. Botti. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 21pp. 769-784. (2008).

Hybrid multi-agent architecture as a real-time problem-solving model

Authors: C. Carrascosa; J. Bajo; V. Julian; J.M. Corchado; V. Botti. Journal: Expert Systems with Applications.Vol. 34pp. 2-17. (2008).

DoE framework for catalyst development based on soft computing techniques

Authors: Valero Cubas, Soledad; Argente, Estefanía; Botti V.; Serra Alfaro, José Manuel; Serna Merino, Pedro Manuel; Moliner Marin, Manuel; Corma Canós, Avelino. Journal: Computers & Chemical Engineering.Vol. 33pp. 225-238. (2009). [View Publication]

Planning and Scheduling in an E-learning Environment. A Constraint-Programming-based Approach

Authors: Antonio Garrido; Eva Onaindía; Oscar Sapena. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 21pp. 733-743. (2008).

Deformable brain atlas validation of the location of subthalamic nucleus using T1-weighted MR images of patients operated on for Parkinson's

Authors: Ortega Pérez, Mario; Juan, M.-Carmen; Alcañiz Raya, Mariano Luis; Gil-Gómez, José-Antonio; Monserrat Aranda, Carlos. Journal: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.Vol. 32pp. 367-378. (2008). [View Publication]

Cursive Word Recognition Based on Interactive Activation and Early Visual Processing Models

Authors: José Ruiz-Pinales; René Jaime-Rivas; Eric LeColinet; María José Castro-Bleda. Journal: International Journal of Neural Systems.Vol. 18pp. 419-431. (2008).

Musical Style Identification with n-Grams and Neural Networks

Authors: Pedro P. Cruz-Alcázar; María J. Castro-Bleda. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 5197pp. 461-469. (2008).

Feasible Distributed CSP Models for Scheduling Problems

Authors: Miguel A. Salido,; Adriana Giret. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 21pp. 723-732. (2008).

Introduction: Special Issue on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling Problems

Authors: Miguel A. Salido,; Antonio Garrido. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 21pp. 679-682. (2008).

Characterizing Membrane Structures Through Multiset Tree Automata

Authors: José M. Sempere; Damián López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4860pp. 428-437. (2007).

Bilingual Text Classification

Authors: J.Civera; E. Cubel; E. Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4477pp. 265-273. (2007).

Genomics and Metabolomics Research for Brain Tumour Diagnosis Based on Machine Learning

Authors: Juan M Garcia-Gomez; S. Tortajada; J Vicente; Sáez Silvestre, Carlos; A Juan; M Robles. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4507pp. 1012-1019. (2007).

On the Estimation of the Functional Size of Software from Requirements Specifications

Authors: Nelly Condori Fernandez; Silvia Abrahao; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Journal of Computer Science and Technology.Vol. 22pp. 358-370. (2007).

Debugging Techniques for Declarative Languages: Profiling, Program Slicing, and Algorithmic Debugging

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS.Vol. 93pp. 276-278. (2007).

Static Slicing of Rewrite Systems

Authors: Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 177pp. 123-136. (2007).

DSD-Crasher: a Hybrid Analysis Tool for Bug Finding

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. Feb2007pp. 245-254. (2007).

Semiring Lattice Parsing Applied to CYK

Authors: Salvador España Boquera; Jorge Gorbe Moya; Francisco Zamora Martínez. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4478pp. 603-610. (2007).

A Program Slicing Based Method to Filter XML/DTD Documents

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4362pp. 771-782. (2007).

A Comparative Study of Algorithmic Debugging Strategies

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4407pp. 143-159. (2007).

The Maude Formal Tool Environment

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4624pp. 173-178. (2007).

Termination of Innermost Context-Sensitive Rewriting using Dependency Pairs

Authors: Beatriz Alarcón; Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4720pp. 73-87. (2007).

Improving the Context-Sensitive Dependency Graph

Authors: Alarcón, Beatriz; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 188pp. 91-103. (2007). [View Publication]

Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting with MU-TERM

Authors: Alarcón, Beatriz; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Iborra, José; Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 188pp. 105-115. (2007). [View Publication]

Equational Cryptographic Reasoning in the Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer

Authors: S. Escobar. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 171pp. 23-36. (2007).

Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite-State Systems Using Narrowing

Authors: S. Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4533pp. 153-168. (2007).

The UPV at QA@CLEF 2007

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Yassine Benajiba; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: CLEF. Cross Language Evaluation Forum.pp. 50-54. (2007).

N-gram vs. Keyword-based Passage Retrieval for Question Answering

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4730pp. 377-384. (2007).

A WordNet-based indexing technique for Geographical Information Retrieval

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4730pp. 954-957. (2007).

Biomedical Named Entity Recognition: A Poor Knowledge HMM-Based Approach

Authors: Natalia Ponomareva; Ferran Pla; Antonio Molina; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4592pp. 382-387. (2007).

On the Estimation of Software Functional Size from Requirements Specification

Authors: Nelly C. Fernandez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Journal of Computer Science and Technology.Vol. 3pp. 358-370. (2007).

Explicit Modelling of Invariances in Bernoulli Mixtures for Binary Images

Authors: Verónica Romero; Adrià Giménez; Alfons Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4477pp. 539-546. (2007).

Modelling of Magnetic Resonance Spectra Using Mixtures for Binned and Truncated Data

Authors: Juan M. Gárcia-Gómez; Montserrat Robles; Alfons Juan-Císcar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4478pp. 266-273. (2007).

Using Query-Relevant Documents Pairs for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval

Authors: David Pinto; Alfons Juan; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4629pp. 630-637. (2007).

Joint Cutoff Probabilistic Estimation Using Simulation: A Mailing Campaign Application

Authors: Antonio Bella; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; María José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1pp. 609-619. (2007).

Minimal Distance-Based Generalisation Operators for First-Order Objects

Authors: Vicent Estruch; Cèsar Ferri; Jose Hernández-Orallo; María José Ramírez Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4455pp. 169-183. (2007).

Metodologías Activas en la Enseñanza de Informática en la Licenciatura en Matemáticas

Authors: Miguel A. Salido; Adriana Giret; Montserrat Abril. Journal: IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal .Vol. 2pp. 73-78. (2007).

Identifying Roles, Goals and Scenarios at the Early Requirement Phase of Multiagent System Modeling

Authors: Nancy Ruiz; Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications.Vol. 3pp. 249-256. (2007).

An Agent-Based Simulator for Industry

Authors: Nancy Ruiz; Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science.Vol. Feb 2007pp. 35-42. (2007).

An Improved Model Selection Heuristic for AUC

Authors: Shaomin Wu; Peter Flach; Cèsar Ferri. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4701pp. 478-489. (2007).

Generación de Aplicaciones Web Basadas en Procesos de Negocio Mediante Transformación de Modelos

Authors: Victoria Torres; Vicente Pelechano; Pau Giner. Journal: IEEE Latin America Transactions.Vol. 5pp. 245-250. (2007).

A FAST Method to Achieve Flexible Production Programming Systems

Authors: García, Mª Emilia; Valero Cubas, Soledad; Argente, Estefanía; Giret Boggino, Adriana Susana; Julian, Vicente. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews).Vol. 38pp. 242-252. (2008). [View Publication]

Automatic partial inversion of inductively sequential functions

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4449pp. 253-270. (2007).

Forward slicing of functional logic programs by partial evaluation

Authors: Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 7pp. 215-247. (2007).

Ensuring the quasi-termination of needed narrowing computations

Authors: J. Guadalupe Ramos; Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 101pp. 220-226. (2007).

Improving offline narrowing-driven partial evaluation using size-change graphs

Authors: Gustavo Arroyo; J. Guadalupe Ramos; Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4407pp. 60-76. (2007).

jTRASTO: A development Toolkit for Real-Time Multi-agent Systems

Authors: Martín Navarro; Vicente Julián; Vicente Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4696pp. 325-327. (2007).

Tourism Services Using Agent Technology: A Multi-agent Approach

Authors: Juan Sebastian Lopez Galeano; Fabian Andres Bustos; Vicente Julián Inglada. Journal: INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science.Vol. Feb 2007pp. 51-57. (2007).

Flexible and dynamic production programming tool based on MAS technology

Authors: Soledad Valero; Emilia García; Estefanía Argente; Adriana Giret; Vicente Julián. Journal: INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science.Vol. Feb 2007pp. 1-8. (2007).

Incremental Multiple Sequence Alignment

Authors: Marcelino Campos; Damián López; Piedachu Peris. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4756pp. 604-613. (2007).

Evaluación de los estudios de Documentación: el caso de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Authors: José Llorens; José-Antonio Ontalba-Ruipérez; Andrés Terrasa; Eduardo Vendrell. Journal: El profesional de la información.Vol. 16pp. 475-480. (2007).

Building Service-Oriented Web Applications for Business Processes

Authors: Victoria Torres; Vicente Pelechano; Pau Giner. Journal: Ercim News.pp. 54-55. (2007).

Computer-aided detection of prostate cancer

Authors: Rafael Llobet; Juan C. Pérez Cortés; Alejandro H. Toselli; Alfons Juan. Journal: International Journal of Medical Informatics.Vol. 76pp. 547-556. (2007).


Authors: Antonio Hervás; David Roldan Martinez. Journal: Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications.Vol. 1pp. 109-121. (2007).

SINERGIA laparoscopic virtual reality simulator: Didactic design and technical development

Authors: Óscar López; Carlos Monserrat. Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.Vol. 85pp. 273-283. (2007).

paperTeX: Creating newspapers using LaTeX2e

Authors: Ignacio Llopis-Tortosa; María José Castro. Journal: TUGboat: The Communications of the TeX Users Group.Vol. 28pp. 20-23. (2007).

Abstracting synchronous languages by source-to-source transformation

Authors: M. Alpuente; A. Villanueva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 198pp. 1-18. (2007).

Efficient Viterbi Algorithms for Lexical Tree Based Models

Authors: S. España-Boquera; M.J. Castro-Bleda; F. Zamora-Martínez; J. Gorbe-Moya. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4885pp. 179-187. (2007).

Removing Redundant Arguments Automatically

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 7pp. 3-35. (2007).

Capturing Interaction Requirements in a Model Transformation Technology Based on MDA

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; España Cubillo, Sergio; Pederiva, Inés; Pastor López, Óscar. Journal: Journal of universal computer science.Vol. 13pp. 1-15. (2007).

The Beautification Process in Model-Driven Engineering of User Interfaces

Authors: Pederiva, Inés; Vanderdonckt, Jean; España Cubillo, Sergio; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Pastor López, Óscar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4662pp. 411-425. (2007).

Improvement of a Web Engineering Method Through Usability Patterns

Authors: Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Valverde Giromé, Francisco; Pastor López, Óscar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4832pp. 441-446. (2007).

Holistic cursive word recognition based on perceptual features

Authors: José Ruiz-Pinales; René Jaime-Rivas; María José Castro-Bleda. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 28pp. 1600-1609. (2007).

Efficient BP Algorithms for General Feedforward Neural Networks

Authors: S. España-Boquera; F. Zamora-Martínez; M.J. Castro-Bleda; J. Gorbe-Moya. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4527pp. 327-336. (2007).

Behaviour-Based Clustering of Neural Networks Applied to Document Enhancement

Authors: F. Zamora-Martínez; S. España-Boquera; M.J. Castro-Bleda. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4507pp. 144-151. (2007).

Inference of Stochastic Finite-State Transducers Using N-Gram Mixtures

Authors: Vicente Alabau; Francisco Casacuberta; Enrique Vidal; Alfons Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4478pp. 282-289. (2007).

From Crosscutting Concerns to Web Systems Models

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano; Gustavo Rossi; Silvia Gordillo. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4831pp. 573-582. (2007).

Improving Communication in Requirements Engineering Activities for Web Applications

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4607pp. 242-247. (2007).

Providing Methodological Support to Incorporate Presentation Properties in the Development of Web Services

Authors: Marta Ruiz; Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4655pp. 139-148. (2007).

A transformational approach to produce web application prototypes from a web requirements model

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano; Oscar Pastor. Journal: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology.Vol. 3pp. 4-42. (2007).

Introducing Graphic Designers in a Web Development Process

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4495pp. 395-408. (2007).

Iterative contextual recurrent classification of chromosomes

Authors: C. Martínez; A. Juan; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Neural Processing Letters.Vol. 26pp. 159-175. (2007).

Calidad en Modelos Conceptuales: Un Análisis Multidimensional de Modelos Cuantitativos Basados en la ISO 9126

Authors: Beatriz Marín; Nelly Condori-Fernández; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Revista de Procesos y Métricas (RPM).Vol. 4pp. 153-167. (2007).

A Statistical User Simulation Technique for the Improvement of a Spoken Dialog System

Authors: Lluís F. Hurtado; David Griol; Emilio Sanchis; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 743-752. (2007).

Recognition and Understanding Simulation for a Spoken Dialog Corpus Acquisition

Authors: F.García; L.F.Hurtado; D.Griol; M.Castro; E.Segarra; E.Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 574-581. (2007).

Sistema de Diálogo Estadístico y Adquisición de un Nuevo Corpus de Diálogos

Authors: David Griol; Encarna Segarra; Lluís Hurtado; Francisco Torres; Fernando García; María José Castro; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 283-284. (2007).

Adaptación de un Gestor de Diálogo Estadístico a una Nueva Tarea

Authors: David Griol; Lluís Hurtado; Encarna Segarra; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 231-238. (2007).

articulo año 92

Authors: 2. Journal: ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News.Vol. 2pp. 5-7. (1992).


Authors: 1. Journal: ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News.Vol. 1pp. 1-3. (1998).

Supporting Agent Organizations

Authors: Estefania Argente; Javier Palanca; Gustavo Aranda; Vicente Julian; Vicente Botti; Ana Garcia-Fornes; Agustin Espinosa. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. Ipp. 236-245. (2007).

User simulation in a stochastic dialog system

Authors: Francisco Torres; Emilio Sanchis; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Computer Speech & Language.Vol. 22pp. 230-255. (2008).

A basic tool for the modeling of Marked-Controlled Reconfigurable Petri Nets

Authors: Marisa Llorens; Javier Oliver. Journal: Electronic Communications of the EASST.Vol. 2pp. 1-13. (2006).

Soft Computing Techniques Applied to Combinatorial Catalysis: A New Approach for the Discovery and Optimization of Catalytic Materials

Authors: Jose M. Serra; Avelino Corma; Soledad Valero; Estefania Argente; Vicente Botti. Journal: QSAR & Combinatorial Science.Vol. 26pp. 11-26. (2007).

Context-Sensitive Dependency Pairs

Authors: Alarcón, Beatriz; Gutiérrez Gil, Raúl; Lucas Alba, Salvador. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4337pp. 297-308. (2006). [View Publication]

Generalizing Newman's Lemma for Left-Linear Rewrite Systems

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4098pp. 66-80. (2006).

Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting by Transformation

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 204pp. 1782-1846. (2006).

Rewriting-Based Navigation of Web Sites: Looking for Models and Logics

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 157pp. 79-85. (2006).

On the relative power of polynomials with real, rational, and integer coefficients in proofs of termination of rewriting

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing.Vol. 17pp. 49-73. (2006).

A Rewriting-Based Inference System for the NRL Protocol Analyzer and its Meta-Logical Properties

Authors: S. Escobar. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 367pp. 162-202. (2006).

From Extreme Programming to Extreme Non-Programming

Authors: Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4080pp. 64-73. (2006).

An Empirical Evaluation of the i* Framework in a Model-Based Software Generation Environment

Authors: Hugo Estrada; Alicia Martínez Rebollar; Oscar Pastor; John Mylopoulos. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 513-527. (2006).

Theoretical foundations of dynamic program slicing

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. 2006pp. 2-2. (2006).

Termination analysis and specialization-point insertion in offline partial evaluation

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. 2006pp. 1-1. (2006).

Similarity Functions for Structured Data. An application to Decision Trees.

Authors: V. Estruch; C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.pp. 109-121. (2006).

La Técnica Mimética en Ausencia de Datos Originales: Aprendizaje y revisión de Modelos

Authors: Ricardo Blanco-Vega; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.pp. 59-68. (2006).

Multi-source Materialized Views Maintenance: Multi-level views

Authors: Josep Silva; Jorge Belenguer; Matilde Celma. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4152pp. 71-80. (2006).

A slicing tool for lazy functional logic programs

Authors: Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4160pp. 498-501. (2006).

WordNet-based Index Terms Expansion for Geographical Information Retrieval

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: CLEF. Cross Language Evaluation Forum.pp. 50-54. (2006).

The UPV at QA@CLEF 2006

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; José Manuel Soriano; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: CLEF. Cross Language Evaluation Forum.pp. 10-17. (2006).

A Full Data-Driven System for Multiple Language Question Answering

Authors: José Manuel Gómez-Soriano; Emilio Sanchis-Arnal; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4022pp. 420-428. (2006).

BUAP-UPV TPIRS: A System for Document Indexing Reduction at WebCLEF

Authors: Pinto D.; Rosso P.; Sanchis E.. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4022pp. 873-879. (2006).

Using the WordNet Ontology in the GeoCLEF Geographical Information Retrieval Task

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis Arnal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4022pp. 939-946. (2006).

QUASAR: The Question Answering System of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Authors: Jose Manuel Gómez Soriano; Davide Buscaldi; Empar Bisbal Asensi; Paolo Rosso; Emilio Sanchis Arnal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4022pp. 439-448. (2006).

Comparación del tiempo de ejecución de los algoritmos de pattern matching Rete y Arlips2

Authors: Carlos García-Montoro; Mario González; Emilio Vivancos; Vicente Botti. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 10pp. 22-30. (2006).

Scheduling a Plan with Delays in Time: A CSP Approach

Authors: Eliseo Marzal; Eva Onaindia; Laura Sebastia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4177pp. 399-408. (2006).

Re-evaluando la Intención de Uso de un Procedimiento de Medición basado en COSMIC-FFP

Authors: Nelly Condori-Fernandez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Revista Española de Innovación, Calidad e Ingeniería del Software (REICIS).Vol. 2pp. 6-16. (2006).

A Meta-Reasoning Model for Hard Real-Time Agents

Authors: Carlos Carrascosa; Andrés Terrasa; Ana García-Fornes; Agustín Espinosa; Vicente Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4177pp. 42-51. (2006).

A Comparative Study of Clustering Algorithms on Narrow-Domain Abstracts

Authors: David Pinto; Paolo Rosso; Alfons Juan. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Vol. 37pp. 43-49. (2006).

Evaluating the Productivity and Reproducibility of a Measurement Procedure

Authors: Nelly Condori-Fernandez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4231pp. 352-361. (2006).

Verifying the Construction of a Software Model from a Requirements Model

Authors: Nelly Condori-Fernandez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Cadernos do IME - Série Informática.Vol. 20pp. 138-145. (2006).

Learning Reversible Languages with Terminal Distinguishability

Authors: José M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4201pp. 354-355. (2006).

Towards an End-User Development Approach for Web Engineering Methods

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4001pp. 528-543. (2006).

Model to Text Transformation in Practice: Generating Code From Rich Associations Specifications

Authors: Manoli Albert; Javier Muñoz; Vicente Pelechano; Óscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4231pp. 63-72. (2006).

Applying a Model-Driven Method to the Development of a Pervasive Meeting Room

Authors: Javier Muñoz; Estefanía Serral; Carlos Cetina; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 65pp. 44-45. (2006).

Discriminative Capacity of Perceptual Features in Handwriting Recognition

Authors: José Ruiz-Pinales; René Jaime-Rivas; María José Castro. Journal: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering.Vol. 64pp. 931-937. (2005).

Planning under temporal uncertainty in durative actions

Authors: L. Sebastia; E. Onaindia. Journal: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.Vol. 146pp. 195-202. (2006).

Decomposition of planning problems

Authors: L. Sebastia; E. Onaindia; E. Marzal. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 19pp. 49-82. (2006).

Identifying P Rules from Membrane Structures with an Error-Correcting Approach

Authors: José M. Sempere; Damián López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4361pp. 507-520. (2006).

Protein Motif Prediction by Grammatical Inference

Authors: Piedachu Peris; Damián López; Marcelino Campos; José M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4201pp. 175-187. (2006).

A Framework for Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming with External Functions

Authors: M. Alpuente; A. Villanueva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 175pp. 253-262. (2006).

Towards a Holistic Conceptual Modelling-based Software Development Process

Authors: España Cubillo, Sergio; Panach Navarrete, Jose Ignacio; Pederiva ., Ines; PASTOR LOPEZ, OSCAR. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4215pp. 437-450. (2006).

From system requirements to holonic manufacturing analysis

Authors: A. Giret; V. Botti. Journal: International Journal of Production Research.Vol. 44pp. 3917-3928. (2006).

Verifying Real-Time Properties of tccp Programs

Authors: M. Alpuente; A. Villanueva. Journal: Journal of universal computer science.Vol. 12pp. 1551-1573. (2006).

Building Semantic Web Services Based on a Model Driven Web Engineering Method

Authors: Victoria Torres; Vicente Pelechano; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4231pp. 173-182. (2006).

Building Business Process Driven Web Applications

Authors: Victoria Torres; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4102pp. 322-337. (2006).

Describing Adaptive Navigation Requirements of Web Applications

Authors: Gonzalo Rojas; Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4018pp. 318-322. (2006).

Un método para el tratamiento de las situaciones no vistas en la gestión del diálogo

Authors: David Griol; LLuís F. Hurtado; Emilio Sanchis; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 301-308. (2006).

An On-line Approach for Planning in Time-Limited Situations

Authors: Oscar Sapena; Eva Onaindía. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4031pp. 383-392. (2006).

An Integrated and Flexible Architecture for Planning and Scheduling

Authors: Antonio Garrido; Eva Onaindía. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4031pp. 1179-1188. (2006).

Domain-Independent Temporal Planning in a Planning-Graph-Based Approach

Authors: Antonio Garrido; Eva Onaindía. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 19pp. 341-367. (2006).

A Novel Approach to Computer-Assisted Translation Based on Finite-State Transducers

Authors: J. Civera; J.M. Vilar; E. Cubel; A. L. Lagarda; S. Barrachina; F. Casacuberta; E. Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4002pp. 32-42. (2006).


Authors: P. GARCÍA; M. VAZQUEZ DE PARGA. Journal: Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS.pp. 181-184. (2005).

A family of algorithms for Non Deterministic Regular Languages Inference

Authors: Manuel Vazquez de Parga; Pedro García Gómez; José Ruiz Ochando. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 265-274. (2006).

Computer-assisted translation using speech recognition

Authors: E. Vidal; F. Casacuberta; L. Rodríguez; J. Civera; C. Martínez. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing.Vol. 14pp. 941-951. (2006).

Designing Web Services for Supporting User Tasks: A Model Driven Approach

Authors: Marta Ruiz; Vicente Pelechano; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4231pp. 193-202. (2006).

An Augmented Reality System for the Treatment of Acrophobia: The Sense of Presence Using Immersive Photography

Authors: M. Carmen Juan; Mariano Alcañiz; Carlos Monserrat. Journal: Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments.Vol. 15pp. 393-402. (2006).

Using a Discrete Event Simulator as Real Time Graphic Applications Kernel

Authors: Inmaculada García; Ramón Moyá. Journal: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory.Vol. 14pp. 1043-1056. (2006).

Multi-Agent Systems Over RT-Java for a Mobile Robot Control

Authors: M. Navarro; V. Julián; S. Heras; J. Soler; V. Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4224pp. 1267-1274. (2006).

CBR Model for the Intelligent Management of Customer Support Centers

Authors: S. Heras; J.A. García-Pardo; R. Ramos-Garijo; A. Palomares; V. Julián; M. Rebollo; V. Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4224pp. 663-670. (2006). [View Publication]

Towards Developing Multi-agent Systems in Ada

Authors: G. Aranda; J. Palanca; A. Espinosa; A. Terrasa; A. García-Fornes. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 4006pp. 131-142. (2006).

Adding New Communication Services to the FIPA Message Transport System

Authors: J. Palanca; M. Escrivà; G. Aranda; A. García-Fornes; V. Julian; V. Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 1-11. (2006).

A deliberative scheduling technique for a real-time agent architecture

Authors: HERNANDEZ, L.; BOTTI, V.; GARCIA-FORNES, A.. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.pp. 521-534. (2006).

Multi-Agent System Development Based on Organizations

Authors: Estefania Argente; Vicente Julian; Vicente Botti. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.pp. 55-71. (2006).

Jornada de Testeo de Software

Authors: Tanja E.J. Vos; Marga Nácher; Ester Palacios. Journal: Actualidad TIC.Vol. 4pp. 14-15. (2004).

Calidad y Testeo de Software

Authors: Tanja E.J. Vos; Ramón Mollineda. Journal: Actualidad TIC.Vol. 1pp. 12-16. (2003).

Requirements and Analysis: Where is the boundary if Any?

Authors: Oscar Pastor López. Journal: Journal of Computer Science and Technology.Vol. 5pp. 109-109. (2005).

Classifying Web Sites Using Distance-Based Decision Trees

Authors: C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana; V. Estruch Gregori. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.pp. 79-90. (2005).

Crossing the Rubicon: from Haskell to .NET through COM

Authors: Beatriz Alarcón; Salvador Lucas. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 63pp. 51-52. (2005).

Operational termination of conditional term rewriting systems

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 95pp. 446-453. (2005).

Polynomials over the reals in proofs of termination: from theory to practice

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: RAIRO-THEORETICAL INFORMATICS AND APPLICATIONS .Vol. 39pp. 547-586. (2005).

Strategies in Programming Languages Today

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 124pp. 113-118. (2005).

A Functional Size Measurement Method for Object-Oriented Conceptual Schemas: Design and Evaluation Issues

Authors: Silvia Abrahão; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Software & Systems Modeling.pp. 1-24. (2005).

Model Checking for the concurrent constraint paradigm

Authors: Alicia Villanueva. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 17pp. 93-94. (2004).

Automatic Verification of Timed Concurrent Constraint Programs

Authors: Moreno Falaschi; Alicia Villanueva. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 6pp. 1-36. (2005).

Model Checking for the Concurrent Constraint Paradigm

Authors: Alicia Villanueva. Journal: Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS.Vol. 1pp. 389-392. (2004).

Slicing XML Documents

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.pp. 45-51. (2005).

A pattern language to join early and late requirements

Authors: Alicia Martínez; Oscar Pastor; Hugo Estrada. Journal: Journal of Computer Science and Technology.Vol. 5pp. 64-70. (2005).

Sense Cluster Based Categorization and Clustering of Abstracts

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; Alfons Juan Ciscar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3878pp. 547-550. (2006).

Verb Sense Disambiguation Using Support Vector Machine: Impact of Word-Net Extracted Features

Authors: Davide Buscaldi; Paolo Rosso; Ferran Pla; Encarna Soriano; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3878pp. 192-195. (2006).

A Passage Retrieval System for Multilingual Question Answering

Authors: José Manuel Gómez Soriano; Emilio Sanchis Arnal; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3658pp. 443-450. (2005).

Cluster Analysis of Railway Directory Inquire Dialogs

Authors: Emilio Sanchis Arnal; Paolo Rosso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3658pp. 385-392. (2005).

Language Independent Passage Retrieval for Question Answering

Authors: José Manuel Gómez-Soriano; E. Sanchís; P. Rosso. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3789pp. 816-823. (2005).

Agilizando el Proceso de Producción Software en un Entorno CMM de Nivel 5

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Computación y Sistemas.Vol. 3pp. 36-49. (2005).

Análisis teórico-experimental de criterios de comparación de esquemas conceptuales orientados a objeto

Authors: Josep Silva; José A. Carsí; Isidro Ramos. Journal: Computación y Sistemas.Vol. 9pp. 1-16. (2005).

Fast Narrowing-Driven Partial Evaluation for Inductively Sequential Systems

Authors: J.Guadalupe Ramos; Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: ACM SIGPLAN Notices.Vol. 40pp. 228-239. (2005).

Forward Slicing by Conjunctive Partial Deduction and Argument Filtering

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3444pp. 61-76. (2005).

Run-Time Profiling of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: Josep Silva; German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3573pp. 182-197. (2005).

A Semantic Framework for the Abstract Model Checking of tccp programs

Authors: M. Alpuente; A. Villanueva. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 346pp. 58-95. (2005).

Automated Specification and Verification of Web sites

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 62pp. 62-62. (2005).

Connecting Remote Tools: Do it by yourSELF!

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Lucas. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 61pp. 46-47. (2005).

ICT for EU-India Cross Cultural Dissemination

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 64pp. 73-73. (2005).

Specialization of Functional Logic Programs Based on Needed Narrowing

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Lucas; G. Vidal. Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Vol. 5pp. 273-303. (2005).

Distance Based Generalisation

Authors: V. Estruch; C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3625pp. 87-102. (2005).

Using Negotiation Techniques as Time-Restricted Scheduling Policies on Intelligent Agents

Authors: P. Maldonado; C. Carrascosa; V. Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. LNAI3690pp. 608-611. (2005).

Gestión de Comportamientos en Agentes de Tiempo Real

Authors: C. Carrascosa; A. Terrasa; J. Fabregat; V. Botti. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 9pp. 39-48. (2005).

Editing Distances Between Membrane Structures

Authors: Damián López; José M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3850pp. 326-341. (2006).

A Methodological Approach for Incorporating Adaptive Navigation Techniques into Web Applications

Authors: Gonzalo Rojas; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3806pp. 203-216. (2005).

Spontaneous Handwriting Text Recognition and Classification Using Finite-State Models

Authors: A. H. Toselli; M. Pastor; A. Juan; E. Vidal.. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2pp. 363-370. (2005).

Operational semantics for declarative multi-paradigm languages

Authors: Javier Oliver; Germán Vidal. Journal: Journal of Symbolic Computation.Vol. 40pp. 795-829. (2005).

Different Approaches to Bilingual Text Classification based on Grammatical Inference Techniques

Authors: Jorge Civera; Elsa Cubel; Alfons Juan; Enrique Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2pp. 630-637. (2005).

On-demand Evaluation for Maude

Authors: Santiago Escobar; Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 124pp. 25-39. (2005).

Natural Rewriting for General Term Rewriting Systems

Authors: Santiago Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3573pp. 101-116. (2005).

New evaluation commands for Maude within Full Maude

Authors: Santiago Escobar; Salvador Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 117pp. 263-284. (2005).

Natural Narrowing for General Term Rewriting Systems

Authors: Santiago Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3467pp. 279-293. (2005).

Interaction Transformation Patterns based on Semantic Roles

Authors: Isabel Díaz; Lidia Moreno; Oscar Pastor; Alfredo Mateo. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3513pp. 239-250. (2005).

Developing E-Commerce Applications from Task-Based Descriptions

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3590pp. 65-75. (2005).

Antioxidant NAC down regulates apoptosis-related geners in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells under hypoxia conditions

Authors: Gerona G.; González Belló J.A.; Lopez D.; Company M.A.; Palmero M; Maneu V. Journal: Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology.Vol. 27pp. 93-93. (2005).

Estudio del efecto de la tioprolina sobre células del EPR sometidas a hipoxia

Authors: V. Maneu Flores; D. López Rodríguez; M.A Company Sirvent; M.A. González Belló; G. Gerona; C. García Cabanes; M. Palmero Cabezas. Journal: Revista de neurología .Vol. 41pp. 44-44. (2005).

Neural network approach to locate motifs in biosequences

Authors: Marcelino Campos; Damián López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 214-221. (2005).

Building a Software Factory for Pervasive Systems Development

Authors: Javier Muñoz; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3520pp. 342-356. (2005).

From Web Requirements to Navigational Design. A Transformational Approach

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3579pp. 506-511. (2005).

Parsys: a new particle system for the introduction of on-line physical behaviour to three-dimensional synthetic objects

Authors: O. López; U. Meier; C. Monserrat; M.C. Juan; M. Alcañiz. Journal: Computers & Graphics.Vol. 29pp. 135-144. (2005).

Real-time deformable models for surgery simulation: a survey

Authors: U. Meier; O. López; C. Monserrat; M.C. Juan; M. Alcañiz. Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.Vol. 77pp. 183-197. (2005).

Using Augmented Reality to treat phobias

Authors: M. Carmen Juan; Mariano Alcañiz; Carlos Monserrat; Cristina Botella; Rosa Baños. Journal: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.Vol. 25pp. 31-37. (2005).

A Hybrid Approach to Statistical Language Modeling with Multilayer Perceptrons and Unigrams

Authors: Fernando Blat; María José Castro; Salvador Tortajada; Joan Andreu Sánchez. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3658pp. 195-202. (2005).

A Holistic Classification System for Check Amounts Based on Neural Networks with Rejection

Authors: M.J. Castro; W. Díaz; F.J. Ferri; J. Ruiz-Pinales; R. Jaime-Rivas; F. Blat; S. España; P. Aibar; S. Grau; D. Griol. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3776pp. 310-314. (2005).

Enhancement and cleaning of handwritten data by using neural networks

Authors: J. Hidalgo; Salvador España; María José Castro; José Alberto Pérez. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3522pp. 376-383. (2005).

Transforming Web Requirements into Navigational Models: an MDA Apporach

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3716pp. 320-336. (2005).

Applying a Web Engineering Method to Design Web Services

Authors: Marta Ruiz; Pedro Valderas; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3826pp. 576-581. (2005).

Videogames decoupled discrete event simulation

Authors: Inmaculada García; Ramón Mollá. Journal: Computers & Graphics.Vol. 29pp. 195-202. (2005).

Word Translation Disambiguation Using Multinomial Classifiers

Authors: J. Andrés; J.R.Navarro; A. Juan; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3523pp. 622-629. (2005).

Desarrollo de un sistema para la predicción del ajuste del calzado basado en Técnicas Avanzadas de Análisis de Formas

Authors: SANDRA ALEMANY MUT; José García Hernández; Stella Heras Barberá; Juan Ciscar. Journal: Revista de Biomecánica .pp. 17-21. (2005).

The MORFO3D foot database

Authors: José García-Hernández; Stella Heras; Alfons Juan; Roberto Paredes; Nacher Fernandez, Beatriz; Alemany Mut, Mª Sandra; ALCANTARA ALCOVER, ENRIQUE; GONZALEZ GARCIA, JUAN CARLOS. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2pp. 658-665. (2005). [View Publication]

Goodness and Lacks of MAS Methodologies for Manufacturing Domains

Authors: S. Valero; E. Argente; A. Giret; V. Julian; V. Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. Ipp. 645-648. (2005).

MAS methodology for HMS

Authors: Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti; Soledad Valero. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. LNAI3593pp. 39-49. (2005).

Learning of stochastic dialog models through a dialog simulation technique

Authors: F. Torres; E. Sanchis; E. Segarra. Journal: Eurospeech.Vol. 1pp. 817-820. (2005).

Sistema de diálogo para el proyecto DIHANA

Authors: Lluís F. Hurtado; Fernando Blat; Fernando García; Sergio Grau; David Griol; Emilio Sanchis; Encarna Segarra; Francisco Torres. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 453-454. (2005).

Dos aproximaciones basadas en reglas para la gestión del diálogo

Authors: David Griol; Lluís F. Hurtado; Emilio Sanchis; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 213-220. (2005).

MU-TERM: A Tool for Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3091pp. 200-209. (2004).

Polynomials for Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2987pp. 318-332. (2004).

Strong and NV-sequentiality of constructor systems

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 89pp. 191-201. (2004).

Un procedimiento de medición de tamaña funcional: diseño y aplicación

Authors: Nelly Fernández; Silvia Abrahao; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Revista de Procesos y Métricas (RPM).Vol. 1pp. 29-38. (2004).

Isolating and Specifying the Relevant Information of an Organizational Model: a Process Oriented Towards Information System Generation

Authors: Alicia Martinez; Oscar Pastor; Hogo Estrada. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3046pp. 783-791. (2004).

Using a Goal-Refinement Tree to Obtain and Refine Organizational Requirements

Authors: Alicia Martinez; Oscar Pastor; Hugo Estrada. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3046pp. 506-514. (2004).

Automated Production of Fully Functional Applications with Oliva Nova Model Execution

Authors: Oscar Pastor. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 4pp. 62-64. (2004).

A Specification Pattern for Use Cases

Authors: Isabel Díaz; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Information & Management.Vol. 41pp. 961-975. (2004).

Mixing Scheduling Policies in Ada

Authors: Agustín Espinosa Minguet; Ana García-Fornes; Vicente Lorente Garcés; Andrés Terrasa Barrena. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3063pp. 273-282. (2004).

Implementing Natural Rewriting and Narrowing Efficiently

Authors: S. Escobar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2998pp. 147-162. (2004).

Strategies and Analysis Techniques in Functional Program Optimization

Authors: Santiago Escobar. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 17pp. 35-37. (2004).

Error handling in a stochastic dialog system through confidence measures

Authors: F. Torres; L. F. Hurtado; F. García; E. Sanchis; E. Segarra. Journal: Speech Communication.Vol. 45pp. 211-229. (2005).

Planning tourist visits adapted to user preferences

Authors: L. Sebastiá. Journal: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.Vol. 117pp. 119-128. (2004).

Decomposition of planning problems

Authors: L. Sebastiá; E. Onaindia; E. Marzal. Journal: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.Vol. 113pp. 441-448. (2004).

Ordered landmarks in planning

Authors: L. Sebastiá. Journal: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.Vol. 22pp. 215-287. (2004).

Los Sistemas CAD/CAM y la Simulación de Productos

Authors: J. Linares; J. Santonja; F. Lafuente. Journal: Técnica Textil Internacional.Vol. 42pp. 61-62. (1998).

Reactive Planning Simulation in Dynamic Environments with VirtualRobot

Authors: Oscar Sapena; Eva Onaindia; Martín Mellado; Carlos Correcher; Eduardo Vendrell. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3029pp. 699-707. (2004).

Handling Numeric Criteria in Relaxed Planning Graphs

Authors: Oscar Sapena; Eva Onaindía. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3315pp. 114-123. (2004).

Abstract Model Checking of tccp programs

Authors: M. Alpuente; M.M. Gallardo; E. Pimentel; A. Villanueva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 112pp. 19-36. (2004).

A Symbolic Model Checker for tccp programs

Authors: Maria Alpuente; Moreno Falaschi; Alicia Villanueva. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3475pp. 45-56. (2004).

PARSYS: Un nuevo sistema de partículas para la introducción de comportamiento físico en objetos sintéticos tridimensionales

Authors: Carlos Monserrat; Mariano Alcañiz. Journal: I+S Informatica y Salud.pp. 23-30. (2004).

Estado del arte en simulación quirúrgica

Authors: Carlos Monserrat; Mariano Alcañiz. Journal: I+S Informatica y Salud.pp. 15-22. (2004).

Integración de la tecnología de simulación quirúrgica en el programa de aprendizaje de cirugía mínimamente invasiva

Authors: Carlos Monserrat; Mariano Alcañiz Raya. Journal: I+S Informatica y Salud.pp. 9-15. (2004).

Soft tissue tumors pattern classification techniques using MR and epidimiologic data.

Authors: Juan Miguel García-Gómez; Vidal C; A Juan Ciscar; Luis Martí-Bonmatí; J Galant Herrero; Robles M. Journal: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine .Vol. 16pp. 274-275. (2002).

Text Mining Biomedical Literature for Discovering Gene-to-Gene Relationships: A Comparative Study of Algorithms

Authors: Jorge Civera. Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.Vol. 2pp. 62-76. (2005).

Integrating Natural Language Techniques in OO.Method

Authors: Isabel Díaz; Lidia Moreno; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3406pp. 560-571. (2005).

The 1st Workshop on ROC Analysis in Artificial Intelligence (ROCAI-2004)

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; Cèsar Ferri; Nicolas Lachiche; Peter Flach. Journal: ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter.Vol. 6pp. 159-161. (2004).

Generación de Modelos de Requisitos a partir de Modelos Organizacionales: un enfoque basado en patrones

Authors: Alicia Martínez; Hugo Estrada; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Gerencia tecnologica informatica - GTI .Vol. 2pp. 11-21. (2004).

A Memoizing Semantics for Functional Logic Languages

Authors: S. España; V. Estruch. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2986pp. 109-123. (2004).

Extracting Temporal Properties from Real-Time Systems by Automatic Tracing Analysis

Authors: Andrés Terrasa; Guillem Bernat. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2968pp. 466-485. (2004).

Optimization of Olefin Epoxidation Catalysts with the Application of High-Throughput and Genetic Algorithms assisted by Artificial Neural networks (Softcomputing Techniques)

Authors: A. Corma; J.M. Serra; P. Serna; E. Argente; S. Valero; V. Botti. Journal: Journal of Catalysis.Vol. 229pp. 513-524. (2005).

Real-time extensions in multi-agent communication

Authors: J. Soler; V. Julian; A. Garcia; V. Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 468-477. (2004).

EM Initialisation for Bernoulli Mixture Learning

Authors: Alfons Juan; José García-Hernández; Enrique Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 635-643. (2004).

Analysing the Trade-Off Between Comprehensibility and Accuracy in Mimetic Models

Authors: Ricardo Blanco-Vega; José Hernández-Orallo; María José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3245pp. 338-346. (2004).

A Memoizing Semantics for Functional Logic Languages

Authors: S. España. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 109-123. (2004).

Modelling tree structures using a single polygonal mesh

Authors: Lluch Crespo, Javier; Vivó, Roberto; Monserrat, C.. Journal: Graphical Models.Vol. 66pp. 89-101. (2004). [View Publication]

Extending Navigational Modelling to Support Content Aggregation in Web Sites

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3140pp. 98-102. (2004).

Modelling Content Aggragation for Developing E-Commerce Web Sites

Authors: Pedro Valderas; Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3182pp. 259-267. (2004).

Developing real-time multi-agent systems

Authors: V. Julian; V. Botti. Journal: Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering.Vol. 11pp. 135-149. (2004).

Model Driven Development of Pervasive Systems

Authors: Javier Muñoz; Vicente Pelechano; Joan Fons. Journal: Ercim News.pp. 50-51. (2004).

Artificial Neural Networks and Linear Discriminant Analysis: A Valuable Combination in the Selection of New Antibacterial Compounds

Authors: Miguel Murcia-Soler; Facundo Pérez-Giménez; Francisco J. García-March; Ma Teresa Salabert-Salvador; Wladimiro Díaz-Villanueva; María José Castro-Bleda; Angel Villanueva-Pareja. Journal: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences.Vol. 44pp. 1031-1041. (2004).

Cuantificando formalmente los coeficientes de innovación de las empresas

Authors: Josep Silva. Journal: Revista mensual de Economía, Sociedad y Cultura. Globalización.Vol. 1pp. 169-181. (2004).

Podado y lexicalización de reglas gramaticales y su aplicación al análisis sintáctico parcial

Authors: E. Bisbal; A. Molina; L. Moreno. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 65-71. (2004).

Improving Part-of-Speech Tagging using Lexicalized HMMs

Authors: FERRAN PLA; ANTONIO MOLINA. Journal: Natural Language Engineering.Vol. 10pp. 167-189. (2004).

Partial evaluation of MATLAB

Authors: Germán Vidal. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. 200412pp. 1-1. (2004).

Offline partial evaluation can be as accurate as online partial evaluation

Authors: Germán Vidal. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. 200408pp. 1-1. (2004).

Towards CNC Programming using Haskell

Authors: Josep Silva; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3315pp. 386-396. (2004).

Cost-Augmented Partial Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: Germán Vidal. Journal: Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation.Vol. 17pp. 7-46. (2004).

An Embedded Language Approach to Router Specification in Curry

Authors: Josep Silva; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2932pp. 277-288. (2004).

Rules + Strategies for Transforming Lazy Functional Logic Programs

Authors: María Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 311pp. 479-525. (2004).

Autómatas Cooperativos Extendidos: sistemas multi-agente con dependencia geográfica

Authors: Carlos Herrero; Javier Oliver. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 23pp. 43-54. (2004).

Structural and Dynamic Changes in Concurrent Systems: Reconfigurable Nets

Authors: Marisa Llorens; Javier Oliver. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Computers.Vol. 53pp. 1147-1158. (2004).

Introducing Structural Dynamic Changes in Petri Nets: Marked-Controlled Reconfigurable Nets

Authors: Marisa Llorens; Javier Oliver. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3299pp. 310-323. (2004).

Multi-paradigm learning of declarative models

Authors: Cèsar Ferri. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 17pp. 95-97. (2004).

Delegating classifiers

Authors: Cèsar Ferri; Peter Flach; José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: International Conference on Machine Learning.pp. 289-296. (2004).

Bagging Decision Multi-trees

Authors: V. Estruch; C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3077pp. 41-51. (2004).

A decoding algorithm for speech input statistical translation

Authors: I García-Varea; J. Sanchis; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3206pp. 307-314. (2004).

Pattern recognition approaches for speech-to-speech translation

Authors: F. casacuberta; E. Vidal; J. Sanchis; J. Vilar. Journal: Cybernetics & Systems.Vol. 35pp. 3-17. (2004).

Some approaches to statistical and finite-state speech-to-speech Translation

Authors: F. Casacuberta; H. Ney; F. Och; E. Vidal; J. Vilar; S. Barrachina; I. García-Varea; D. Llorens; C. Martínez; S. Molau; F. Nevado; M. Pastor; D. Pico; J. Sanchis. Journal: Computer Speech & Language.Vol. 18pp. 25-47. (2004).

Language Understanding using n-multigram Models

Authors: Lluís Hurtado; Encarna Segarra; Fernando García; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 207-219. (2004).

Making Discrete Games

Authors: Inmaculada García; Ramón Mollá. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3pp. 877-885. (2004).

GDESK: Game Discrete Event Simulation Kernel

Authors: Inmaculada García; Ramón Mollá; Toni Barella. Journal: Journal of WSCG.pp. 121-128. (2004).

SoftComputing Techniques Applied to Catalytic Reactions

Authors: Soledad Valero; Estefanía Argente; Vicente Botti; José M. Serra; Avelino Corma. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3040pp. 550-559. (2004).

Introducing Discrete Simulation into Games

Authors: Inmaculada García; Ramón Mollá; Emilio Camahort. Journal: Ercim News.pp. 45-46. (2004).

Syntactic modelling and recognition of document images

Authors: Ignacio Perea; Damián López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3138pp. 416-424. (2004).

SisHiTra: A Hybrid Machine Translation System from Spanish to Catalan

Authors: J. R. Navarro; J. González; D. Picó; F. Casacuberta; J. M. de Val; F. Fabregat; F. Pla; J. Tomás. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3230pp. 349-359. (2004).

A Syntactic Pattern Recognition Approach to Computer Assisted Translation

Authors: J. Civera; J. M. Vilar; E. Cubel; A. L. Lagarda; S. Barrachina; F. Casacuberta; E. Vidal; D. Picó; J. González. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3138pp. 207-215. (2004).

Learning distinguishable linear grammars from positive data

Authors: J.A. Laxminarayana; José M. Sempere; G. Nagaraja. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3264pp. 279-281. (2004).

A representation theorem for languages accepted by Watson-Crick finite automata


Inference of reversible tree languages

Authors: Damián López; José M. Sempere; Pedro García. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B (Cybernetics).Vol. 34pp. 1658-1665. (2004).

Formal languages arising from gene repeated duplication

Authors: Peter Leupold; Victor Mitrana; José M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2950pp. 297-308. (2004).

P systems with external input and learning strategies

Authors: José M. Sempere. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2933pp. 341-356. (2004).

On the Definition of Meta-models for Analysis of Large-Scale MAS

Authors: Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. LNAI3187pp. 273-286. (2004).

Dialogue Act Classification in a Spoken Dialogue System

Authors: María José Castro; David Vilar; Pablo Aibar; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3040pp. 260-270. (2004).

Multi-label Text Classification Using Multinomial Models

Authors: David Vilar; María José Castro; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3230pp. 220-230. (2004).

Improving Pattern Recognition Based Pharmacological Drug Selection Through ROC Analysis

Authors: W. Díaz; María José Castro; F. J. Ferri; F. Pérez; M. Murcia. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3287pp. 621-628. (2004).

Hidden Markov Models for Understanding in a Dialogue System

Authors: Fernando Blat; Sergio Grau; Emilio Sanchis; María José Castro. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 3287pp. 410-417. (2004).

Holons and Agents

Authors: Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.Vol. 15pp. 645-659. (2004).

Towards an Abstract Recursive Agents

Authors: Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering.Vol. 11pp. 165-177. (2004).

Application of Artificial Neural Networks to High-Throughput Synthesis of Zeolites

Authors: Moliner, M.; J.M. Serra; A. Corma; E. Argente; S. Valero; V. Botti. Journal: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials.Vol. 78pp. 73-81. (2005).

Optimal feature extraction for segmentation of Diesel sprays images

Authors: Francisco Payri; José V. Pastor; Alberto Palomares; J. Enrique Juliá. Journal: Applied Optics.Vol. 43pp. 2102-2111. (2004).

User Interface Patterns for Object-Oriented Navigation

Authors: Oscar Pastor López. Journal: UPGRADE.Vol. IVpp. 30-37. (2003).

Essential Use Cases in the Design of Multi-Channel Service Offerings

Authors: Oscar Pastor López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2722pp. 468-471. (2003).

Modeling Concurrent Systems Specified in a Temporal Concurrent Constraint language - I

Authors: M. Falaschi; A. Policriti; A. Villanueva. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 48pp. 1-16. (2001).

RDP 2003 - Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction and Programming

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Ercim News.Vol. 55pp. 45-45. (2003).

Getting System Metrics Using POSIX Tracing Services

Authors: Agustín Espinosa Minguet; VICENTE LORENTE GARCES; ANA GARCIA FORNES; ALFONS CRESPO LORENTE. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2655pp. 220-231. (2003).

A Quality-based Heuristic for Real-time Scheduling

Authors: L. Hernández; V. Botti; A. García-Fornés; M. González. Journal: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.Vol. 100pp. 462-473. (2003).

Integration of Agent Interactions in Real-Time Environments

Authors: J. Soler; V. Julian; V. Botti. Journal: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.Vol. 100pp. 486-497. (2003).

Deliberative Server for Real-Time Agents

Authors: Carlos Carrascosa; Miguel Rebollo; Vicente Julián; Vicente Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1pp. 485-496. (2003).

Formal modeling of dynamic environments for real-time agents

Authors: Miguel Rebollo; Vicente Botti; Eva Onaindía. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2691pp. 475-484. (2003).

Goal-Based Business Modeling Oriented towards Late Requirements Generation

Authors: Hugo Estrada; Alicia Martínez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 277-290. (2003).

Information Retrieval and Text Categorization with Semantic Indexing

Authors: Paolo Rosso; Antonio Molina; Ferran Pla; Daniel Jiménez; Vicent Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1pp. 596-600. (2004).

Hierarchical image segmentation using a correspondence with a tree model

Authors: Vicente Grau; Mariano Alcañiz Raya; Carlos Monserrat; M. Carmen Juan. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 37pp. 47-59. (2004).

Estudio de métodos de desarrollo de sistemas multiagente

Authors: V. Julián; V. Botti. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 7pp. 65-80. (2003).

Measuring the functional size of Web applications

Authors: Silvia Abrahao; Oscar Pastor. Journal: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology.Vol. 1pp. 5-16. (2003).

Defining and Validating Metrics for Navigational Models

Authors: Silvia Abrahao; Nelly Condori-Fernandez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: IEEE Computer Society.pp. 200-210. (2003).

User Profiling Capabilities in OOWS

Authors: Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2722pp. 486-496. (2003).

Towards the Design of a Metrics Cataloging System by Exploiting Conceptual and Semantic Web Approaches

Authors: Joan Fons; Silvia Abrahao; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2722pp. 324-333. (2003).

Development of Web Applications from Web Enhanced Conceptual Schemas

Authors: Joan Fons; Vicente Pelechano; Manoli Albert; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2813pp. 232-245. (2003).

Developing Web Applications from Conceptual Models. A Web Services Approach

Authors: Vicente Pelechano; Joan Fons; Manoli Albert; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2814pp. 40-51. (2003).

Cost-sensitive diagnosis of declarative programs

Authors: D. Ballis; M. Falaschi; C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramirez-Quintana. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 86pp. 1-20. (2003).

Describing Just-UI Concepts Using a Task Notation

Authors: Pedro J. Molina; Jorge Belenguer; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2844pp. 218-230. (2003).

Towards a Recursive Agent Oriented Methodology for Large-Scale MAS

Authors: Adriana Giret; Vicente Botti. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. LNCS2395pp. 25-35. (2004).

Estimating Confidence Measures for Speech Recognition Verification Using a Smoothed Naive Bayes Model

Authors: Alberto Sanchis; Alfons Juan; Enrique Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2652pp. 910-918. (2003).

Chromosome Classification Using Continuous Hidden Markov Models

Authors: César Martínez; Héctor García; Alfons Juan; Francisco Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2652pp. 494-501. (2003).

GDESK: Game Discrete Event Simulation Kernel

Authors: I. García. Journal: Journal of WSCG.Vol. 12pp. 121-128. (2004).

On-Demand OBJ: A Laboratory for Strategy Annotations

Authors: M. ALpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 86pp. 1-15. (2003).

On-Demand Evaluation by Program Transformation

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 86pp. 83-105. (2003).

Correct and Complete (positive) Stretagy Annotations for OBJ

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 71pp. 23-42. (2003).

Abstract Correction of Functional Programs

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 86pp. 7-20. (2003).

Abstract Diagnosis of Functional Programs

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2664pp. 1-16. (2003).

Implementing UML Association, Aggregation, and Composition. A Particular Interpretation Based on a Multidimensional Framework

Authors: Manoli Albert; Vicente Pelechano; Joan Fons; Marta Ruiz; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2681pp. 143-158. (2003).

Beam Search Extraction and Forgetting Strategies on Shared Ensembles

Authors: Vicent Estruch; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; Maria José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2709 pp. 206-210. (2003).

Simple Mimetic Classifiers

Authors: Vicent Estruch; Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo; Maria José Ramírez Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2734pp. 156-171. (2003).

Improving the AUC of Probabilistic Estimation Trees

Authors: Cèsar Ferri; Peter Flach; José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2837pp. 121-132. (2003).

Volume under the ROC Surface for Multi-class Problems

Authors: Cèsar Ferri; Jose Hernández-Orallo; Miguel A. Salido. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2837pp. 108-120. (2003).

Uniform Lazy Narrowing

Authors: Maria Alpuente; German Vidal. Journal: Journal of Logic and Computation.Vol. 13pp. 287-312. (2003).

A Residualizing Semantics for the Partial Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 85pp. 19-25. (2003).

Forward Slicing of Multi-Paradigm Declarative Programs Based on Partial Evaluation

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2664pp. 219-237. (2003).

GeRTiSS: A Generic Multi-model Surgery Simulator

Authors: Carlos Monserrat; Oscar López; Ullrich Meier; Mariano Alcañiz; Carmen Juan; Vicente Grau. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2673pp. 59-66. (2003).

Simulación Quirúrgica

Authors: Ullrich Meier; Carlos Monserrat; Mariano Alcañiz; M Carmen Juan; Vicente Grau; José Antonio Gil. Journal: ACTA.pp. 121-131. (2003).

Computer-Aided Prostate Cancer Detection in Ultrasonographic Images

Authors: Rafael Llobet; Alejandro H. Toselli; Alfons Juan. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2652pp. 411-419. (2003).

Uniclass and Multiclass Connectionist Classification of Dialogue Acts

Authors: María José Castro; David Vilar; Emilio Sanchis; Pablo Aibar. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2905pp. 266-273. (2003).

Drugs and Nondrugs: An Effectuve Discrimination with Topological Methods and Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: Miguel Murcia-Soler; Facundo Pérez-Giménez; Francisco J. García-March; Ma Teresa Salabert-Salvador; Wladimiro Díaz-Villanueva; María José Castro-Bleda. Journal: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences.Vol. 43pp. 1688-1702. (2003).

Prediction and Discrimination of Pharmacological Activity by Using Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: M. J. Castro; W. Díaz. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2652pp. 184-192. (2003).

New Directions in Connectionist Language Modeling

Authors: María José Castro; Federico Prat. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2686pp. 598-605. (2003).

Discriminación y predicción de propiedades de fármacos mediante redes neuronales

Authors: María José Castro Bleda; Wladimiro Díaz Villanueva. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.pp. 7-16. (2003).

La plataforma de adquisición de diálogos en el proyecto Dihana

Authors: M.I.Galiano; RAMÓN GRANELL TORMO; Ll.F.Hurtado; ANTONIO MIGUEL; J.A.Sanchez; E.Sanchis. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Vol. 31pp. 341-342. (2003).

Connectionist classification and specific stochastic models in the understanding process of a dialogue system

Authors: David Vilar; María José Castro; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Eurospeech.Vol. 1pp. 645-648. (2003).

A note on the equivalence and complexity of linear grammars

Authors: José M. Sempere. Journal: Grammars.Vol. 6pp. 115-126. (2003).

Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation using Finite State Models

Authors: A.H. Toselli; A. Juan; D. Keysers; J. González; I. Salvador; H. Ney; E. Vidal; F. Casacuberta. Journal: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 18pp. 519-539. (2004).

Learning decision trees and tree automata for a syntactic pattern recognition task

Authors: José M. Sempere; Damián López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2652pp. 943-950. (2003).

Networks of evolutionary processors

Authors: Juan Castellanos; Carlos Martín-Vide; Victor Mitrana; José M. Sempere. Journal: Acta Informatica.pp. 517-529. (2003).

On some characteristic features of linear grammars and their aplication to the study of their identification and complexity (PhD Thesis Abstract)


Off-line Recognition of Syntax-Constrained Cursive Handwritten Text

Authors: J. González; I. Salvador; A.H. Toselli; A. Juan; E. Vidal; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1876pp. 143-153. (2000).

Development of a stochastic dialog manager driven by semantics

Authors: Francisco Torres; Emilio Sanchis; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Eurospeech.Vol. 1pp. 605-608. (2003).

Application of Neural Networks to Stock Prediction in "Pool" Companies

Authors: Sapena, O.; Botti, V.; Argente, E.. Journal: Applied Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 17pp. 661-673. (2003).

Tree Language Inference (PhD abstract)

Authors: Damián López Rodríguez. Journal: Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS.pp. 394-397. (2003).

Bilateral locally testable languages

Authors: Pedro García; José Ruiz; Manuel Vazquez de Parga. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.pp. 775-783. (2003).

3LB: Construcción de una base de datos árboles sintáctico semánticos

Authors: A. Molina; L. Moreno; F. Pla; E. Sanchis. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 297-298. (2003).

3LB-SAT: Una herramienta de anotación semántica

Authors: Empar Bisbal; Antonio Molina; Lidia Moreno; Ferran Pla; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 193-199. (2003).

Generalized k-Medians Clustering for Strings

Authors: Carlos D. Martínez-Hinarejos; Alfons Juan; Francisco Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2652pp. 502-509. (2003).

Modelos específicos de comprensión en un sistema de diálogo

Authors: F. García; E. Sanchis; L.F. Hurtado; E. Segarra. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 99-106. (2003).

The incorporation of confidence measures to language understanding

Authors: F. García; L.F. Hurtado; E. Sanchis; E. Segarra. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 165-172. (2003).

The SimPlanner

Authors: O.Sapena; E.Onaindía. Journal: Newsletter of the European Network of Excellence in AI Planning.Vol. 5pp. 34-35. (2002).

A Planning and Monitoring System for Dynamic Environments

Authors: O. Sapena; E.Onaindía. Journal: Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.Vol. 12pp. 151-161. (2002).

Automatic Noun Sense Disambiguation

Authors: Paolo Rosso; Ferran Pla; Antonio Molina. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 273-276. (2003).

Electronic energy transfer and collection in luminescent molecular rods containing ruthenium(II)- and osmium(II)-2,2':6',2''-terpyridine complexes linked by thiophene-2,5-diyl spacers

Authors: Encinas, S.; Flamigni, L.; Barigelletti, F.; Constable, E. C.; Housecroft, C. E.; Schofield, E. R.; Figgmeier, E.; Fenske, D.; Neuburger, M.; Vos, J. G.; Zehnder, M.. Journal: Chemistry - A European Journal.Vol. 8pp. 137-150. (2002).

Luminescent molecular wires with 2,5-thiophenediyl spacers linking [Ru(terpy)2] units

Authors: Constable, E. C.; Housecroft, C. E.; Schofield, E. R.; Encinas, S.; Armaroli, N.; Barigelletti, F.; Flamigni, L.; Figgemeier, E.; Vos, J. G.. Journal: Chemical Communications.Vol. 10pp. 869-870. (1999).

Automatización de operaciones en terminales mediante sistemas multiagente

Authors: C.Carrascosa; M.Rebollo; V.J.Inglada; M.A. de la Fuente; V.Botti. Journal: Logística Profesional.Vol. 6pp. 78-82. (2002).

User Interface Conceptual Patterns

Authors: Pedro J. Molina; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2545pp. 159-172. (2002).

Towards a Reusable Repository for Web Metrics

Authors: Oscar Pastor. Journal: Journal of Web Engineering.Vol. 1pp. 61-73. (2002).

Problemas de Satisfacción de Restricciones no Binarias con Dominios Continuos

Authors: Miguel A. Salido; Adriana Giret; Federico Barber. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.pp. 60-70. (2002).

Designing a Catalogue for Metrics

Authors: Oscar Pastor. Journal: Anales JAIO.Vol. 31pp. 108-122. (2002).

An Ada Binding to the IEEE 10031q (POSIX Tracing) Standard

Authors: A. Espinosa; A. García Fornes; A. Crespo. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2361pp. 321-333. (2002).

Can artificial neural networks help the experimentation in catalysis?

Authors: J.M. Serra; A. Corma; A. Chica; E. Argente; V. Botti. Journal: Catalysis Today.pp. 393-403. (2003).

Neural Networks for Modelling of Kinetic Reaction Data Applicable to Catalyst Scale up and Process Control and Optimisation in the frame of Combinatorial Catalysis

Authors: José M. Serra; A. Corma; Estefania Argente; Soledad Valero; Vicente Botti. Journal: Applied Catalysis A General.pp. 1-11. (2003).

Web-Oriented Software Technology

Authors: Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2548pp. 55-70. (2002).

Median strings for k-nearest neighbour classification

Authors: C. D. Martínez-Hinarejos; A. Juan; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 24pp. 173-181. (2003).

How bad may learning curves be?

Authors: JOSE HERNANDEZ-ORALLO. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. FEBREROpp. 1-1. (2001).

Wrapper induction: efficiency and expressiveness

Authors: JOSE HERNANDEZ-ORALLO. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. AGOSTOpp. 1-1. (2001).

Neural networks and intellect: using model-based concepts

Authors: JOSE HERNANDEZ-ORALLO. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. DICIEMBRpp. 1-1. (2001).

Cost complexity-based pruning of ensemble classifiers

Authors: JOSE HERNANDEZ-ORALLO. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. abrilpp. 1-1. (2002).

Building the customer-centric enterprise: data warehousing techniques for supporting customer relationship management

Authors: JOSE HERNANDEZ-ORALLO. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. Abrilpp. 1-1. (2002).

The problem of survival from an algorithm point of view

Authors: JOSE HERNANDEZ-ORALLO. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. noviembrpp. 1-1. (2002).

Methodological Approach to Software Quality Assurance

Authors: José Romero; Óscar Pastor; Jorge Belenguer. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2425pp. 397-408. (2002).

Generación de especificaciones de requisitos de software a partir de modelos de negocios.

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Alicia Martinez; Hugo Estrada. Journal: Gerencia tecnologica informatica - GTI .Vol. 1pp. 53-65. (2002).

Un Generador Automático de Planes de Migración de Datos

Authors: J. A. Carsí; I. Ramos; J. Silva; J. Pérez; V. Anaya. Journal: I+D Computacion.Vol. 1pp. 15-25. (2002).

Shared Ensemble Learning Using Multi-tree

Authors: Victor Estruch; Cesar Ferri; Jose Hernández-Orallo; Maria Jose Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2527pp. 204-213. (2002).

Smiles: A multi-purpose Learning System

Authors: V. Estruch; C. Ferri; J. Hernández; M.J. Ramírez. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2424pp. 529-532. (2002).

Context-Sensitive Rewriting Strategies

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Information and Computation.Vol. 178pp. 294-343. (2002).

Recursive Path Orderings can be Context-Sensitive

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2392pp. 314-331. (2002).

Termination of (Canonical) Context-Sensitive Rewriting

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2378pp. 296-310. (2002).

STeLLa v2.0: planning with intermediate goals

Authors: L. Sebastia; E. Onaindia; E. Marzal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 805-814. (2002).

Un Modelo de Agregación y su Representación Software

Authors: Manoli Albert; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: I+D Computacion.Vol. 1pp. 164-177. (2002).

Domain-independent on-line planning for STRIPS Domains

Authors: Oscar Sapena; Eva Onaindía. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2527pp. 825-834. (2002).

Learning Decision Trees Using the Area Under the ROC Curve

Authors: Cèsar Ferri; José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: International Conference on Machine Learning.pp. 139-146. (2002).

From Ensemble Methods to Comprehensible Models

Authors: C. Ferri; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2534pp. 165-177. (2002).

Improving On-demand Rewriting Annotations

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2514pp. 1-18. (2002).

Removing Redundant Arguments of Functions

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; S. Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2422pp. 117-131. (2002).

From checking to inference via driving and dag grammars

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. 200208pp. 1-1. (2002).

A unified computation model for functional and logic programming

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Computing Reviews.Vol. 200211pp. 1-1. (2002).

Inteligencia Artificial: presente, pasado y futuro

Authors: Federico Barber; Vicente Botti. Journal: Novática .Vol. 159pp. 4-7. (2002).

A Simple Connectionist Approach to Language Understanding in a Dialogue System

Authors: María José Castro; Emilio Sanchis. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2527pp. 664-673. (2002).

SIMBA: an Approach for Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems

Authors: V. Julian; C. Carrascosa; M. Rebollo; J. Soler; V. Botti. Journal: Associació Catalana d' Intel.ligència Artificial (ACIA).Vol. 1pp. 297-304. (2002).

A Hidden Markov Model Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation

Authors: Antonio Molina; Ferran Pla; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2527pp. 655-663. (2002).

Application of artificial neural networks to combinatorial catalysis: Modeling and Predicting ODHE Catalysts

Authors: Corma, A.; Serra, J.M.; Argente, E.; Botti, V.; Valero, S.. Journal: ChemPhysChem.Vol. 3pp. 939-945. (2002).

AI: Past, Present and Future

Authors: Federico Barber; Vicente Botti; Jana Koehler. Journal: UPGRADE.Vol. IIIpp. 2-5. (2002).

A Residualizing Semantics for the Partial Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 85pp. 19-25. (2002).

Induction of Decision Multi-Trees using Levin Search

Authors: C. Ferri-Ramírez; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2329pp. 166-175. (2002).

Towards the Quality Evaluation of Functional Aspects of Operative Web Applications

Authors: Silvia Abrahao; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2784pp. 325-338. (2003).

On the use of Bernoulli mixture models for text classification

Authors: A. Juan; E. Vidal. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 35pp. 2705-2710. (2002).

Cost-Augmented Narrowing-Driven Specialization

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: ACM SIGPLAN Notices.Vol. 37pp. 52-62. (2002).

Symbolic Profiling for Multi-Paradigm Declarative Languages

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2372pp. 148-167. (2002).

Discrete events simulation as a computer game kernel

Authors: I. Garcia; R. Molla. Journal: SIACG 2002.pp. 13-16. (2002).

A Practical Partial Evaluation Scheme for Multi-Paradigm Declarative Languages

Authors: German Vidal. Journal: THE JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL AND LOGIC PROGRAMMING.Vol. 2002pp. 1-34. (2002).

Conceptual Modeling in the eXtreme

Authors: Insfrán E.; Pelechano V.; Pastor O.. Journal: Information and Software Technology.Vol. 44pp. 659-669. (2002).

Requirements Engineering-Based Conceptual Modelling

Authors: Insfrán E.; Pastor O.. Journal: Requirements Engineering.Vol. 7pp. 61-72. (2002).

The Use of Multilayer Perceptrons in Isolated Word Recognition

Authors: M. J. Castro; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 540pp. 348-354. (1991).

The Morphic Generator Grammatical Inference Methodology and Multilayer Perceptron: A Hybrid approach to Acoustic Modeling

Authors: M. J. Castro; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1121pp. 21-29. (1996).

Neural-based classification of blocks from documents

Authors: Damián López; María José Castro. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2415pp. 541-546. (2002).

Specialization in Navigational Models

Authors: Joan Fons; Pedro Valderas; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Anales JAIO.Vol. 31pp. 16-31. (2002).

Automatic Segmentation of Speech at the Phonetic Level

Authors: Jon Ander Gómez; María José Castro. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2396pp. 672-680. (2002).

Conceptual Modeling of Personalized Web Applications

Authors: Silvia Abrahao; Joan Fons; Magalí González; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2347pp. 358-362. (2002).

Shallow Parsing using Specialized HMM

Authors: Antonio Molina; Ferran Pla. Journal: Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).Vol. 2pp. 595-613. (2002).

Una formulación unificada para distintos problemas de ambigüedad en PLN

Authors: Antonio Molina; Ferran Pla; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 121-128. (2002).

Using recurrent neural networks for automatic chromosome classification

Authors: C. Martínez; A. Juan; F. Casacuberta. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2415pp. 565-570. (2002).

Reducing the computational cost of computing approximated median strings

Authors: C. Martínez-Hinarejos; A. Juan; F. Casacuberta; R. Mollineda. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2396pp. 47-55. (2002).

Desarrollo de un gestor de diálogo basado en modelos estocásticos y dirigido por la semántica

Authors: Francisco Torres; Emilio Sanchis; Encarna Segarra. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.pp. 175-180. (2002).

Applying dialogue constraints to the understanding process in a Dialogue system

Authors: E. Sanchis; F. Garcia; M. Galiano; E. Segarra. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 389-395. (2002).

Termination of Rewriting With Strategy Annotations

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2250pp. 669-684. (2001).

Transfinite Rewriting Semantics for Term Rewriting Systems

Authors: Salvador Lucas. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2051pp. 216-230. (2001).

Conceptual Design of Electronic Product Catalogs using Object-Oriented Hypermedia Modeling Techniques

Authors: Jaime Gómez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1921pp. 19-30. (2000).

On Conceptual Modeling of Device Independent Web Applications: Towards a Web Engineering Approach

Authors: Jaime Gómez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: IEEE Multimedia.Vol. 8pp. 26-40. (2001).

Proyecto ROARS: Robust Analitical Speech Recognition System

Authors: J. M. Benedí; F. Casacuberta; E. Vidal; I. Benlloch; A. Castellanos; M. J. Castro; J. A. Gómez; A. Juan; J. A. Puchol. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Vol. 10pp. 79-86. (1991).

Using Ada 95 for Prototyping Real-Time Systems

Authors: Jorge Real; Agustín Espinosa; Alfons Crespo. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1088pp. 262-274. (1996).

Extracting semantic information through Automatic learning techniques

Authors: E. Segarra; E. Sanchis; I. Galiano; F. García; L. Hurtado. Journal: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.pp. 301-307. (2002).

Error correcting tree language inference

Authors: Damián López; Salvador España. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 23pp. 1-12. (2002).

Incremental local search for planning problems

Authors: E. Onaindia; L. Sebastia; E. Marzal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2148pp. 139-157. (2001).

SimPlanner: an execution-monitoring system for replanning in dynamic worlds

Authors: E. Onaindia; O. Sapena; L. Sebastia; E. Marzal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2258pp. 393-400. (2001).

STeLLa: an optimal sequential and parallel planner

Authors: L. Sebastiá; E. Onaindia; E. Marzal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2258pp. 409-416. (2001).

An Evaluation Semantics for Narrowing-Based Functional Logic Languages

Authors: Michael Hanus; Salvador Lucas Alba. Journal: THE JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL AND LOGIC PROGRAMMING.Vol. 2001pp. 1-43. (2001).

A Temporal Planning System for Time-Optimal Planning

Authors: Antonio Garrido; Eva Onaindía; Federico Barber. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2258pp. 379-392. (2001).

Automatic Localization of Cephalometric Landmarks

Authors: V. Grau; M. Alcañiz; M.C. Juan; C. Monserrat; C. Knoll. Journal: Journal of Biomedical Informatics.Vol. 34pp. 146-156. (2001).

Integrating Planning and Scheduling

Authors: A. Garrido; F. Barber. Journal: Applied Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 15pp. 471-491. (2001).

From User Requirements to User Interfaces: A Methodological Approach

Authors: Juan Sánchez Díaz; Oscar Pastor López; Juan J. Fons. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2068pp. 60-75. (2001).

An Object-Oriented Approach to Automate Web Applications Development

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Silvia Abrahao; Joan Fons. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2115pp. 16-28. (2001).

Parametric Timing Analysis

Authors: Emilio Vivancos; CHISTOPHER HEALY; FRANK MUELLER; DAVID WHALLEY. Journal: ACM SIGPLAN Notices.Vol. 36pp. 88-93. (2001).

Especificación de Temporalidad en Entornos Automáticos de Producción de Software a Partir de Modelos Conceptuales Objetuales

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Emilio Insfran. Journal: Computación y Sistemas.pp. 314-326. (2001).

Building E-Commerce Applications from Object-Oriented Conceptual Models

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Silvia Abrahao; Joan Fons. Journal: ACM SIGecom Exchanges.Vol. 2.2pp. 28-36. (2001).

Transcriptor ortográfico-fonético para el castellano

Authors: María José Castro; Salvador España; Andrés Marzal; Isamel Salvador. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Vol. 27pp. 241-245. (2001).

Language Simplification through Error-Correcting and Grammatical Inference Techniques

Authors: Alberto Sanchis; E. Vidal; José Miguel Benedí. Journal: Machine Learning.Vol. 44pp. 143-159. (2001).

The OO-Method approach for information systems modeling: From object-oriented conceptual modeling to automated programming

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Emilio Insfran; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Information Systems.Vol. 26pp. 507-534. (2001).

Automated Code Generation of Dynamic Specializations: An Approach Based on Design Patterns and Formal Techniques

Authors: Vicente Pelechano; Oscar Pastor; Emilio Insfrán. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 40pp. 202-238. (2002).

Diesel spray image segmentation with a likelihood ratio test

Authors: José V. Pastor; Jean Arrègle; Alberto Palomares. Journal: Applied Optics.Vol. 40pp. 2876-2885. (2001).

Acoustic-phonetic decoding of Spanish Continuous Speech

Authors: I.Galiano; E.Sanchis; I.Torres; F.Casacuberta. Journal: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 8pp. 155-180. (1994).

Flexible real-time Linux. A flexible hard real-time environment

Authors: A. Terrasa; A. García-Fornes; V. Botti. Journal: Real-Time Systems.Vol. 2pp. 149-170. (2002).

Cuantificación vectorial: algunas variantes al método de obtención de un diccionario de prototipos y su aplicación al reconocimiento automático del habla

Authors: José V. Navarro; Ferran Pla; José M. Benedí. Journal: Informática y Automática.Vol. 21pp. 38-48. (1988).

Evaluación de un etiquetador morfosintáctico basado en bigramas especializados para el castellano

Authors: Ferran Pla; Antonio Molina; Natividad Prieto. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Vol. 27pp. 215-221. (2001).

Language Understanding using Two-level Stochastic Models with POS and Semantic Units

Authors: F. Pla; A. Molina; E. Sanchis; E. Segarra; F. García. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 403-409. (2001).

A new proposal of concurrent process calculus

Authors: Javier Oliver. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1175pp. 385-392. (1996).

Semantics of objects as processes

Authors: Carlos Herrero; Javier Oliver. Journal: BASIC RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE.Vol. 1pp. 7-16. (1998).

Reconfigurable nets, a class of high level Petri Nets supporting dynamic changes

Authors: Javier Oliver. Journal: COMPUTING SCIENCE REPORTS.Vol. 1pp. 129-145. (1998).

Esquemas de tratamiento secuencial

Authors: Javier Oliver. Journal: Ensayos.Vol. 1pp. 169-182. (1991).

Generación de planes en un entorno lógico-ecuacional

Authors: Mª José Ramis; María Alpuente; Mª José Ramírez. Journal: Informática y Automática.Vol. 25pp. 31-42. (1992).

A Strong Complete Schema for Inductive Functional Logic Programming

Authors: J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1634pp. 116-127. (1999).

Conditional Narrowing with Constructive Negation

Authors: María José Ramírez; Moreno Falaschi. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 660pp. 59-79. (1993).

Incremental learning of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: C. Ferri-Ramírez; J. Hernández-Orallo; M.J. Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2024pp. 233-247. (2001).

Software as learning: Quality Factors and Life-Cycle Revised

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo; Mª José Ramírez-Quintana. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1783pp. 147-162. (2000).

Improving Control in Functional Logic Program Specialization

Authors: Elvira Albert; María Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1503pp. 262-277. (1998).

Safe Folding/Unfolding with Conditional Narrowing

Authors: María Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1298pp. 1-15. (1997).

Narrowing-driven Partial Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: María Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1058pp. 45-61. (1996).

Compositional Analysis for Equational Horn Programs

Authors: María Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 850pp. 77-94. (1994).

Narrowing Approximations as an Optimization for Equational Logic Programs

Authors: María Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 714pp. 391-409. (1993).

Semantics-Based Analysis and Transformation of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: Germán Vidal. Journal: Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS.Vol. 61pp. 253-254. (1997).

Gramáticas discriminantes y Funciones discriminantes lineales generalizadas

Authors: Ana García Fornes; Antonio Ruiz Calomarde; Francisco Casacuberta Nolla; Enrique Vidal Ruiz. Journal: Questiio .Vol. 13pp. 31-46. (1989).

Programación orientada a objetos en sistemas de tiempo real

Authors: María Alpuente; Ana García; Mª José Ramirez; Alfons Crespo; Juan A. de la Puente. Journal: AUTOMATICA E INSTRUMENTACION.pp. 261-266. (1988).

The Narrowing-Driven Approach to Functional Logic Program Specialization

Authors: Elvira Albert; Germán Vidal. Journal: New Generation Computing.Vol. 20pp. 150-175. (2001).

Métodos para la Comprobación de la Integridad en Bases de Datos Deductivas

Authors: Laura Mota Herranz; Matilde Celma Giménez. Journal: Questiio .Vol. 17pp. 75-101. (1993).

A Practical Partial Evaluator for a Multi-Paradigm Declarative Language

Authors: Elvira Albert; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2024pp. 326-342. (2001).

Measuring the Effectiveness of Partial Evaluation in Functional Logic Languages

Authors: Elvira Albert; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 2042pp. 103-124. (2001).

Obejct-Oriented Specification with the Parallel Multi-Label-Selective lambda calculus

Authors: Carlos Herrero; Javier Oliver. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1725pp. 395-403. (1999).

Object Oriented Conceptual Modeling of Web Application Interfaces: the OO-HMethod Abstract Presentation Model

Authors: Oscar Pastor López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 206-216. (2000).

Conceptual Design of Electronic Product Catalogd Using OO Hymermedia Modeling Techniques

Authors: Oscar Pastor López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 19-31. (2000).

Extending a Conceptual Modelling Approach to Web Application Design

Authors: Oscar Pastor López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 79-94. (2000).

From CASE to CARE (Computer-Aided Requirements Engineering)

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Jose H. Canos; Isidro Ramos. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 278-292. (1999).

On a class of regular-like expressions for linear languages

Authors: José M. Sempere. Journal: JOURNAL OF AUTOMATA, LANGUAGES AND COMBINATORICS.Vol. 5pp. 343-354. (2000).

An Integrated Statistical Model for Tagging and Chunking Unrestricted Text.

Authors: Ferran Pla; Antonio Molina; Natividad Prieto. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 15-18. (2000).

Herramienta para el etiquetado léxico y análisis sintáctico de textos orientado a la construcción de corpus supervisados

Authors: Xavier Ribera; Antonio Molina; Ferran Pla. Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Vol. 26pp. 119-124. (2000).

Improving Functional Logic Programs by Difference-Lists

Authors: Elvira Albert; César Ferri; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1961pp. 238-251. (2000).

Using an Abstract Representation to Specialize Functional Logic Programs

Authors: Elvira Albert; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1955pp. 381-398. (2000).

Syntactic pattern recognition by error correcting analysis on tree automata

Authors: Damián López. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .pp. 133-142. (2000).

Error correcting analysis for tree languages

Authors: Damián López Rodríguez; José M. Sempere; Pedro García. Journal: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 14pp. 357-368. (2000).

From Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling to Component-Based Development

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Emilio Insfran; Vicente Pelechano. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1677pp. 332-341. (1999).

Generación Automática de Prototipos en Entornos Internet/Intranet a Partir de Modelos Conceptuales OO

Authors: Oscar Pastor; Vicente Pelechano; Emilio Insfrán. Journal: Computación y Sistemas.Vol. 3pp. 38-49. (1999).

A new approach for the real-time simulation of tissue deformations in surgery simulation

Authors: Monserrat, C.; Alcañiz M; Juan, M. C.. Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.Vol. 64pp. 77-85. (2001).

A new approach for the real-time simulation of tissue deformations

Authors: Monserrat, C.; Juan, M.C.. Journal: Les Cahiers de Rhéologie.Vol. XVIpp. 290-297. (1999).

Interactive image-guided surgery system with high-performance computing capabilities on low-cost workstations: A prototype

Authors: Alcañiz M.; Grau, V.; C. Monserrat; Juan, C.. Journal: Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery.Vol. 72pp. 112-116. (1999).

Preliminares y tendencias en el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural

Authors: A.Molina; L.Moreno. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. v/99pp. 65-76. (1999).

Extracción y Visualización de Conocimiento en Bases de Datos Médicas

Authors: José Hernández Orallo; M. Carmen Juan Lizandra; Carlos Monserrat Aranda. Journal: ACTA.Vol. 18pp. 49-58. (2000).

Aprendizaje Automático de Programas Lógico-Funcionales

Authors: Cesar Ferri-Ramirez; José Hernández Orallo; María José Ramírez Quintana. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 19pp. 27-38. (2000).

Modelización Formal de Protocolos Criptográficos en Cálculo de Situaciones

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Journal: Novática .Vol. 143pp. 57-63. (2000).

Predictive Software

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo; M.Jose Ramirez-Quintana. Journal: Automated Software Engineering.Vol. 8pp. 1-30. (2001).

Beyond the Turing Test

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Journal: Journal of Logic Language and Information.Vol. 9pp. 447-466. (2000).

Explanatory and Creative Alternatives to the MDL Principle

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Journal: Foundations of Science.Vol. 5pp. 1-23. (2000).

Truth From Trash. How Learning Makes Sense

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Journal: Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 124pp. 161-165. (2000).

Constructive Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Systems.Vol. 15pp. 241-264. (2000).

Comparison of Four Initialization Techniques for the K-Medians Clustering Algorithm

Authors: Alfons Juan Císcar; Enrique Vidal Ruíz. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1876pp. 842-852. (2000).

Off-Line Recognition of Syntax-Constrained Cursive Handwritten Text

Authors: Ismael Salvador Igual; Alfons Juan Císcar; Enrique Vidal Ruíz; Francisco Casacuberta Nolla. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1876pp. 143-153. (2000).

Dynamic Changes in Concurrent Systems: Modelling and Verification

Authors: Oliver Villarroya. Journal: INRIA -Rapport de recherche-.pp. 1-37. (1999).

Computational Measures of Information Gain and Reinforcement in Inference Processes

Authors: Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 13pp. 49-50. (2000).

A Semantics for Program Analysis in Narrowing-Based Functional Logic Languages

Authors: Salvador Lucas Alba. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1722pp. 353-368. (1999).

Especialización Dinámica y Generación Automática de Código: Un Enfoque Basado en Patrones de Diseño

Authors: Vicente Pelechano; Juan Sánchez; Oscar Pastor. Journal: Novática .pp. 44-49. (2000).

A Partial Evaluation Framework for Curry Programs

Authors: Elvira Albert; M. Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1705pp. 376-396. (1999).

A Transformation System for Lazy Functional Logic Programs

Authors: M. Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1722pp. 147-162. (1999).

An Automatic Composition Algorithm for Functional Logic Programs

Authors: María Alpuente; Germán Vidal. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1963pp. 289-297. (2000).

UPV-Curry: An Incremental Curry Interpreter

Authors: M. Alpuente; S. Escobar; Salvador Lucas Alba. Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science .Vol. 1725pp. 331-339. (1999).

Agentes Inteligentes: el siguiente paso en la Inteligencia Artificial

Authors: V. Julián; V. Botti. Journal: Novática .pp. 95-99. (2000).

A multiagent system architecture for retrieving and showing information

Authors: Julian, V.; Carrascosa, C.; Soler, J.. Journal: KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION .Vol. 27pp. 11-16. (2000).

Un Sistema de Transformación para Programas Multi-Paradigma

Authors: M. Alpuente; C. Ferri; Germán Vidal. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. 8pp. 27-35. (1999).

Specialization of Inductively Sequential Functional Logic Programs

Authors: María ALpuente; Salvador Lucas Alba; Germán Vidal. Journal: ACM SIGPLAN Notices.Vol. 34pp. 273-283. (1999).

SPLIN : Una herramienta para el diseño, ejecución y evaluación de problemas de planificación.

Authors: L. Sebastiá; E. Marzal. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.pp. 54-64. (1999).

Medida de penetración y ángulo en chorros de inyección Diesel mediante técnicas de procesado digital de imágenes

Authors: J.V. Pastor; D. Correas; A. Palomares. Journal: Anales de ingeniería mecánica.Vol. 2pp. 336-341. (1998).

Java. ¿Un refugio para los expertos?

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: ACTA.Vol. 4pp. 71-76. (1997).

Internet y la Divulgación Científica

Authors: José Hernández-Orallo. Journal: ACTA.Vol. 2pp. 11-18. (1996).

Atlas Cerebrales. Contribución de la informática en su evolución

Authors: M. Carmen Juan Lizandra; Carlos Monserrat Aranda; Grau, V.. Journal: ACTA.pp. 57-66. (1999).

Síntesis de imágenes en imagen médica

Authors: M. Carmen Juan Lizandra; Carlos Monserrat Aranda; José Hernández Orallo. Journal: ACTA.pp. 45-55. (1999).


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Decodificación Acústico-Fonética para el Castellano en ROARS

Authors: M. J. Castro; J.A. Gomez. Journal: Novática .pp. 27-31. (1994).

Reconocimiento Automático del Habla: Modelos y Técnicas

Authors: J.A. Gómez; N. Prieto; E. Sanchis. Journal: Novática .pp. 18-23. (1998).

Root neededness and approximations of neededness

Authors: S. Lucas. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 67pp. 245-254. (1998).

Strongly sequential and inductively sequential term rewriting systems

Authors: S. Lucas. Journal: Information Processing Letters.Vol. 67pp. 1-8. (1998).

Context-Sensitive Computations in Functional and Functional Logic Programs

Authors: S. Lucas. Journal: THE JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL AND LOGIC PROGRAMMING.Vol. 1998pp. 1-61. (1998).

Reconfigurable Nets, a Class of High Level Petri Nets Supporting Dynamic Changes within Workflow Systems

Authors: J. Oliver. Journal: IRISA -Publication interne-.Vol. 1163pp. 1-23. (1998).

Fast Median Search in Metric Spaces

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Temporal Reasoning in REAKT:An Environment for Real-Time Knowledge-Based Systems

Authors: V.Botti. Journal: AI Communications.Vol. 7pp. 175-202. (1997).

Entorno de Programación LALI Implementado en Prolog

Authors: Alpuente M.; V.Botti; Galiano I.; Sanchis E.; Vila F.; Ramos I.. Journal: Informática y Automática.Vol. XXpp. 9-14. (1987).

Sistemas de Mantemiento de la Razón (SMR)

Authors: V.Botti. Journal: Novática .Vol. XVIpp. 61-74. (1990).

Sistemas Expertos de Tiempo Real

Authors: V.Botti. Journal: Novática .Vol. XVIIpp. 46-56. (1991).

Estrategias de Planificación Para una Arquitectura de Pizarra de Tiempo Real

Authors: A.García-Fornes; V.Botti; A.Crespo. Journal: Novática .pp. 17-22. (1994).

Un Sistema de Planificación Temporal

Authors: V.Botti. Journal: Novática .pp. 31-36. (1994).

Buscando componentes 8-conexas eficientemente

Authors: Juan, M. C.; Alcañiz M.; Monserrat, C.; Grau, V.; Knoll, C.. Journal: Novática .Vol. Sep-Octpp. 57-60. (1999).

Splines deformables. Un nuevo método de modelado de geometrías complejas. Aplicación al modelado de estructuras anatómicas

Authors: Juan, M. C.; Monserrat, C.. Journal: Anales de Ingeniería Gráfica.Vol. Ene-Dicpp. 25-33. (1997).

Computer-Aided Periodontal Disease Diagnosis using computer vision

Authors: Juan, M. C.; Alcañiz M.; Monserrat, C.; Grau, V.. Journal: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.Vol. 23pp. 209-217. (1999).

Outlining of the prostate using snakes with shape restrictions based on the wavelet transform

Authors: Knoll, C.; Alcañiz Raya M.; Grau, V.; Monserrat, C.; Juan, M. C.. Journal: Pattern Recognition.Vol. 32pp. 1767-1781. (1999).

Partial Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs

Authors: M. Alpuente; G. Vidal. Journal: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.Vol. 20pp. 768-844. (1998).

A Compositional Semantics for Conditional Term Rewriting Systems

Authors: M. Alpuente; M. Falaschi; G. Vidal. Journal: ACM SIGPLAN Notices.Vol. 29pp. 5-12. (1994).

An Unifying View of Functional and Logic Program Optimization

Authors: M. Alpuente; G. Vidal. Journal: ACM Computing Surveys.Vol. 30pp. 9-12. (1998).

Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida en Entornos de Tiempo Real

Authors: E.Vivancos; L.Hernández; V.J.Botti. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.Vol. IXpp. 24-35. (1998).

Técnicas y Arquitecturas de Inteligencia Artificial en Tiempo Real

Authors: E.Vivancos; L.Hernández; V.J. Botti. Journal: Informática y Automática.Vol. 30pp. 5-22. (1998).

Adding hard real-time tasks to artificial intelligence environments

Authors: BOTTI, V.; CRESPO, A.; GARCIA-FORNES, A.. Journal: Real Time Programming 1995 (WRTP'95). A Postprint Volume from the 20th IFAC/IFIP Workshop.Vol. -pp. 131-140. (1995).

Optimal aperiodic scheduling for dynamic-priority systems

Authors: CRESPO, A.; GARCIA-FORNES, A.; RIPOLL, I.. Journal: Proceedings. Third International Workshop on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (Cat. No.Vol. -pp. 294-300. (1996).

A temporal blackboard for real-time process control

Authors: BARBER, F.; BOTTI, V.; CRESPO, A.; GALLARDO, D.; ONAINDIA, E.. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 7pp. 255-321. (1994).

Fast K-means-like clustering in metric spaces

Authors: JUAN, A.; VIDAL, E.. Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 15pp. 19-25. (1994).

La ambigüedad en los distintos niveles de análisis del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural

Authors: MORENO, L.; MOLINA, A.. Journal: Boletin AEPIA.pp. 71-83. (1996).

Planificación de tareas aperiódicas en sistemas de tiempo real estricto

Authors: GARCIA, A.; TERRASA, A.; BOTTI, V.. Journal: Novática .Vol. 129pp. 22-30. (1997).

Reconocimiento del Habla mediante Redes Neuronales

Authors: CASTRO, M.. Journal: Inteligencia Artificial.pp. 16-21. (1997).


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Specialization of lazy functional logic programs

Authors: ALPUENTE, M.; Falaschi, M.; Julián, P.; VIDAL, G.. Journal: ACM SIGPLAN Notices.Vol. 32pp. 151-162. (1997).

Strategies for Scheduling Optional Tasks in Intelligent Real-Time Environments

Authors: GARCIA, A.; HASSAN, H.; CRESPO, A.. Journal: Microprocessing and Microprogramming.Vol. 42pp. 391-407. (1996).

An Optimal Algorithm for Scheduling Soft Aperiodic Tasks in Dynamic Priority Systems

Authors: RIPOLL, J.; CRESPO, A.; GARCIA, A.. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Vol. 23pp. 388-400. (1997).

Una aproximación a la Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida

Authors: HERNANDEZ, L.; VIVANCOS, E.; BOTTI, V.. Journal: Novática .Vol. 127pp. 53-65. (1997).

Analyzing the schedulability of hard real-time artificial intelligence systems

Authors: GARCIA, A.; TERRASA, A.; BOTTI, V.; CRESPO, A.. Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 10pp. 369-377. (1997).

CLIPS: Una herramienta de desarrollo de Sistemas Expertos

Authors: BOTTI, V.; ONAINDIA, E.. Journal: Boletin AEPIA.Vol. 3pp. 4-11. (1995).

A compositional semantic basis for the analysis of equational Horn programs

Authors: ALPUENTE, M.; Falaschi, M.; VIDAL, G.. Journal: Theoretical Computer Science.Vol. 165pp. 133-169. (1996).

A McCulloch-Pitts neural net to characterize even linear languages

Authors: SEMPERE, J.; LOPEZ, D.. Journal: Information Processing Letters.pp. 201-208. (1995).

Extensiones del lambda-cálculo para modelizar la concurrencia

Authors: OLIVER, F.. Journal: Boletin AEPIA.Vol. 4pp. 16-21. (1995).

Towards a temporal coherence management in real-time knowledge-based systems

Authors: V.Botti; F.Barber; A.Crespo. Journal: Data & Knowledge Engineering.Vol. 25pp. 247-266. (1998).